It is the job of the ACN to run down the government and they will not succeed insha Allah – Gulak

Ahmed Gulak
Ahmed Gulak

In a swift reaction to allegations by the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) that the country’s economy is in shambles, the Presidency has assured Nigerians that the economy is in safe hands.

According to the Special Adviser to the President on Political Matters, Dr. Ahmed Gulak, the ACN should not be expected to have any positive thing to say about the present administration. His words: “What do you expect of an opposition party like the ACN? They can always say that, but they are wrong. The economy is in safe hands and anything they say should not be taken seriously. It is their job to run down the government and they will not succeed inshallah (God willing).

“They will not succeed. They have some states in the country, let them face the states and do what they want to do… I am telling you without any iota of doubt that the economy is in safe hands and Mr. President is as prudent as ever and the issue of bloated workforce, we can’t be sacking people like that. It is the work of government to create jobs. The success of government is measured by the number of jobs they create, not by sacking people. The ACN leaders have their states let them sack people and let us see. The government of President Jonathan is to create jobs for people and not to sack people,” Gulak said.