Emir Tussle: Court Upholds Bayero’s Rights, Awards N10m Against Kano Govt

A Federal High Court sitting in Kano, upheld the rights of movement and freedom of the deposed Emir of Kano, Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero.

Recall that Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf had dethroned Bayero last month and ordered him to hand over power within 48 hours.

But the Emir, who was out of Kano at the time the order was given, returned and moved into the mini palace in Nasarawa.

Delivering his judgment today, the presiding Judge of the Federal High Court 3, Justice Simon Amobeda, upheld the applicant counsel’s withdrawal of reliefs Order 1-2 on the grounds that they have the right by the rules of law to do so and as such they are no longer part of the case.

The court also asked the Kano State Government to pay a sum of N10m damages to the 15th Emir.

Justice Simon noted that it is the jurisdiction of the court to hear the case, insisted that it falls within the issues of abuse of fundamental human rights of the applicant and the Constitution granted the court powers to preside over the matter.

The judge said: “It is the duty of the court to protect the rights of every citizen but that protection cannot be done in a vacuum, a person crying violation of his fundamental human rights must provide cogent and vital evidence to that effect to which the applicant has successfully provided.”

READ MORE: Kano Court Orders Police To Evict Emir Bayero From Palace

“I hold that without any lawful justification, the applicant is threatened, breaching his fundamental rights to liberty as guaranteed in Section 35(1) of the 1999 Constitution.

“Similarly, there is an act of the government which has forced the applicant to a house arrest, preventing him from going about his lawful business, constitutes a flagrant violation of his fundamental rights to freedom of movement as guaranteed under section 41(1) of the 1999 Constitution.

“That the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Respondents that is the Police, the DSS, Army, Air force, Navy, are either by themselves, their agents, servants, privies or any other person’s or authority forthwith restraint from arresting, detaining, harassing the applicant.

“That the second respondent and the Government of Kano State should pay the sum of N10 million for breach and likely breach of his Fundamental Right to Personal liberty and freedom of movement as guaranteed in the 1999 constitution,”