Koran Says You Can Forcefully Sleep With Non-Muslim Women In War – Islamic Cleric

Another Islamic cleric recently made it permissible for the Islamic fighters waging a jihad in Syria—politely known as “the opposition”—to rape the nation’s women.


Salafi Sheikh Yasir al-‘Ajlawni, a Jordanian of origin who earlier lived in Damascus, Syria for 17 years, posted a YouTube video last week where he said he was preparing to issue a “legitimate fatwa” making it legal (in the eyes of Islam) for those Muslims fighting to topple secular president Bashar Assad and install Sharia law to “capture and have sex with” all non-Sunni women, specifically naming Assad’s own sect, the Alawites, as well as the Druze and several others, in short, all non-Sunnis and non-Muslims.


The sheikh used Islam’s legitimate Arabic term for these hapless, non-Muslim women, melk al-yamin, a phrase that appears in Islam’s sacred book, the Koran, and which is simply a reference to non-Muslim sex-slaves.

For example, Koran 4:3 commands Muslim men to “Marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four… or what your right hands possess.”

Islam’s ulema, or “scholars,” are unanimously agreed that “what your right hands possess” is, according to Islamic law, simply a sex-slave. Linguistic evidence further suggests that she is seen more as an animal or a possession than a human—hence this inhuman fatwa.

Jordanian Sheih Yasir al-‘Ajlawni is certainly not the first cleric to legitimize the rape of infidel women in recent times. Calls to capture and rape non-Muslim women are appearing with increasing frequency from all corners of the Islamic world.

A few months earlier, Saudi preacher Muhammad al-Arifi also issued a fatwa allowing jihadi fighters to engage in “intercourse marriage” with captive Syrian women that lasts for a few hours “in order to give each fighter a turn”—also known as gang-rape.

Then there is Egyptian Sheikh Ishaq Huwaini, who once lectured on how infidel captives, or to use another term from the Koran, ghanima, the “spoils of war,” are to be distributed among the jihadis and taken to “the slave market, where slave-girls and concubines are sold.”

He, too, referred to such women as “what your right hands possess,” saying: “You go to the market and buy her, and she becomes like your legal mate—though without a contract, a guardian, or any of that stuff—and this is agreed upon by the ulema… In other words, when I want a sex-slave, I go to the market and pick whichever female I desire and buy her.”

Indeed, even some Muslim women advocate the enslavement

and rape of fellow (non-Muslim) women. Kuwaiti political activist, Salwa al-Mutairi, for instance, is working to see the institution of sex-slavery return.

In a video she posted online, she explained how she once asked Islam’s greatest authorities living in the city of Mecca, the city of Islam, about the legality of sex-slavery and how they all confirmed it to be perfectly legitimate. According to Mutairi:

“A Muslim state must first attack a Christian state—sorry, I mean any non-Muslim state—and they (the women, the future sex-slaves) must be captives of the raid. Is this forbidden?

Not at all, according to Islam, sex slaves are not at all forbidden. Quite the contrary, the rules regulating sex-slaves differ from those for free women (i.e., Muslim women).

The latter’s body must be covered entirely, except for her face and hands, whereas the sex-slave is kept naked from the bellybutton on up—she is different from the free woman, the free woman has to be married properly to her husband, but the sex-slave—he just buys her and that’s that.”

The Kuwaiti activist went on to offer concrete suggestions: “For example, in the Chechnya war, surely there are female Russian captives. So go and buy those and sell them here in Kuwait, better that than have our men engage in forbidden sexual relations. I don’t see any problem in this, no problem at all.”

Source: Human Events


  1. The so called shaikh lacked knowledege of Islam,the fighting going on in Syria is far from being islamic jihad.The conditions that stipulate a jihad is not observed.I dont think this man knows what Islam is.This man is anti Islam,this is an act of encouraging adoultry and fornication.

  2. This so-called sheikh has little knowledge and little facts to back this claim and I believe he is being used to try and spoil the name and image of this beautiful religion. Allah will surely give us victory.

  3. What kind of misinterpretation of the holy Koran verses is that? If truly these so-called sheikhs made this comments, no doubt they have a very tiny and little knowledge of Islam and Syrian civil war is unislamic. Furthermore, they are not jihadis the backgrounds of the is democracy and the want have a democratic Syria through rebellion

  4. This sheik knows what he was saying,but u that condenmed him never knew what your book said,this issue of having sex contacts happened in the days of muhammed when he attackec bani mustaliq,his followers capture some arab women and they desire them in the abscense of their woman and at the same time they are interested in thier price as a slave,so they resulted to practise sex with withdrawer method with thier slave women. And muhammed approved slping with them and admonished them not to practice withdrawer system For more information check hadit quoted “muslim number 3433”

  5. My advice to all christians is that,they should be at alert,because the way some islamic community are thinking and their hatred against innocent christians is unbearable.their aims is to forcefully islamize the whole world.because this acticle revealed that some evil clerics like him in different country are planning this evil.i know our redemer lives .

  6. Yakubu Sunday Bot · Forensic Scientist at University of Cape Town

    Am not supprise.Like father like son. There no infidel like you.As his father is so is he.So Allah is synonymous to doing evil,. is he a blood tasty demon and a sexmania? I stil cant understand why people must kill in the name of this Allah, Rape innocent children and women in the name of this same allah whom they claim created every one including their victims. I better die as a pegan than to worship this kind god.Even those who worship other creatures like the sun, moon , trees believe and respects the santity of others.God forbid.Know yes that those who do such wicked things will end up with their father, the deceiver……the devil.REPENT OR YOU PERISH YOU MALLAM.

  7. Let me make it clear to u all that ISLAM is perfect but MUSLIMS are not perfect. This man that is calling himself Shiekh or whatever is indeed an anti- Islamic. If you analyze his statements you will understand that, but if u aren’t overcome by sentiment. He quoted the verses of The Qur’an out of context, Suratul Al Imran Chapter 4:3 does not mean that u should just capture a non – Muslim for your sex slave.
    In whatever circumstances is not allowed for a Muslim to harm a women, children & Old people even during the time of War. Islam does not support by any means sexual harassment & rape, rather it grants a man right if he wishes he can marry a slave nd under her wish. Many things have been said and are still being said about Islam, it is true if you have a little or no knowledge on Islam can be influenced by this people that are trying to malign Islam.
    Further more, @Titi nd Temitope if you don’t know Islam don’t say anything about Islam, but if you can prove to me Temitope that you know Islam, I need reference of what you just said because as a Muslim I have never come across that in both the teaching of the Qur’an nd Sunnah.
    My advice to non-Muslims: I know if not all 90% of you all think that Qur’an is an evil book that teaches bad things, I cannot convinced you by telling you that it is not but as u take it like that, just find a copy of Qur’an that has English translation read it & find anything that is inhumane nd evil, just for the sake of knowledge so dat u cannot fall into its trap.

  8. Why the sentiments on Islam? Let me ask a question. Does the Bible supports GAY marriage? cos these marriages are carried out in churches. Also they have church of of SATAN. You should all know that because people say or do somethings in the name of religion does not mean their Holy Book realy say that.

  9. Ina lilahi wa ina alayhim raguoon.. May Allah(s.w.a) judge you. Indeed in was revealed..that ”those who indulge in evil or spread evil in the name of your Lord, ye shall be purnished”. Look how you made the non-muslims mock Allah, but in the hereafter, Allah shall indeed mock you..

  10. “They wish to extinguish the light of Allah by their utterances,but Allah forbids that his light be extinguished even if the unbelievers may detest it”. All these misrepresentation of Islam by its enemies and their paid agents will never stand the test of time.

  11. My dear brother this is another evidence from hadit called sahih muslims book 008 number 3371 chapter 22.
    Abu sirma said abu sa’id al khadri (allah be pleased with him) o abu sa’id u hear allah’messenger mentioning al-azl? He said yes and added:we went out with allah’s apostle on the expendition to the Bani mustaliq and we captures some excellent arab women and we desired them because we are surffring from abscence of our wives and at the same time we are interested in the ransom for them so we decided to have sexual intercourse with them by observing “Azl” with them (withdrawing the male sexual organ before emmission of semen to avoid conception) but we said we are doing an act when muhammed is with us,so they went to ask him about the ‘azl’ which he said they should not do cos number of souls that allah ordained to be born will be born,if u re still doubting,let me know

  12. This clerics are not knowledgeable about Islam or they are not muslims! There is no where in the Quran where adultery or fornification is allowed! This story is a fabrication to tarnish the religion of Islam bcos no islamic scholar can give this type of false fatwa and go scot free! Its false, malicious and should be condemned by any sane person! This is not what islam taught us!

  13. “And whoever of you have not the means wherewith to wed free,believing women, they may wed believing girls from among those (slaves) whom your right hands possess, and Allah has full knowledge about your faith; you are one from another. Wed them with the permission of their own folk(guardians or masters ) and give them their Mahr i.e dowry according to what is reasonable;….. Qur’an 4:25. Please don’t judge Islam at far

  14. God banished the devil for disobeying his order to prostrate for Adam, he refuse to do so out of jealousy and hatred he has for Adam and his children.
    But made a last prayer or request before he was left loose to perish, that God should give him respite to have a long life so as to get followers out of Adams children. God granted him his his last wish.
    The devil is doing what ever it takes to tarnish the image of Islam, but God in His infinite mercy is working on people with good heart to accept Islam, if what the devil and his advocate are doing, without Gods intervention do you think there will be one single Muslim on earth from the time of Prophet (saw) to date?
    Oh you who have brain and are using it for reasoning and analyzing situation to know the truth remove sentiment, grudge and the pride you are harboring in your heart, see light so that you will not regret on the day of judgement, it start from the day you die.
    Allah is our witness you were told but out of pride and love for the worldly things you refuse to take the right path but one day you will wish the reminder would have done more than reminding you because of where you may find your self if you didn’t repent.
    Read the Qur’an, there you will find the truth all what the devil and his agent are interpreting about the Qur’an is not what the Qur’an is saying.
    Why is it that is only Islam not Christianity Judaism or Juju?
    Why are Muslim seen as threat not Christians, Jews or Babalawos?
    Why is all the super power Nations Fighting Islam directly and indirectly not others.
    BUT……BUT….. Why is Islam population growing every day….
    Allah Allah Allah all Praises be to Allah…..
    We thank you Allah for guiding us
    May any who want to be guided see the light before it is too late to cry..
    Thank you for reading me…….

    April 12, 2013 at 11:50 pm

    God banished the devil for disobeying his order to prostrate for Adam, he refuse to do so out of jealousy and hatred he has for Adam and his children.
    But made a last prayer or request before he was left loose to perish, that God should give him respite to have a long life so as to get followers out of Adams children. God granted him his his last wish.
    The devil is doing what ever it takes to tarnish the image of Islam, but God in His infinite mercy is working on people with good heart to accept Islam, if what the devil and his advocate are doing, without Gods intervention do you think there will be one single Muslim on earth from the time of Prophet (saw) to date?
    Oh you who have brain and are using it for reasoning and analyzing situation to know the truth remove sentiment, grudge and the pride you are harboring in your heart, see light so that you will not regret on the day of judgement, it start from the day you die.
    Allah is our witness you were told but out of pride and love for the worldly things you refuse to take the right path but one day you will wish the reminder would have done more than reminding you because of where you may find your self if you didn’t repent.
    Read the Qur’an, there you will find the truth all what the devil and his agent are interpreting about the Qur’an is not what the Qur’an is saying.
    Why is it that is only Islam not Christianity Judaism or Juju?
    Why are Muslim seen as threat not Christians, Jews or Babalawos?
    Why is all the super power Nations Fighting Islam directly and indirectly not others.
    BUT……BUT….. Why is Islam population growing every day….
    Allah Allah Allah all Praises be to Allah…..
    We thank you Allah for guiding us
    May any who want to be guided see the light before it is too late to cry..
    Thank you for reading me…….

  16. Why did u think the statement is altered? I dont know either you are a christian or muslim but the point is that i felt bad cos such a thing is in a religion u cherished but the point is that the statement is right mr tunde try to research on your religion,there are hidding facts lock up somewhere and u can unlock it. There are hadits on line and quran on line too. For example the hadits widely compiled and respected,check my above comment and u will see those i quoted myself. Truth is religion not dogmatism.

  17. @ Temitope!may u and d@ shaykh die in misguidance, U both don’t knw even know anything Abt Islam. U d@ don’t even know the contextual meaning of Qur’aan n can’t recognized a fabricated n weak Ahadith.

    • I am a Muslim woman myself and everything this man is saying is true. Go and read about the history of the prophet. Prophet Muhammad had two sex slaves himself. You are the one who is ignorant of your religion. In Mecca in the lifetime of the prophet sex slaves or what your right hand ‘possesses’ we’re allowed for Muslim men and the women even if they were married still had to sleep with their owner ( despite the fact that they had husbands) go and read ” the sealed nectar” a biography of the prophet Muhammad. You will have more of an appreciation of this sex slave issue and Islamic extremism

  18. My dear brother u need not to curse me over the matter of truth,u re are talking of weak and strong hadith,i want you to point out weak and strong hadits side by side or mentioned them by names,firstly i want u to know i quoted from a relible hadith of bhukhari and sahin muslims hadith which are widely regarded in muslim world,if u want to know about your religion, why not delve into extensive study of some books like ibn ishaq’s work on sirat rasullulai or ibn hisham work on the same topic. Moreover dont forget that this shehu yasir was not the only person mentioned in this article,another saudi preacher in person of muhammed al-Arifi was mentioned,also sheik ishaq huwani of egypt was mentioned lastly an activist salwa al-mutairi of kuwait was also named. They all confirmed what sheuh Yasir said. Now the point is that we need to seek for knowledge, once again i quoted from reputable source. Pls dont be dogmatic in reason,know that all the verses of quran came base on the issues that needed to be resolve,therefore hadit is the complementry source of quran. Aftr expeditions undertaken by rasulu they kill the men and spare the children and women and these were termed as booty of the wars shared in ratio 1:5 between rasulu and his men. They therefore had right to them,truly muhammed asked them to marry them if they so wish with full dowry. Apart from his saying,he also allowed his men to have canal knowledge of them if they so wish and later exchanged for money cos slavery was the order of the day in all hijaz up to the yemen. Read bhukhari hadit,abu dawdoo and sahin muslims hadit or travel down to saudi to find out. Masalam.

  19. Fuck the Qur’an, No wonder Rushdie wrote the Satanic verses of it. U claim islam is a religion of peace but u’re the belligerent fuckers all over God’s green Earth. Fuck Mohammed!! and fuck yr fucking Hadith.

  20. If quran never in support of this,then there are hadit which narrated a story about this,u can go for the bukari hadith 34 432 or just go to the internet and asked for the bukhari hadit where prophet followers were asked not to practise coltus interruptus with thier slave women.

  21. Hello everyone, the matter u r draggin upon is not supposed to be. Try to live all God’s hand , he know everything we don’t and he judge us on our religion, deed and worship. To those of u browsing the internet for hadith or quran, 4 better debate i will explore you to do a live researh not internet researh. Google doesn’t differentiate between satanic(false) websites from holy (true) websites. U r free to practise any religion but i ll lik u to mak an execessively research before choosing. Mind u, not only internet research, buy a copy of the scripture to support u. Now i rest my case. Praise to almight Allah that am now a Muslim. Thanks

  22. If islam is perfect i want full interpretation of the quran 33:50,anybody who is interested should do so without any bias. To me,marrying daughter of your maternal and paternal uncle and aunty for muhammed only bring a lot of confussions and discredit to islam,in every culture daugter of ones uncle and aunty from maternal and paternal are ones relative or relations. Therefore it is incest.

  23. Salam, peace be upon u all, I am a true believing christain jehovah withness but now a true and confirm muslim I was never in the dark even when am a christain because I do serve God with 1 mind and I followed all God’s ordainment over man I get convinced when I see all muslims believing in jesus and all the previous prophet and their scriptures and they do not believe in trinity do way jehovah witness do not believe also, why not the believe of this trinitarianism which is God d father God d son and God d holy ghost this is indeed blasphemism because it is a believe that 1 can’t do without another!
    Moreover to them its an incomprehensible creed.they waver b/w saying that they are 3 persons,names,or qualities.they moreover, disagree about the quality atributed 2 each person.yet who are thesa persons?
    Some of the acts and attributes of the Holy Ghost will be found detailed in the story of samson. The story of samson was selected because the spirit of the Lord came upon him.it was recorded in “JUDGES 13:3-5″ and the angel of the Lord apeared unto the woman,and said unto her, behold now,thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; now therefore beware, I pray thee,and drink not wine nor strong drinj,and eat no any unclean thing: for lo, thou shall conceive,and bear a son;and no razor shall come on his head :for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb:and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the philistines”,and in the same chaptet 13:24-25″and woman vear a son ,and called his name samson: and child grew,and the Lord blessed him.and the spirit of the Lord began to move him at times in the camp of Dan between Zorah and Eshtaol” these text show the rank of samson as the Lord blessed him and the spirit of the Lord moved him.the story ends with the resolution that:and the spirit of the Lord came upon him ,and he went down to Ashkelon,and slew thirty men of them. And took their spoils,and gave change of garments unto them which expound a riddle that he told them.and his anger was kindled, and he went up to his father’s housr”(judges 14:19) we have mentioned this thirty men , regardless of thousands that were cold bloodedly killed by him after the spirit of the Lord came upon him,because its protagonist is the one who discribed through the bible that he is blessed by the Lord and the spirit used to come to him
    Only this incidents makes the Holy Ghost the head of terrorism in thr past
    And for The Son he is a cursed person.it was cursed by paul in his message to the Galatians in the new testament “christ hath redeemed us from the cursed of the law, being made curse for us:for it is written cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree”(Galatians)”
    In addition ,some of his sayings in the new testament such as ; think not that I have come to send peace on earth: I have come not to send peace but a sword”(MATTHEW: 10:34)” and I am come to send fire on earth ;and what will I , if it be already kindled”(LUKE: 12:49) Imply that he will cast into Hell that which he cannot grasp by sword. Yet those who still call themselves christains blabber that Lord is Love.
    A final word on the son would be concerning his life. During his lifetime,he used to eat and drinj liquor.consequently,he would excrete food In the form of feces and kiquor in the form of urine.what sort of god is he whi excretes? Meanwhile,would christains-since you believe that human and devine natures are inseparable-kneel before the Christ’s image in churches if He is portrayed excreting? And if not, why would not they kneel in that case?something that is mire serious is that , for both catholics and orthodox, bread and wine are transformed into the flesh and blood of christ .then you it and drink it .afterwards,you are going to excrete your god?would it be sensible then to believe in these persons or this concept of trinitarianism? There many evidences in the bible that direct me to Islam e.g the book of “JOHN 14:15.”quote if ye love me,ye shall keep my commandment v16 and I will pray the father and He shall give you another parakletos(comforter) that he may be with you forever” but most xtains argued that this prophesy is for the holy spirit , but remember the holy spirit was already there when jesus is there but the context is refering to prophet muhammed(saw) there are lots ………..may all xtains understand and see the light of islam as I have seen Allahu akbar God is great!!!

  24. Salam, peace be upon u all, I am a true believing christain jehovah withness but now a true and confirm muslim I was never in the dark even when am a christain because I do serve God with 1 mind and I followed all God’s ordainment over man I get convinced when I see all muslims believing in jesus and all the previous prophet and their scriptures and they do not believe in trinity do way jehovah witness do not believe also, why not the believe of this trinitarianism which is God d father God d son and God d holy ghost this is indeed blasphemism because it is a believe that 1 can’t do without another!
    Moreover to them its an incomprehensible creed.they waver b/w saying that they are 3 persons,names,or qualities.they moreover, disagree about the quality atributed 2 each person.yet who are thesa persons?
    Some of the acts and attributes of the Holy Ghost will be found detailed in the story of samson. The story of samson was selected because the spirit of the Lord came upon him.it was recorded in “JUDGES 13:3-5″ and the angel of the Lord apeared unto the woman,and said unto her, behold now,thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; now therefore beware, I pray thee,and drink not wine nor strong drinj,and eat no any unclean thing: for lo, thou shall conceive,and bear a son;and no razor shall come on his head :for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb:and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the philistines”,and in the same chaptet 13:24-25″and woman vear a son ,and called his name samson: and child grew,and the Lord blessed him.and the spirit of the Lord began to move him at times in the camp of Dan between Zorah and Eshtaol” these text show the rank of samson as the Lord blessed him and the spirit of the Lord moved him.the story ends with the resolution that:and the spirit of the Lord came upon him ,and he went down to Ashkelon,and slew thirty men of them. And took their spoils,and gave change of garments unto them which expound a riddle that he told them.and his anger was kindled, and he went up to his father’s housr”(judges 14:19) we have mentioned this thirty men , regardless of thousands that were cold bloodedly killed by him after the spirit of the Lord came upon him,because its protagonist is the one who discribed through the bible that he is blessed by the Lord and the spirit used to come to him
    Only this incidents makes the Holy Ghost the head of terrorism in thr past
    And for The Son he is a cursed person.it was cursed by paul in his message to the Galatians in the new testament “christ hath redeemed us from the cursed of the law, being made curse for us:for it is written cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree”(Galatians)”
    In addition ,some of his sayings in the new testament such as ; think not that I have come to send peace on earth: I have come not to send peace but a sword”(MATTHEW: 10:34)” and I am come to send fire on earth ;and what will I , if it be already kindled”(LUKE: 12:49) Imply that he will cast into Hell that which he cannot grasp by sword. Yet those who still call themselves christains blabber that Lord is Love.
    A final word on the son would be concerning his life. During his lifetime,he used to eat and drinj liquor.consequently,he would excrete food In the form of feces and kiquor in the form of urine.what sort of god is he whi excretes? Meanwhile,would christains-since you believe that human and devine natures are inseparable-kneel before the Christ’s image in churches if He is portrayed excreting? And if not, why would not they kneel in that case?something that is mire serious is that , for both catholics and orthodox, bread and wine are transformed into the flesh and blood of christ .then you it and drink it .afterwards,you are going to excrete your god?would it be sensible then to believe in these persons or this concept of trinitarianism? There many evidences in the bible that direct me to Islam e.g the book of “JOHN 14:15.”quote if ye love me,ye shall keep my commandment v16 and I will pray the father and He shall give you another parakletos(comforter) that he may be with you forever” but most xtains argued that this prophesy is for the holy spirit , but remember the holy spirit was already there when jesus is there but the context is refering to prophet muhammed(saw) there are lots ………..may all xtains understand and see the light of islam as I have seen Allahu akbar God is great!!!!

    • What kind of devilish religion encourages adultery and fornication and still call it ‘holy’ jihad? Even if I were a free thinker, I wouldnt approve. Then a shameless so called ‘muslim faithful’ WOMAN encouraging the rape of other women? Animals. She and her daughters will eventually end as sex slaves. If islam isnt devilish, why will they have a problem specifically with christains? Why do muslims hate to hear the name ‘Jesus Christ’?, yet they recognise him as great prophet and countless chapters were devoted 2 him. I cant even waste my time comparing Jesus 2 dat nonentity called mohammed, servant of lucifer, currently in hell, and all his followers will follow him there. The truth is as a muslim u are not sure of where you are going after life bcos, ur leader wasnt. Christains are sure of where they are going because Jesus assended into heaven before the eyes Of the people. Be wise, dont condemn urself to hell. Heaven is for only those that belive in Jesus Christ.

  25. Hello my brother who converted from being a christian to muslims,well what informed your decision is known to you,i am a christian to the last point i read and understand the creed of my faith,i can differentiate between what is laid down by al masih and the creed established in by convention held in year 325 AD where trinity and deity of christ was determined. Thank God that u discovered that trinity was a man made not in the bible. Jesus was a perfect creature,a creature without any blemish or fault,his word was authority,he never received revealation under guise of vague sleep,he was the word of God even quran said so,he never slept with the wife of his followers or adopted son,or married his cousin. My brother if you want to know much go on line read and re-read

  26. people tend to deceive others, spoiling the image of Islam. I knw those with the knowledge of Islam would knw that all that so called people have mentioned in that article is false and lies.. indeed it’s been mentioned in Al QUR’AN that seek for knowledge. if u attain knowledge no body can come and cook up fake facts about what u knw. before u castigate islam, I urge u to seek for knowledge about Islam so as to knw the real truth. as for those people publishing untrue things about Islam I pray that may u be rewarded according with ur deeds.

  27. U pple ar jst makin mouth out of sense abt d religion cleric,most of u pple dat ar distorbin nw do not no hw t̶̲̥̅ơ̴͡ read alif talkless of bau.d man qoute verse 4 his statemnt bt u dat is runnin mouth has no any backup frm eida any muslim book,all of u should go t̶̲̥̅ơ̴͡ hell

  28. u see more rizns yl atheists ar nt rily wrong.wt diz bunch of fruitless arguments one will jst nt wish 2 b religious.well,4 me,am a practisn Christain& dat will lead me 2 eternal lyf.am nt here 2 castigate Islam,bt am here 2 inform us 2 avoid fanaticsim&embrace humane nature.many pesns av Bastardizd Xtianity esp. d Westerners bt den d Standard f God cn neva change.I dnt knw f Islam bt I hpe we will b in peace smday wen muslim fanatics will stop violence& embrace peace so dat evn in our difrences we cn live 2geda.4 non-Christians,conversion 2 our religion is only by d conviction f d Holy Spirit.dnt knw bout Islam&am nt tinkn f convertn 2 it jst as some Islams ar nt tinkn f convertn 2 mine.so,jst avoid dis unhealthy arguments & face d truth which is dat God is peace,love and nt acrimonious!!!!

  29. Well.. All the comments made here were touching.. Minds subdivided..hmmm!. But let me get this into my fellow muslim brothers brains who made commnts here that whether u like it or not the unbelievers, the infidels and the people of the book will never understnds!. But time wait for no one, but one wait 4time!.. The truth shall prevail one day!.

  30. “When the foolish one speaks, do not
    reply to him, for better than a response (to
    him) is silence, and if you speak to him you
    have aided him, and if you left him (with no
    reply) in extreme sadness he dies.

    “Muslims need to realize that we are being
    provoked by ignorant people who want to
    give a bad image to Islam. We should not
    respond to them every time but launch legal
    suits, expose the lies to the world, boycott
    products, pressurize economically and show
    the world how amazing our religion teaches peace and good conduct and how beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was!”

  31. To those of u who convertd to other faiths. It is because u don’t undastand d faith u hold dat is y u are swayd by evry wind of doctrine n switch faith at any little conviction. One day u will dat present faith of urs n join anoda, also claiming u hv seen d light. May God hv mercy on u.

  32. i believe in God! My brothers and sisters in islam, dn’t mind those blind people, Allah hath set a seal on their hearts nd their hearing, nd on their eyes is a veil; Great is the penalty they (incure).
    If Allah guide some1, nobody can confuse him or her; nd if Allah wish 2 sufer sum1, nobody can help him or her. Do not mind those ignorant that are just decieving themselfs, they so blind nd they could nt see, the letter (bible) that they are culing book of God, the book that encourage evry transgrassion 2 be rytful, like alcoholic, adultry, robery nd so on, the book that is very dangarous 2 b folowing, there is no where in d holy Qurian that was writen by men like that leter of paul (contradiction book), quran teaches u the way u will live ya life with love nd peace, nt d way of devil, my brother! God will reward u according 2 what ya hv in ya heart

  33. may God ve mercy on those dt choose peace as their embodiment. to me ds doesnt exist anywia it wz just a cook up story aim at stigmatizin islam in d same way they ve bn doin it 4 long.I just thank Allah who savd me nd my luv ones from d hug cospiracy of d elites

  34. Allah said in his book,I give guidance(hidayah) to whom I wish…my fellow brethren in faith,why not let us leave issues that are not meant for us to decide ΑΩ̴d prepare for a day that we have no knowledge of…verily Allah is all-seeing ΑΩ̴d all-hearing

  35. My brothers and sisters in Islam pls stop wasting your time, knowledge and saliva trying to explain this issue to ppl who are blind to see the right path. Somebody who believes that God has son and wife and worship God with dancing in an arena with guitar and piano whilst he uses same things in the clubs to worship satan, somebody who believes gay marriage is legal according to his religion, somebody who believes human rights and feelings are above the book of his lord, somebody who sees the western world as his heaven, somebody who impregnants his biological daughter, somebody who manufacture human beings in order to sell them for money (baby factories in southern nigeria), somebody who finds leisure in killing small children in so many parts of the world (children of palestine and syria by american and isrseli army). For the sheikh you’re talking about if really he made this statement then he’s one of your devils in human dressing that you normally sent to muslim worlds, we’ve seen mai tatsine in kano and now its boko haram. You sent them around and you mock other peoples religion. Whatever you’ll do no matter what even if you’ll kill us all islam must propagate, Islam must rule the world, whether you like it or not the time is coming.

  36. Wot are dis xtians even say. U dnt even recognise d numbers of fallacies,discrepancies,contradictions and errors in d story book u cald a bible. . Cn ur pastors use song of solomon in d church? Hell no1 cos its mre or less reading a porn. . .

  37. These muslims tink their secrets wil b hidden 4ever.I want 2 enlighten d xtians about d truth of islam.A sheik is not a novice in d interpretatn of d koran,so,wat the sheik and d oder three said re in d koran.U cant decieve us any more!please,xtians,go to ds website(www.faithfreedom.org);it owned by an Ex-muslim from Iran,and read articles nd debates wt muslims scholars;then,u will dscover d ugly secret and trut about Islam.U can also visit(www.jihadwatch.org).Al those denying wat d sheik said re using wat is called in Islam ‘Targgiya(deceiption).Do u no dat muslim say dey dont drink alcohol but d koran says dey can take ds same alcohol if it promotes islam or hep 2 convert non muslims to islam?finally,if islam is a religion of peace,hw comes most islamic countries re not enjoyin peace.irony of life!If u re a xtian,u re lucky just, be devoted.And finally,if muslims gv u violence nd aggression,please,dnt waste time in retaliatin bcos d koran tels muslims to put fear in d hearts of non muslims to put us under their control;dey re told 2 persecute xtians until we embrace islam dt we re weak nd dey re superior.so,dat z why u c boko haram 2day.they meant to persecute d non muslim nd dey usin a deceptive name(education is a taboo) and they mostly kill only xtians and attacked churches pls,jst go nd read more on d above websites.

  38. Either u like it or nt,dere is no other way to heaven except through Jesus christ.d best man ever lived without sin.He never have sex,He never kill.a sinless uncomparable man,d prince of peace nd d only way to heaven.

  39. @eni esu mo and my blind,sentimental.judgemental,kolomental and biased fellow christians…I pray God Punish You and your entire family for rubbishing other people’s belief… marrying the child of your maternal or parternal uncle or aunt is not forbbiden by the bible also cos abraham our father of all beliefs sent his slave to his kinsmen to get rebecca for and isaac and so did jacob married from his uncle laban. … Only God knows who serves him… THERE IS NO RELIGION DATS GOT NO BAD EGGS!!!