“Never Push For Another Man’s Downfall, Karma Is Real” – Pastor Yul Edochie

Yul Edochie, an actor turned pastor, recently took to Instagram to address his admirers and followers, as well as his critics.

He disclosed that it is not appropriate for us as human beings to advocate for the downfall of another person, nor should we say or do anything that would encourage such a thing.

He went on to say that if your neighbour is in need and you are unable to assist him, it is best to remain silent.

He also stated that as humans, we should not judge everyone else’s lives and should learn to mind our own business because karma exists.

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He wrote,

“Never push for another man’s downfall.
Never say or do anything to instigate it.

If your fellow man has issues, if you can’t be of help, shut up.
You must not have an opinion in every one’s life.
Mind your business.
Cos karma is real.
What goes around comes around.
Your own breakfast might be served VERY COLD.”