Muslim Leaders Pledge To Join Forces Against Boko Haram, Condemn CAN Head’s Comments

Madalla-church-31-12-11MUSLIM leaders, under the umbrella of Jama’tu Nasril Islam (JNI) have promised to join hands with the leadership of Christians in the country to fight the menace of Boko Haram sect in order to put an end to the insecurity pervading the nation.

Meanwhile, the President of the Catholic Bishops of Nigeria (CBCN), Bishop Frank Alabo Job has called on Muslim leaders  to join forces with other Nigerians in putting an end to the activities of Boko Haram.

In a statement issued by Bishop Job in Kaduna yesterday, he pointed out that “Boko Baram have claimed responsibility for this shameful crime against God and humanity,” however, “we use this opportunity to call on our peace loving Muslims especially their leaders from the political, economic, social and religious spectrums not only to publicly denounce, but for their own good and the good of Nigeria to be proactive and to do everything positive to end this movement.”


JNI leaders, however, cautioned the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor to desist from inciting the Christian population into a religious warfare against the Muslims, saying that such may not be in the best interest of the corporate existence of Nigeria.

The Secretary General of JNI, Dr. Khalid Abubakar Aliyu, while addressing journalists in Kaduna yesterday, reviewed the events leading to the Christmas day bombing of churches in some parts of northern states and the reactions of religious, traditional and opinion leaders in the country, stressing that the position of Oritsejafor may not be helpful for the security and well-being of the country.

According to him: “The Muslims in Nigeria are always ready to promote peace and peaceful co-existence in the country, but it is unfortunate that some people are misunderstanding the good intention of our leaders and rather they are calling for war in the country.

“We are really ready to join hands with the Christians in tackling this menace of bombing in Nigeria. We are also ever- ready to find solution the insecurity in the country today. We are ready and we will continue to be ready.”

Besides, Aliyu said:  “It is with a heavy heart and a sense of responsibility that I address you this morning in response to some of the unguarded utterances made by the leader of a religious organization who is supposed to be seen as an ambassador of peace.

“But unfortunately, he went right into the heart of Aso Rock Villa to threaten the government and to say whatever he had to say before the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria”.  “He also accused the Muslim leadership, the religious scholars and other leaders within the Muslim community.

“He blamed the attack also on religious and traditional rulers whom he said are not publicly condemning this upsurge of bomb attacks. This statement is an unguarded utterances is intended to incite and instigate Christians against Muslims in this country”.

The JNI scribe argued, while lamenting  the utterances ascribed the CAN President, that “in essence, the man has already called for war.”

He added: “He said it that there is going to be a civil war in this country. It is very astonishing for such a person to say that Muslims have not condemned the act when more than two dozens of prominent Muslim scholars have condemned what happened at Madalla.

“Apart from that, the governor of Niger State and other traditional leaders have been there. The Sultan himself has declared that the attack was unIslamic and yet, he said that was unacceptable”.

We don’t know whether he wants us to jump the gun and arrest faceless people whom the government has not been able to arrest and then kill them. What he wants is for us to apply jungle justice on them. Do we have that legal authority to begin to chase people that we don’t even know? Therefore, this statement is contempt on the Sultan of Sokoto who is the President General of JNI and NSCIA.”

. Where were they when Muslims were attacked during the Eid-Fitr celebration that proceeded the month of Ramadan in Plateau State where Muslims were attacked, killed and maimed?

According to him: “This group has apparently declared war on Nigeria and at times of war, nations count on their reserves.

“It is apparent that if we depend only on our available active security agents, we shall not make progress.