Nigerian Footballer Kayode Olanrewaju’s Legal Team Denies Paternity Rumors Against His Children, Vows Action

The legal team of Nigerian football player Kayode Olanrewaju, Alexime Law Associates, has taken immediate action to address the rumour over the paternity of his children in the ongoing legal and personal disagreement between Kayode and his estranged wife, Dora Ezinne.

Recent social media accusations have alleged that Kayode is not the biological father of the three children he has with Dora.

The widely disseminated claim, according to the legal team, “is capable of causing significant emotional distress and damage to Kayode’s reputation and the integrity of his family.”

This is according to a statement released to the press by the law firm on Monday in Lagos.

Kayode’s solicitors began a full rebuttal to the claim in an earlier letter dated May 26, 2024, which was made public, demanding that the media platforms responsible for propagating the story identify their sources.

The legal team contended that the bogus accusation was part of a coordinated effort to tarnish Kayode’s reputation and disrupt his family life. They believed Dora staged the claims to distract attention from her own alleged misbehaviour.

The legal counsel stated that they have identified various blogs and media outlets that carried the disputed article and have begun sending formal letters to these companies, seeking the disclosure of their sources and any documentation supporting the assertions of DNA test results.

“We have prepared and sent a copy of this legal document to one of the originators of the story according to other news platforms that quoted her, one Dr. Ruth Emosiluamhe Agbukor, who had tweeted about the supposed DNA test results from her handle @rutie_xx. Her post suggested that none of Kayode’s children with Dora were biologically his, a claim that reached millions of people and was further amplified by other social media platforms.” The team disclosed.

Kayode’s legal team demanded in the letter that Dr. Agbukor divulge the source of her information, implying that her post was part of a larger defamation effort, potentially financed by Dora. They also ordered her to take down the fraudulent story from all social media platforms and produce a public retraction to correct the error.

The attorneys cautioned that failing to comply could result in legal action for libel and other penalties under the Cybercrime (Prohibition and Prevention) Act, citing the rumour’s negative impact on Kayode’s reputation and family.

This controversy stems from ongoing conflicts between Kayode and Dora, which include allegations of forgery of personal and official documents, theft of two Mercedes SUVs worth over N700 million and immoveable properties worth billions of Naira, infidelity involving a Nigerian pastor based in the United Kingdom, Tobi Adegboyega, and financial misconduct.

Kayode’s legal team recently claimed that Dora has absconded with their children to an undisclosed location in Abuja and sought to exit the nation by illegally obtaining new passports.

According to the team, the purported plot was foiled when the Directorate of State Security Service (DSS) interfered in April.

Dora was also accused of conspiring to misappropriate Kayode’s assets, which his attorneys claimed were part of a larger conspiracy to financially harm him and justify her behaviour.

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The team has reaffirmed that their client will not publish a public disclaimer on the DNA findings, citing concerns that doing so might implicate him in the spread of the story.

“We are focused on uncovering the true sources of this allegation to support our client’s case and restore his reputation, knowing that this media manoeuvres is part of a broader strategy to shift focus away from the substantive issues of fraud and misconduct by Dora. But we are committed to uncovering the source of the story as are working with intelligence operatives who have shown an impressive interest to also uncover the source,” the team concluded.