Real Tips on Fixing the Most Common Types of Residential Plumbing Problems

Next to your home’s electrical and HVAC systems, the most complicated system in your home is its plumbing. But when you consider that indoor plumbing is still something that’s a relatively new invention, the first indoor toilets plus bathroom and kitchen sinks having only been introduced a little more than a century ago, it’s amazing how far we’ve come with plumbing technology. For instance, we take it for granted that when we turn on the shower or do the laundry, we’re going to get piping hot water.

But like all mechanical systems, your plumbing is eventually going to break down one way or another. It will happen when you, and your wallet, least expect it. That’s where the home warranty comes in.

According to one reputable home warranty company, just about no one thinks twice about turning on the tap and getting access to hot or cold clean water whenever we require it. But when something fails in your home plumbing systems, you suddenly find yourself brutally inconvenienced. Plus, plumbing issues can be not only disruptive, but expensive. For more on this topic, check out this blog post via Cinch Home Services.


That said, what are some of the most common types of residential plumbing problems, and how can you go about solving them? According to recent report by Home Interior Projects, plumbing problems can be expensive to repair especially if don’t have a home warranty to cover them.

Luckily, lots of plumbing issues can easily and rapidly be fixed when utilizing the right instructions and the right tools. In many cases, you can even fix the problem on your own.

That said, here are some tips on fixing the most common residential plumbing problems.

A Clogged Toilet

One of the most common plumbing problems just about every homeowner eventually must deal with is a clogged toilet. To repair a toilet clog, you’re going to need either a snake or a plunger to get the water flowing freely again. If you find after repeated attempts to clear the obstruction that your efforts have proven fruitless, you might need to call in a professional plumber.

A Leaking Faucet

Leaking or dripping faucets are not only annoying (the repetitive noise from the drip can literally keep you up at night). They also waste a lot of water landing you with an exorbitant water bill.

Fixing a leaking faucet requires you to replace a washer or perhaps a bad seal that’s resulting in the issue. The fix-it process can be fairly straightforward but if you find you’re not capable of repairing the leak, you will need to call in a plumber. This is where a home warranty really comes in handy since you’ll only be paying a nominal fee for the plumber’s travel time.

Low Water Pressure Situation

Says Home Interior Projects, a low water pressure situation is almost always the result of either a leak in the plumbing system or clogged pipes. The solution to regaining your water pressure is to fix the leak or clean out the clogged pipe.

It’s likely you will need the services of a professional plumber to fix this problem, especially if the issue is located inside a pipe run that’s located behind an interior wall. You might even require a total pipe replacement which can be expensive.

There’s No Hot Water

If you turn on the sink or shower only to discover there’s no hot water, you should immediately head to the basement (or the garage if you live on home constructed “slab-on-grade”), and check to see if the water heater has been damaged or clogged.

If the unit is clogged, you’ll need to find a way to unclog it. Makes sense, right? If the unit is damaged beyond repair, it will require replacement. If you are super handy around the house, you might be able to handle both these solutions on your own. But it’s likely you will need the services of a licensed plumber.

Slow Drainage

A slow drain or drains are usually caused by buildup of debris in the drain system or from clogged pipes. You can often fix the problem on your own with a plunger or snake to remove the clogs. If this doesn’t work, you can find a hydro jetting service. This is said to be one of the best drain cleaning methods that plumbers utilize today to get rid of stubborn slow drains. The high- water pressure simply clears the clogged pipe using brute force.

If you own your own home and share it with your family, it’s a 100 percent certainty you will experience a variety of plumbing problems sooner or later. That’s why it pays to be handy around the house. But it also pays to cover your peace of mind and your pocketbook by investing in a home warranty.