Woman Who Woke Up During Her Burial Dies 7 Days After

A 76-year-old Ecuadorian woman, Bella Montoya, who woke up inside a coffin during her wake-keep has died after seven days in hospital.

The elderly woman, also a retired nurse, who surprised guests by knocking on her coffin earlier this month was declared dead by doctors after she suffered possible stroke and cardiopulmonary arrest.

Montoya, according to Ecuador’s health ministry, could not respond to resuscitation efforts.


Her family had previously gathered at a funeral home on June 9, just hours after she was declared dead by doctors the first time.

However, everything came to a stop when they heard a sound coming from inside the coffin.

Gilberto Barbra, her son, told the Associated Press, the sound gave everyone a “fright.”

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According to him, his mother’s condition remained dire, and she was returned to the hospital immediately.

Barbera, however, informed the publication that doctors at the hospital where his mother was rushed after the wake, confirmed Montoya dead on Friday evening.

The health ministry disclosed that Montoya died from an ischemic stroke, but didn’t disclose the investigation surrounding the case.

Montoya’s sister had also filed a formal complaint about the incident and is hoping to find out the doctor who had declared her dead.

Meanwhile, the woman’s remains have been sent back to the same funeral home where she previously regained consciousness, after which she would be buried at a public cemetery.