Russian Billionaire Plans To Make Humans Immortal By 2045

A Russian billionaire has unveiled plans to make humans immortal by converting them into “Terminator-style” cyborgs – a creature that’s part human and part machine – within the next three decades.arnold_schwarzenegger_terminator_t-800_portal_arnold_shvartsenegger_44

Thirty two-year-old mogul, Dmitry Itskov has been pushing the project forward since 2011 when he founded the 2045 Initiative.

His ultimate goal is to transfer a person’s mind or consciousness from a living brain into a machine with that its personality and memories intact.

The so called “Cyborg” will have no physical form, and exist in a network similar to the Internet and be able to travel at the speed of light all over the Earth, or even into the space.

Itskov’s first highly ambitious goal, called Avatar A, involves a person controlling a robotic human replica through a brain-machine interface (BMI), a technology that already exists.

The deadline for this first stage is set for 2020. The Avatar B, due in 2025, would involve transplanting a human brain into an artificial body “at the end of one’s life.”

Next in line is the Avatar C, that rolls around in 2035, that would also involve a human-machine brain transplant, but with all personality intact.

Itskov hopes the Initiative will have learned enough about the human mind to free it completely from physical form finally, by 2045.

According to the report, from the Internet-like hive mind, individual personalities could manifest themselves as holograms when they need to interact with their environment.

“We believe that it is possible and necessary to eliminate ageing and even death, and to overcome the fundamental limits of the physical and mental capabilities currently set by the restrictions of the physical body,” the project website says.

Itskov is recruiting scientists and authoring an open letter to the UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, asking him to support to push society’s transition to “neo-humanity.”


  1. Total nonsense…

    ”the heart doth go on as the creator of Light wills”

    So there’ld be no ProCreation assuming this madness becomes reality…
    He’ld will #Humanity to extinction?! imagine the movie-”Terminator” becoming reality!

    Ill-steered projects, #Man is not complete without his body- else, he’ld be a #Spirit!

  2. This man must be crazy .. To be sincere .. What the hell is he planning to do …. Were perfect the way we are .. We aint looking forward to be a robot someday .. This is part of the revelation the bible is talking about ….

  3. i rely tink dis man dozin av any oda tin 2 do wit his billions……..mayb e shld try financin d econy of nigeria 4 us……hop u rememba wat hapend @ d tower of babal in d bible…”tryn 2 b 2 wise”………..u go soon die

  4. …….. sounds fun but. . it would not come to pass come on the man might die b4 that time and the there would be faild experiments over and over and then a new idea would be put into the head of man…. thats how life plays it.

  5. These are indeed rhe signs of the of END TIMES. We were told. Agreed the knowledge in man is unlimited jux like d GSM handset hardly has any man ever used up to 45 per cent of installed capacity so also the knowledge in capacity in man can’t be fully utilized. But the closer we go the get deeper so close we get to d End Times that was fore told.

  6. Ooh com’on evrbdy pls stop and save evrbdy this sermon dear pastors and imams, this tale only tells us of a man who is only trying 2 express his taught about hw he perceives the world, evn though i knw thr is notin true abt this story of a man that may nt evn x’ist, thr is smtn positive in x’press ur thought…

  7. So Taminator cy-bodye system. is fainally coming to a full circle. So ar we talking about inmoternity or recreatio. What science dont understand is that it is not only the brain that makes a human being

  8. Beliv wat u want 2 belive. Science or not God said nting iz Imposible. 4me I have 2 say these 2word dat my grandpa said b4 he join d ghost. 1st> evrybody must nt b happy everybody must nt undestand< do wat dat please u nd God 4 ITSKOV I cnt say he is mad but I said dat is maddest in his attitude


  10. this is awsome..! Al my being i hv alwys consider man as platform nd prototype 4 advance existence..certainly 2 attain dt advancemnt there ar certain phenomenons in human nature we hv 2 sercrifice…..i jst wish i culd b part of dt culd create nd offer d ambrosia of immortality to humankind..

  11. i very much think this is one of the tricks of d devil & a sign dat the End Time is near. So pls God’s pple, let’s not be deceived by the foolish tricks of the devil & think dt we could prevent Christ’s 2nd coming. The bible says: heaven & earth may pass away but every word of God must be fulfilled before d end of time. For everything that has a beginning will surely have an end. Remember dt God warned man not to be wise in his own eyes, bcos man’s wisdom is foolishness before God.

  12. I challenge him let him design a mosquito first! forget about movies and computers its nothing but electronic design data not GENETIC design system let’s not be deceived pls! Let’s be objective in most matters concerning science and technology.

  13. Why are Nigerian both educated and non educated always talk anyhow…… Thid is a project everybody should support. He is not trying to create human being. They ar just trying to clone a replica of u after some1 is dead… Copy nd paste ur brain in machine. Don’t say it will not be possible, it will coz they ar nt Nigerian, no new anytin, No complete project. Even if he die since it is an Initiative anoda person will continue the project. Expect an unexpectable in 2050

  14. This experiment has nothing to do with my own belief in God. After all, if you have faith like a seed of mustard, you can move mountains. Many years ago, heart transplant and kidney transplant sounded impossible. Today nko? Let’s just see how it goes. I believe nothing is impossible for man to achieve as long as the mind can think. Many years ago, there was no ship, no aeroplane, no submarine, no rockets going to the moon. Today nko? As I said earlier, it has nothing to do with my belief in God. I just know that with God, everything is possible. Even this project. Lol

  15. this is awsome..! Al my being i hv alwys consider man as platform nd prototype 4 advance existence..certainly 2 attain dt advancemnt there ar certain phenomenons in human nature we hv 2 sercrifice…..i jst wish i culd b a part of dis team which culd create nd offer d ambrosia of immortality to humankind………

  16. Dis 1 don kolo finish, hw cn u even start 2 imagine d impossible, religion has thougt us dat evry soul shall taste death.
    Evn if de manage do am hw de go reproduce abi na application u na go download give birth?
    Dis na crase

  17. Is arrant nonsense, is a project dat will fail. I quote: wen God is about creating Eve He cause Adam into a deep sleep, after God created Adam He breath in His air and behold Adam became a living being. Man can never find dat source of life. Dry can never make man immortal.

  18. As 1 dt undastands d dynamic of science,I think d billionair guy might try bt it nt b realize. Dis jst a mission impossible cus if imay ask; hw can 1 comprehend d compactability btw usin natural human brain in2 machine wtout d co-relationship btw d mind,heart n d brain. In dis case d mind I abscent den wt’ll hapen 2 d heart? Will it b created by machin or b transplanted? Den wt’ll b d life line of d cyborge? Will it b blood which is life or circuit of eletricity?hw well’ll d brrain function properly in dt machine wtout effect? So if luk at it thede way d mission will b impossible. God is d author of life n death, so it’s a lie 2 make live 4eva.

  19. You are all out of your minds condemning such great futuristic scientific initiative. Your brains are just too dull and primitive to comprehend the any form of astounding scientific work. Quick without thoughts, liking a candid great scientific idea to God. Idiots!

    If not for science, you all would not know any thing like Phones, Computers, the internet and so many things you all enjoy and use to make your stupid lives better today.

    Science traveled to space and built ISS and satellites that we all use today in spite of your theory of God destroying the Babylonians and making them speak in different languages when they tried to build an ordinary TOWER. Hello! Space and tower which one is higher? You called the Babylonian tower a human test to reach God, and you condemned their hard work and effort in building what could have opened a door to something useful to human kind later on. Space travel has gone farther than your condemned tower and it brought nothing to mankind except goodies!!!

    Use your head and read meaning to this : Even God, when he created man, understood the creation work is far from being complete, so he charged man to continue from where he STOP. To me that’s the principal reason he created man in his own image and LIKENESS!!! Like God, Like Human beings!

    Don’t hate on SCIENCE please.

    • This is a sign,end time sign,what gives him the assurance he’ll b alive till 2045,I know God is greater than them.please let’s be concious of thecoming back of christ.all christains let’s watch & pray,God’ll help us

  20. The man has to be taken to Federal Neuropsychiatric Maiduguri , Nigeria first before any other psychiatric hospital in the world so that Bokko Harram can run a comprhensive medical test on him. I will plead with Niger Delta Millitant to help Bokko Harram member too. Life is a process of elimination and transformation, if wicked rulers like Aldorf Hitler and the likes are still remain till this moment, I think his fore-fathers would not have remain talkless himself. We know how our wicker rulers are doing for us now and we don’t pray for them to leave to continue. He now want to transform human brain into robbot that will leave forever because he fear death and he don’t want to die. This is nothing but idiot reasoning that is not logically sound. Idiot Russian billionnaire.

  21. Indeed non sense,how could u chalenge ur creator that is not suppose 2 die instead he should b immortal.He dare not cos if he dares I believe he would not live 2 c what he had caused himself cos those who plan 2 seek Allah SWT @ d eleventh hour die by ten thirty.
    Abdul Rahman

  22. Let’s pause nd reason his idea….
    Wat if we kan defeat death??..
    We if we dnt hav to die ever??…
    Wat if u neva hav to write RIP to any1 u love??… Wat if.. Wat if… Wat if….
    Bt.. Let’s d oda side..
    Wat if dis results to a chaos??
    Wat if human goes extinct??…
    Wat if he begins to play politics wit dese “cyborgs”??
    Wat if he trys to take ova d world wit his “cyborgs”??
    Wat i
    f… Wat if… Wat if ??

    If u ask me!… I’d say
    LEAVE THE WORLD D WAY IT IS.. We aint complaining…

  23. technology or no technology, science or no science. God can never allow me to be part to that satanic plan. Is a way the enemy has devise a means to trap the people of God. But i knw that nothing happens that is unknown to God. He will never allow the enemy to carry out his wicked enterprise.

    • Very right you are: nothing happens that is unknown to God, yet God has been allowing and is still allowing the enemy to carry out so many of his wicked enterprises!…uncountable havoc and atrocities every day every where causing so many suffering and agony, so much injustice, hatred and wickedness and God has been allowing it all, just being passive!…What ever happens in the house of the Lord is the will of the Lord! Let His will be done!

  24. Infact, it amazed mε̲̣ we didn’t know that this is the sign of an end time. Unbelievable tin has started happening G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅̊ have mercy Ãήϑ come Ãήϑ rescue us faster . G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅̊ care , G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅̊ reign forever Ãήϑ ever

  25. Read d articles posted on dis matter and see hw many dream killers suround you evry day.rather dan scolding learn to dream.weda he succeeds or not is left to God….to him that believes nothing shall be imposible for him.

  26. Wow sound interesting… I know God, when issues like this start. He ll let man propose as usual and the as usual He ll dispose and dispense from his throne. Yes all things are possible… Simply pray that His Grace grant you life to know the end of this whole thing. One thing is sure Great God can not disappoint and will never be disappointed. Watchout.

  27. dis white people have succed in distroying d whole world by there scientist research,b/4,we only watch bomp exploting in movie,now we saw it wit our eye,they drop slavery cos they want us be there surce,nw they arhive wat want they are kiling us,nw they want the whole world for them,the richer,they forgot dat THE ALMIGHTY isTHE ONLY (AL-KHALIQ)THE CREATOR who kill and rise after death.

  28. wat a pephydious mendacity,to create machines infom of humans oh my God wat a menecasetinal reasoning a cancarous napotism. At times i wonder hw pple reason mmm. Creating robot wat an epitom, an high class folishness a stupidous uranous pependious chracter.

    • why are those white people try 2 challenge God d mighty one or is bcos dey are wealthy enough to decide on anything dey wish to. So d idea’s of pl anning human’s immortal is imposibl nd is a nonsensical idea’s automartically dis is a stupid man

  29. Even christ died & resurrected,that’s 2 say no 1 can escape it,jesus died & overcame death,if christ could die who da fuck is he,God’ll help us ooo,but God knows best,he may succeed cause in the end time,knowledge ‘ll increase dis is part of the knowledge,and God may make him succeed,cos those who killed christ,especially Judas,jesus knw he’ll betray him,but it as been written so that the will of God can be fulfilled.God knows best once more

  30. very innovative i must say and very challenging too. Nobody is challenging God nor nature cos the repository created does not exist in human realm but can be terminated by human. If this comes to pass,then man’s advancement rate will b tripled in all fields. Kudos my dear free thinker.

  31. If this is true by 2045; there is only way this would end, neo-humans will revolt and vanquish real humans and humanity would be lost forever. Such that neo-humans would credit more machines that would run and ruin the world. This can only be delayed but most be fufilled one day regardless how humans try.

    If left for me I would say that someone should seize all that billions he is throwing around and dump it in my bank account. I would use it fo a better africa.

  32. I saw various comments and had to wonder when we africans would free ourselves from our mental restriction…God has created us humans in his image meaning we have the capacity to be creative and therefore become creatures with potentials of a creator.. God created man and rested (not that God was tired). But he has created a creative mind in his own likeliness. Please understand that this russian is not creating or actually immortalising. the project focuses on copying the personalities of the prototype or specimen. No man can create life and they understand this. That is why they focus on the personality and memory. I hope you understand rather than draw out aimless conclusion.

  33. Even if it succeed it will b for destruction. The motive is cloudy. Man will bring extinction on himself by the work of his hands- heartless robot dat devour at will. Let us re-channel our focus on our uniqueness and preserve it, not using our God given talent n dominion over creatio and laws to bring end time and horror upon ourselves

  34. Huh!…mk al of una sit down der……..NO B 4 UR EYE….WRIGHT BRODA’S CREATED Aeroplane,(sum gigantic lyk dat 2 b flying in d Sky……4 me datz gr8 dzcovry…letz wait nd see Wat Almighty God wl do……..mind u Allwayz av posibility Mind

  35. Much fund and effort are still required to make human enjoy life on earth free of diseases ,undue stress and violence. This is the project that may benefit mankind. At any rate, genuine living on earth for ever belongs to God any other is counterfeit !

  36. This so called hell fire billoniar muSt be mad. He wants to be like God when he deosn’t even know what tomorrow hold for him! He might even be dead before he starts wearing rages in d waste been. Oooh! He is an agent sent to confuse people. He is really a devil no doubt.

  37. I saw various comments and had to wonder when we africans would free ourselves from our mental restriction…God has created us humans in his image meaning we have the capacity to be creative and therefore become creatures with potentials of a creator.. God created man and rested (not that God was tired). But he has created a creative mind in his own likeliness. Please understand that this russian is not creating or actually immortalising. the project focuses on copying the personalities of the prototype or specimen. No man can create life and they understand this. That is why they focus on the personality and memory. I hope you understand rather than draw out aimless conclusion…

  38. History has always shown that the forces evil would always rear up it ugly head cooking up nasty ideas but the forces of good is always ready with a mighty sword in hands to vanquish it. Have no fear fellas. Let them try, we are waiting for the appointed time to move in and thwart these ugly efforts.

  39. it’s written,tempt not thy lord thy God.d evil knowledge of men has bcomin fruitfu in their own ways.their end wi b like a golayaht of d philistine who die by smallboy by almghty God.we all liue in d immortality,d dead live in there too.d holy and d unholy.d kindom has been seperated by God.God’s own kingdom shall rule forever,d habitals of d kingdom shall take fr all,d evil kingdom by d spirit shall born with fire and d wind wi blow then away like a wast paper that has borned to achies.we shud nt b decieve by their move and their sayin,it just a fretin words to get d spirit of to worship then,here we sinned against God.niger na great natn.d euil cant spoil,d spoiler sha spoil.d stone cant miss d head of golayaht.u no it,by d spirit of God.

  40. Guyz no need to panic. Itz a matter of “ctrl del”! Come to think of it, we could make money by selling cybog spare parts and upgrades.
    I wonder how cybog babyz will look like or that rich never imagin that?

  41. The possibilities of mans mind is endless. I’m a believer in Christ and also a believer in science. So I fully support the project and hope to see it active soon.

    Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, after all its a free world. Keep on expressing your selves.

  42. Why are people so blind? that they cannot even see beyond there nose? all in the name of religion as if that the God only belongs to them alone. Did Jesus not talk about prospect of not tasting death at John 11:26? Did Bible not call Death an enemy that will be destroyed? how many of u. here are ready to die? and now u see someone investing in research u re pouring out venom as if his research is what is causing ur death. Even God call death “reproach” One thing i know for. sure is that there will be a time in not too long future when human being will defeat death. Bible don’t preach death, Jesus don’t teach death and God abhor it.

  43. What is a human being or immortality without the human spirit and soul? Immortality of the human brain does not equal immortality of the human as only the soul can properly be said to attain immortality. Therefore any such invention can at best be referred to as a computer in a human form as it would have no spirit or soul. Only the Almighty God can create a real human with a spirit and soul. No man can. The best they can create are machines with no spirit and soul or clones with no soul.

  44. Hmm I think this guy is afflicted with comfomaniasis-addiction to comfort and fear of d unknown.He must be worried about what will happen when his no more and thinks he can xcape reality with his pet project. Guessing he is going to be d guinea pig. Report does not say can estimate his life xpectancy.

  45. Big sighs from me this man is sick too much money is now been a curse upon him that he doesn’t knows what else to think, what they did in the garden of Eden is still not enough that men should live things just the way God has made it, his plans will never work him n his kind that thinks this way will all perish God is still on d throne n he is still d Boss of everything dead or alive.

  46. Wow dis is interesting bt dis man shud b critically diagnose and check if he is actually wit is senses. He want 2 bring more war and destroy d world! Bt finally God knws hw 2 deal wit pple like dem

  47. I believe when the guys that invented air plane came up with there idea a lot of people took them for a joke. Science rules the world according to August Comte. So if it can be accomplished good job I pray to be alife to witness it.

  48. Mr Dimitry Itscov, I promise you, that You will Not live to tell that Tale. Because You want to cheat Death, which God has Destined for all Mankind, and also U want to Play God almighty, which You can Never achieve. What You are doing will not be successful IN Jesus Name!

  49. Akon yan this senseless man word for me…..No need to cherish luxury cos everything come & go, even though life that you are was borrow do not promise tomorrow, if the senseless billionaire does not ve wat to use money & can no longer think positively let sum1 buy the film THE MAN CALL GOD for him to watch he will no dat ‎​I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ a dream dat will not come true & if it ‎​I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ I do I no would be his song foolish people

  50. Everybody shut up! He is not challenging God. If it is God who gave him the intelligence that he is using in doing this, no problem. But if otherwise that is where he goes wrong. Afterall you all are using the internet now but u neva knew how it came about.
    Besides, read the article well before commenting!!! He wont ressurest anyone from the dead. He will use the brains of dead people to form a robot with memories intact!
    Free the man please!!!

  51. Who told u we need to defeat death?so long as we dnt die untimely,I dnt see di need to defeat death.infact its di fear of death dat gives value to life.come to think of it,the human life is not a movie whr u have superman,batman,catwoman,cyborg,irobot,spiderman nd di likes.worry about bringin cure to the too many diseases without cure dats gradually snifing di lives of young men nd women in our society.u are not God so pls dnt take his space cus only him has di power to give life nd stop death!we dnt need to forget dat those whom di gods want kill,dey first make mad!

  52. impossibility can only be found in d dictionary of fools.Aftrall jesus himself said that those who believe in him shall do greater work than himself. Question that is left unanswered is : does this man believe in God? ,

  53. Well I’ll say as a scientist that I find this baffling yet extremely plausible…..although I believe that it would be better they sought not just to preserve the mind but if they worked on the actual problem which is the mortality of the body(I.e Finding ways 2 prevent the body 4rm ageing and eventually dieing off or conversely creating a back up copy of all that constitutes the mind of an individual and transferring such data to new carrier bodies should any harm come 2 d original body) I say dis cos I believe a lack of d physical body will diminish some capacities of d mind as much as it heightens others, causing a situation where derr is no significant gain of advantage….

  54. Nigrians are the biggest hypocrites of all time let’s say it works out let’s say he becomes successful at this project. Just like the blackberry virus we will jump at it. The way we insult the simple technology we call a mobile phone but we still use it Smh

  55. Well, i tanx God almighty dat his wordz wil nt do wtout cumin to pass e.g North Korea av creatd nd concluded their own evil wic dey called weapon. So if dis sud cum tru by 2045 i bet d world wil go down totally but i knw dat God is stil on d throne. Baba God pls cum to our aid

  56. Hmmmm. That is challenging, Must every thing start with white? Even the Religion we use as a yardstick came from them. When they brought religion and education we thought it was another mechanism of slavry, but today we practice religion more tham them. If its only cybong & roblecup they can create them we can create Humanbong & Humancup. I strongly believe that white had gotting 2 their finial destination the only thing left is end time. God pls have pitty and forgive.

  57. One thing u must know is this, No man can change what God own Creature it is definitately impossicant, bt remember that Man Wil never live to tell the story,
    Let it nt be a surprising thing on ur part,cos this are the signs of thd end give ur life To Jesus christ now…

  58. Wel, its a gud ting to invent. It all boil down to d desire to improve and alleviate d status of mankind tru technological advancement. So lets watch n see how he wil archieve dat great goal. But a few tings has become my worry……. Lifespan in human reduces daily so wil he b alive to accomplish it? 2…d Russians shud undastand dat they ar about to loss one of there billionaire cos he is beginnin to rub shoulder wit God, cos of high mindedness emanatin from his wealth. 3…. It wil help Russians too wel n oda beneficiaries of his aimless, useless n meaningless weath dat cant add any remarkable value to d plight of mankind…….if they take him to the nearest available psychiatric home for examination and commence immedaite treatment. Bcos madness do com in different forms. I tink dis is d newest form. He need to be admitted into d emergency wing of psychiatric home. 4……or beta stil, preparing for a good and big funeral for him wil not be a bad ting too cos d anger of the ALMIGHTY wil not hesitate to rest on him pretty soon.

  59. If dis information is iq test d white guys could hav seen how africa is backward in dis planet, all d ppl dat criticise d billionair cannot boast of any thing relating to innovation they neva think d mystry of tv in dere house nd kind of destruction dat box can reck yet thy enjot it. Hie if u kniw y get plastic brain just shut up enjoy life and die

  60. That is absolutely nonsense why can’t they form a real human to me that shows their incompetence. God still is perfect since it was God that created human in his image and perfection,well God ‘ll never allow the man with this initiative to see 2045 cos his is a lunatic.

  61. Well i’m shocked at these but i’m not surprised after all man’s first innovative invention apart from the ARK OF NOAH was the TOWER OF BABYLON which GOD ALMIGHTY never allowed 2 be fully accomplished but consequented into diverse languages and races. In as much as we re created in GOD’s image and left with creative abilities erm ……. Let’s watch GOD do HIS WILL although I wish such money could ve been invested in our sweet AFRICA 2 better our lots & wipe out poverty.

  62. Silent! Silent . What a noise? You don’t knw God yet u call his name. You don’t know Devil yet you said 1 reasons like him. They said a Billionaire, not a poor man. Where you there when he made his money? Will you tell him how to spend it. Did he ask you to donate yourself? Can’t you recognize April Fool when you see 1?. OGA billionaire bring your research company come 9ja let’s start from here becos your fellow billionaires wey no wan die full here.. Inbox me small money make I look for better land buy start the solid building ok. Make we start no time.

  63. It is written in the scripture that when things like this begin to happen, the end is near. So please, children of God, the devil has come with a trick, we reject to be confuse,.. God i want to run this race to the end. Help us Lord.

  64. Dis is total madness! Do u mean 2 make ur creator a fool by tryin 2 re-form wat he created wit thy image and likeness?its absurd.keep off cus d wrath of God wil visit u if adequate measures its nt taken. Stop dat madness man,dats baldadash

  65. hmm..lolz,owk-lets live him 2 try GOD…mayb he seems 2 b stwong…*jona try God and was swallod by a fish.den pharoh do d same nd was drownd..evn nebucadineze trid God and he turn into a goat feedin on kns wat dis man ‘il b..lets kip prayin…God z in absolut control….

  66. Johnkedy I can see dat u are dreaming lik wise d man in question,do u no d story of d tower of babel? See there is no solution 2 death d lord is d begin n d end y cant he bring does dat hav died frm d death?d man is mad .

  67. if d sole purpose dis man is funding dis research is to overcome death then he is making a mistake. Nature have a way of balancing itseif. Death is not sometin to be feared bcos it just a shift to d other world. He shud even be thinking whr he would spend his eternity. What shuld be feared most is for a person not to live a fulfiled life b4 death.

  68. Starts with….such shallow minds….A lot of u dnt even knw d wrkn principles of yur applainces,can neva b creative enof to tink of a soln to an existin prblm,and yea nt a,”billionaire”.his 32 hw old re yu?.if u can truly explain hw d relephone wrks(u dey talk to yur papa for village n u dey city,voice still dsame)then u ve every reazon to blab,odawise#hush..if u say u nt in support then stop using anytin,”TECHNOLOGY RELATED”.

  69. They have been stabbed by hapless helplessness and harpooned by hopeless helplessness. That confused rick man is one of the greatest , hapless ninny of our century. He is only the end product of a scientific confusion.

    I am calling on the UN to organize an international prayer meeting to deliver him and his cohort from scientific insanity!!!!!!!!

  70. Well, this could be possible after Jesus might have appeared in d Firmament & taken we the Beloved. May be those that the Man would turn to terminator are the ones Anti-christ would use for Amagedon battle mentioned in d book of Revelation. But they will surely fail bcos my God is a Consuming Fire, He will melt them away in a second. God is the Greatest, Jesus is LORD.

  71. Please understand this billioniare intentions first his cruxificion. He acknowledged the sanctity of life & death but he is only trying to perpetuate good human traits into cyborgs. If well controlled, this is another scientific revolution like the construction of aircraft & ship etc. God will be happy with the way humanity is using His given wisdom. But let the project be regulated.

  72. Well, dis gonna b nice. Dis is wat we ve been lookin forward in d science world. I cnt jst stp imaginin dis wondaful evolution. But pls is should b used 4 tnz important nd helpful 2 d whole while world

  73. Great idea indeed. But it will not in any way solve the confinement of the human body to the earth from where it came. How many will be able to access the technology not to talk of its existence if at all he succeeds in its production. At Babel, man had a plan to build a tower that will make him reach heaven. God did not disregard his plan because He knew he can attain to whatever he purposed. Rather, He confounded their language, and scattered them abroad. ( Read Gen. 11: 1- 9). If the device is contrary to God’s counsel, it will surely fail. Shalom.

  74. an undisputed fact is dis…God wil stil b God.
    of a trut hez wyz bt hez 4goten dat he did nt creat him self. hez 4goten dat hez nt d 1 dat gav h4m self lyf n dat d Lyf Giver culd dmand 4 it any tym.
    man u r rili wyz bt u r makin a fat mistak

  75. Dimity iskov is a dreamer. Anyway dreams lead to creativity, but his dream for ever lasting life is crazy. I advice him to use his bilions to help solve human problems. Sure he will die before realising his crazy ideas. For he will give account to Almighty God how he spend his riches.

  76. After reading all posts here, I’m still suprised at peoples opinion about this fake and derailing update. Well it is amazing to see how some of us react to this useless 4o called scientific advancement. Have we ever wondered why adam died? Eve, Abraham up till moses, jesus and muh’mad. Even methusela died. Death is inevitable and every soul will die according to the Holy books. The fist question we should be asking the idiot is that, how certain will he be to be alive till may 1st 2013? Not to tok of 2045. Nonsense. I’m sure this a tale by moonlight. Let’s get sometin meaningful doing and not waste our precious time on this derailed moron.

  77. Normally, I do not comment on posts like this and right now I’m feeling too lazy to type buh I just have to say I’m shocked at most of the comments on here.. I’m no longer surprised that every time we learn about a new technological development,people start running around screaming its end silly!! I mean we are in the 20th century computer age,what kinda inventions do u guys expect or would u guys see as orthodox.. It simply shows we Nigerians are very short sighted.. I guess if the idea of creating an aircraft or a wireless mobile phone was first concieved here in Nigeria, people would have frowned at it and labelled concievers of such ideas as mad men/women.. dream killers!! Or maybe most of us js don’t get it..I believe the concept of the project is NOT to turn all humans into cyborgs.. Its simply to preserve the memories,traits and personalities of the old and disabled such that they can live on, though not in this physical human form, but in a cyborg form in such a way that interaction with them would be possible..Of course it cldn’t be compulsory but voluntary..people who may not be able to stand the pain of losing a loved one could simply opt for it..At least,that’s what I can garner from the post, and well even if I’m wrong and this Russian billonaire takes over the world with this idea, what you all shld learn from it is that nothing is impossible..Js like Mr Anthony said,dream big..let’s learn to use our brains&intuitions without being scared of what people will say and free ourself from this boudary we have trapped ourselves in for so long.. Who knows.. maybe ,just maybe we can make Nigeria or the world as a whole a better place..

    • ..first rational post in the pile…I thought I was the only one that understood this differently.
      it is just a means to preserve memories just like memoirs, to immortalise etc. We all know that science is set of principles guarded by the principal; the creator, who has freely share this knowledge with us. Finally dont forget this life just like energy cannot be created…

    • Thank you!Let people stop spouting pseudo religious claptrap.Main difference between them and us.Leonardo da Vinci conceptualised aircraft,submarines etc centuries before they happened.Some people must have labelled him a drooling maniac.Let us stop hiding ignorance behind a web of incompetent pseudo-religiosity.

  78. I am not surprised at this phenomena, as knowledge does now in deed, abound. In other words, I am Only a spectator that hopes to play an active role if it becomes a reality using the creator’s brain as an example, Whereas, I Will be the ‘Machine’ Operator. I Will volunteer to be the Leader, and the President of the Avatar C country with my GOD-given brain intact. Welldone Mr. Billionaire Iska man. I dey wait.. [email protected]

  79. Beware of anti Christ remember the kingdom of God is here don’t allow anyone to use u as an instruments to carry out evil research of God’s work.remember he said I will never shear my glory with anyone.

  80. This is interesting when the white have gotten good knowledge of sciences, the truth is just that;That machine must still be restricted within the earth-sphere and space they’ve knwon as immortality I know does with spirituality of which is devoid of mass and matter. Till 2Mao we must teach them the spirituality of man

  81. Man cannot fight 4 God. Whenva u see a man fight 4 his god, then that god is a man. Believe u me, this Dmitry Itskov’s idea is not worth all these troubles – it’s just too small 4 God 2 handle. God will handle it his way. Worry not people!

  82. bravo bravo bravo!!!! 2 wat purpose 2 END death I guess. well listen n listen gud all dat z involved in dis piss of shit if u take God 4 a fool b ready 2 bear d wrath dat follows. u tink science has nt done enough tampering wit wat God created in his own image well watch n c dat He z nt a toothless bull dog. advice mr russian billionaire spend ur moni on living souls dat need ur hlp.

  83. This man is surely afraid of death and what happens afterwards so he plans to eliminate death, but death is a spirit and hangs over his head already.

    Now, if this idea works out, who controls the network interface.
    Like the God proved himself during the construction of the tower of Babel, he ll definitely proof his supremacy to him. Time will tell. RIP to u Mr. Inventor in advance

  84. Most people are so blinded by religion that they can’t see beyond their noses. What if God gave the Russuian this inspiration? Or, have they lost faith in the fact that with God all things are possible?

  85. Am not surprised at this. If we can point or hear of one or two Anti christs and church of satan established already.we should remember; ‘The End is Near.’ This is like telling God that he made mistake in making a man in his own image.And God hates this with passion. He will not allow it happen.

  86. Am glad 2 hear that. I have the clue to all these mistries a long time ago. But kept quiet for some reasons. Well now that someone has ignited it, I fink I am ready to supply knowlege. There is one more thing that is, how to bridge the interface between soul and body,so that the dead can be brought back to life medically.

  87. i’m only inspired by 2 comments, by KUNLE ND TOMIWA…cn sm1 swear wit God dat if dey av d opportunity of revivin dia luved 1’s back if dey die dat dey wnt do dat??? Or cn sm1 tel me dat if ds prjct cme to pass dat dey r nt goin to benefit frm it??? I’m a genius, i need ur words of encouragement

    • I personally don’t believe that such a thing could happen because in the past human race our fore fathers have gone, our prophets all have also gone, and it is. Also mention in all the Holy books Quran and Bible that every thing on this hearth will die and vanishe. Which means that there mission is going to be a waste by the grace of GOD Almighty.

  88. It is not a sin to come up with an idea, as long as it is not hurting a fellow human being. Wen God created Adam, He created a man dat has a creative ability just like Him. The invention of airplane, cars and son on are due to the creative ability of God rested in human beings. Let the Russian scientist continue with his research. If God does not want it, he won’t succeed. We should stop fighting God’s battle for Him cos He is the almighty, the one dat has all powers. He can fight for Himself

  89. how did he know he’s going to live to see 2045 he’s talking about…This is the begining of end time….it can never or will never work out.
    This kind of people are part of Illuminati.they are demons trying to separate man from God.Evil

  90. The man suffers a disease of the mind; so the brain’ll be microchips huh? The parts of the brain responsible for speech, laugh, calculation, reasoning etc, will be regenerated huh? when they understand the mind and consciousness, how will they transfer its content to the machine (through a memoryDisk, USB? or what) and, even, recreate its functioning. The mind is God’s almight creation, philosophers brag about it, and nothing almighty can be created or recreated by man. POOR BILLIONIARE, hahaha, he’s WASTING HIS MONEY.

  91. Wow, now I understand why Nigeria and indeed most of Africa is the way it is now. Did any of you ‘God’ supporters read the article? You obviously do not understand what is being said.
    First of all, those wishing and ‘promising’ him that he will die before 2045 don’t understand the process of research
    Second, the paper clearly talks about transfering consciousness, and personality and that the ‘machine’ has no PHYSICAL FORM!!! Meaning it exists only as a programme if you like. So the oga that wants to sell spare parts it’s not that kind of biz o!
    I think its a brilliant idea, and I know it is the only way humans can conquer space and time.

  92. Nigerian commentary is always alike in its myopicity. We are always too religious in reasoning and that’s why we are not innovative. We should be objective in reasoning once in a while.
    A BILLIONAIRE enthusiast decides to use his money on research and chooses immortality as hisresearch field and y’all are getting worked up, but why you dey vex, is it your money? And if at all he’s successful (which I highly doubt), y’all hypocrites will die for the chance to be afforded immortality, so SHUT IT, READ YOUR BIBLES/QURANS/WHATEVER HOLY BOOK ANALOGOUS TO YOU, AND GIVE STOP WITH THE MISINTERPRETATION OF GOD’S WORD…

  93. Hmmmm…. Wat a world full of suprises(ugly n good) every day. 4 ma fellow 9jrians who are awrdy decieved n carried away by dis man’s madness in d name of science n technological inventions giving instances of d air plane n internet, diz ar all far 4rm wat d lunatic is pointing @. In d holy books, no matter ur religion, weda 1 lyks it or not death is inevitable n d earth itself would b no more 1day. GOD PASS DEM.

  94. My FATHER in heaven gives you the last warning not to challenge him again for he created you nt to dare him but to serve and worship him So mr billionaire u are advised to withdraw from this satanic act

  95. I’ll sugest dat dat itskov of a thing shud ask of wot hapend 2 d rawlence & his demonic invention. How GOD handled him @last n where he is 2day. He’s rottening in hell fire 2enternity. Itskov will be d next 2 him. Agent of darkness claiming 2 be light.

  96. I hold grounds wit ruki on this… Absent tots from such matters and see coins to more profitable ventures or see
    self wit tail in between legs as projects be turns to ruin cos jupitar himself will fail in such matters… Besides tot has not been channeled towards d use of cock in times of raging on

  97. 5’And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only”EVIL” continually.6′ And it repented the lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.7′ And the lord said,I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man,and beast, and the creaping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. (Gen 6 : 5-7). No controvers “END TIME IS NOW”

  98. There’s no way 2 stop death without losing the human sentience -it is an important thread deeply woven in2 d fabric of human consiousness.
    Interfacing d human brain with the machine’s system via advanced BMI..practically correct. Howvr, i dont c hw dis solves d limitation of death since brain cells wil stil die via neurogenesis (rem. d cyborg stil nids 2 suply d brain with oxygen n nutrients lol.).
    Suposing we manages 2 digitize the human mind as aware ai agents in an internet grid; which will b obviously run by a supreme AI computer. Death will still exist as some form of control measure (program termination) otherwise we’ll b jst programs without sentience which is not what d human mind really is.
    Overall, very scientificaly ambitious n interesting but totally flawed.

  99. When d scientist who invented d telephone said he wuld make such a thing, pple didn’t believe him. Now we r not even using wired connection but wireless n our pastors can’t help but use a blackberry lol. It is possible. To build such a ship as d titanic was a great wonder. But d captain said “not even God can sink dis ship” n during its first travel it sank n many lives were lost. Why did dat happen? Was it becos d ship was an evil invention or becos d captain mocked God?……. God can intervene at any time. Just watch what u say. Who knows, maybe sometin good culd com out of dis invention lol . Nevertheless, I’m not bothered cos Jesus wuld have com n gone way before 2045 n I’m going by d special grace of God. Hehe. It is well

  100. Well we are at the end time take it or leave it . Aticcrist is here not now buT seen . So you poeple that believËs on god keep it up . Bu™ if you don’t you are on your hown be cristien or muslim. The end time has long anymoorÉ bÊcause 100 or 500 years tocome in front of almighty god is like a micro second so the end time has come . Be prepared anytHing can happen any time watcj out .anti crist has come.

  101. one gud thing we dont understand in this life is d inability to fight God’s batle for him.God is a supernatural being and he knows everything,there is nothing,absolutely nothing beyond his control,if this so called scientist succeeds in inventing this robot,God has his purpose of alowin it,and if he(the scientist) fails too,God also has his purpose of breakn it.hmmm our God never makes mistakes.remember d bible said dat we d children of God should not judge for wit wotever we judge wt,dat is wot God is goin to use in judgin us….dont jump into conclusion abt d scientist’s idea,only pray to God for his direction and more so,do d will of God and leave d rest..THANKS TO THOSE THAT UNDERSTANDS THIS BRIEF COMMENT…..

  102. Gud i lyk creativity cos human being is created in d image of God and i can say we are god 4 dat we can do everything but let’s seek d face of our first creator if He say go ahead den go ahead but if He say stop den stop. But ppl reading d article be wise nd b creative i luv dis creative idea just tink of it even if it is bad nd appreciate de thinking mentality

  103. I wsh to commend Mr.Itskov 4 blivn in his dreams strongly. If dis mann is an agent of satan as ppl claim, then, he is a good servant of satan; crazy abt his heinous assignment. U may neva knw hw much he wld sacrifice 4 dis project. How many Christians has such passion 4 d sole project Jesus gave to them(rescuing the perishing). How many hv decided to stop puttn God to shame by their lifestyles. Many re fearful, thus, re engulfed in d quest 4 wealth. Miracle is d order of d day. Their communion with God is shallow when it exists @all. Cyborg, terminator, anti-christ re nt d grand issue. WHAT NOw, re you doing 4 Ur Maker?

  104. Infant for how long are we going to stay for this word,can that one make people not to die no, so why are we worry how self if you do it that person life is in there hand end time as come as for me and my family we are for God.

  105. Science is for man to beautify his world.Remember GOD is the greatest scientist in whom we trust.There are so many scientists who had invented so many machines and heavy duty equipments.e.g Thomas Edison,Micheal faraday,Henry Ford they lived and died.Human
    immortality would have taken place ago if adam and eve could eat the fruit of tree of life but God prevented them access to it.Mr inventor softly,softly God the immortal is the one who has the power for that human immortality
    invention but iam not here to discourage you anyway.I have my vision to invent anti nuclea and atomic explosive too.But no sciencitific hypothesis against death available now except you are a spirit and that is GOD the immortal please think about other things.The inventor of titanic ship in the past century said not even God can sink the beautiful ship.But it shank at last.Fear God thank you

  106. Well …… Am actually amused @ all your reactions but not impressed, my opinion is its achievable and understandable if U understand the basics of science, technology and IT, but it (with emphasis) won’t be the individual anymore, it would have the persons memories, personality, mannerisms and all but will just be another mimic app with no soul and intuition, it will react as expected to input and information but will it actually experience the emotion, will it be disappointed at events and develop a burning desire to influence this world like how he wants to now “food for thought”, on the other hand 1 advantage I can think off is it can be called up to give account of history to many generations ahead besides the idea is as stale as it already exists, the terminator concept type movies where just eye openers ……..argh I hate to talk speak little of type, think what U want, I want to seemankind try, not necessarily dare God that is invent but not to overcome the impossible

  107. It is scientist that librated us from darkness of the world we apreciate that,but dis making human immotal, imaging unprecedented havoc that mr scientist propose to invent into this lovly world.this call 4 d attention of the whole world.but what if u die b4 the tym, what wll happen to d projet.because i knw for sure u will nt succeed.

    • Mr Russian Billionaire mogul, Dmitry Itskov, It’s only a fool dat says in his heart dat der’s no God. God cannot b mocked. God alone kills and makes alive. Eccl 3. Says ‘there’s a tym 2 live and der’s a tym 2 die. It is appointed dat man shld die once and after dat, judgement. If u’r rly set on out-smarting God,d very creator of ur being, y not u create ur own world, make man in d very image u want him 2 be, breathe in2 him and transform him 2 a cyborg, where were u wen God laid d foundations of d earth??declare it if thou has understanding. If God himslf has spoken, who is he dat can alter d word of God?? Death accordin 2 God is a neccesity.. So if any thinks he can equate himslf 2 God by alterin d vry word of God, such entity is of all men most miserable. D tower of babel is now a fairy tale. D beliv dat man evolved 4rm ape is also an old wives fable cuz eva since d postulation by dz very scientists til dz vry day, neva have I seen/heard of any human evolvin 4rm ape. Let me introduce u 2 a God who’l remain God 4eva. A God 2 whom all wisdom lie. A God who’l neva share his glory wv any man. He alone is immortal nd eva shall b. D word of God wil kip prevailin c*m wah may. And 2 all whose minds r bein decieved, I’ll advice u take heed nd guard ur hearts n minds wv all deligence 4 d thngs dat ye see 2 be good aint real. All dat is in d world, d lost of d flesh(carnal pleasures), d lost of d eyes(delighted wv treasures/ d thngs of sense n time) and d pride of life(vain thoughts seekin worldly profit n honour) are wat dis dude seeks 2 accomplish and bliv u me, shld he eva get 2 d fulfilmnt of diz, many wil tke 2 worship him as God. Let’s think 2ice b4 pennin down anythng cuz even d Bible warns dat we shld b careful of man’s inventions whch wil lead 2 d destruction of many. Let God alone be God!!!. As for me I will continue to pray for him that God will conquer his empty soul and fill him with Holy Spirit to be able to know what is right from wrong. My Friends for PRAYER and Counseling Contact me on this same line beside my Name God still answers prayers. From Pastor Aderemi. +2348060121107

    • Mr Russian Billionaire mogul, Dmitry Itskov, It’s only a fool dat says in his heart dat der’s no God. God cannot b mocked. God alone kills and makes alive. Eccl 3. Says ‘there’s a tym 2 live and der’s a tym 2 die. It is appointed dat man shld die once and after dat, judgement. If u’r rly set on out-smarting God,d very creator of ur being, y not u create ur own world, make man in d very image u want him 2 be, breathe in2 him and transform him 2 a cyborg, where were u wen God laid d foundations of d earth??declare it if thou has understanding. If God himslf has spoken, who is he dat can alter d word of God?? Death accordin 2 God is a neccesity.. So if any thinks he can equate himslf 2 God by alterin d vry word of God, such entity is of all men most miserable. D tower of babel is now a fairy tale. D beliv dat man evolved 4rm ape is also an old wives fable cuz eva since d postulation by dz very scientists til dz vry day, neva have I seen/heard of any human evolvin 4rm ape. Let me introduce u 2 a God who’l remain God 4eva. A God 2 whom all wisdom lie. A God who’l neva share his glory wv any man. He alone is immortal nd eva shall b. D word of God wil kip prevailin c*m wah may. And 2 all whose minds r bein decieved, I’ll advice u take heed nd guard ur hearts n minds wv all deligence 4 d thngs dat ye see 2 be good aint real. All dat is in d world, d lost of d flesh(carnal pleasures), d lost of d eyes(delighted wv treasures/ d thngs of sense n time) and d pride of life(vain thoughts seekin worldly profit n honour) are wat dis dude seeks 2 accomplish and bliv u me, shld he eva get 2 d fulfilmnt of diz, many wil tke 2 worship him as God. Let’s think 2ice b4 pennin down anythng cuz even d Bible warns dat we shld b careful of man’s inventions whch wil lead 2 d destruction of many. Let God alone be God!!!. As for me I will continue to pray for him that God will conquer his empty soul and fill him with Holy Spirit to be able to know what is right from wrong. My Friends for PRAYER and Counseling Contact me on this same line beside my Name God still answers prayers. From Pastor Aderemi. +2348060121107

  108. Hmmm. I dnt kno wt to say about dis. Bt ive heard of stuffs mor complicated dan this. This new form of tecnology will open doors to many toughts of other scientists like making their militry soldiers cyborgs. Nd it also cn be used 4 good.such is d mind of man.look at all devices in d world 2da they all hav a bad effects. It depends on d way man use d tecnology.

  109. no z written,it wil b easy 4 a carmtel 2 pas tru d eye of a needle dan a richman 2 go 2 heaven.y? Bcos of dia uselez ambitions n so shockd dat a man creatd by God wil tink or drim of restructurin 2 handwrk n image of God(man).No one shud eva try 2 equate his or herslf wit billionare n cohorts,pls desist 4rm dis conspiracy cos u r headin 4 doom.dnt try God bcos u wil nt b able 2 contend wit God.if u tink u can,stand out in d open n luk at d sun 4 jst 20mins n c.pls children of God.d word of God z final n notin more,notin n bliv him coz He alone wil giv u eternal life nt scientists.

  110. I read thru many comment made by different pple and I have to conclude that an average nigerian has element of religion sentiment that is so deatrimental to our progress in this part of the world. These so call scientist out of their innovative made everything easier for us , up to least which is the invention of matches, we are using today, all we love diong is to critizie in the name of God, I don’t when we will stop fighting for God, we all know that God is Alpha and Omega, He can fight his war. Let us change the ways and manner we are thinking and let all join the reasonable pple in the world. God made everyting possible if it’s will of God , it will possible. Let us stop religionise everything in these country.

  111. Mr. Dmitry Itskov you are the biggest fool in this world. You want to try your creator. Mr dmitry let me tell you don’t try God. If you don’t know what to do with money bring it to 9Ja.I want Russian federation to take mr itskov to the nearest sai kio.t

  112. If he realy want to do what has never been done is to make people not to fall seek and stop psychological depression, then he may be able to immortalized humans.
    From history ferror Karun Hitler of his country dream bigger than what he is aiming at but what was their end?
    They are just inventing things that will destroy them at the end of the day. Instead of thanking God and helping the needy the seek and countries suffering from abject poorverty he is planning an impossible thing.
    Some body should advice him to channel his money to more responsible and important thing that have direct impact on humans than dreaming immortal for people created by God as a trial for testing their faith and returning to the same God for final examination and reward.
    Death is real Hell is real Paradise is real and judgment day is real..
    Don’t waste your life on vanity. When you have all the time to make amends you are wasting it.
    Be warned of a day where your billions can not save you from the punishment of the Almighty Allah..

  113. Once the human consciousness is separated from the body…he becomes a clone,and clones don’t have souls..creating this cybernetic organism is will only be that the loved ones of the person will feel he’s still with them but the truth is that he’ll be far from them cos his soul won’t be present in the cyborg

  114. this story totally made my day… Am damn sure its possible and am sure the required knowledge will be generated soon. This is so the next step in the technological knowledge of homo sapiens, great minds shouldn’t just die even the bible supports the ever living human being.
    This same type of limited sight and inability to see into the boundaries yet unknown were given when the telephone and the computer were initiated too, all people said was that it was impossible and see where that is right now. So all the responses given here aren’t suprising. Come to think of it, He’s very young and already a billionaire and he has great passion for humans. Humans don’t deserve just to die like that, so this is a highly welcomed idea to me and it has been a dream of mine since eternity…. Unlimited power of homo sapiens is in us, its up to us to use it….

  115. Is nt suprising bcos the bible even confirmed to us that on d last days iniquity shall abound and d love of many shall wax cold. Readers should also be aware of d devil & his intrics, he’s a lier

  116. Instead of this long process, the billonaire should use experts&scientists from all angles of life to capture death&it’stings e.g sicknesses,ageing,accident&other forms of natural disaster ,then will humans be immortalised,but remember that even your father lucifer tried to elevate his throne above God’s&was demoted&reserved unto eternal hell.let not money rule you to earn the wrath of God,repent&be saved.JESUS loves&cares for u

  117. i don think this is going to be posible, why because the GOD who made humans knows just the time HE’ll bring good health to HIS creatures, and that HE has promised to do. at isaiah 33:24 and revelation 21:4 HE will remove of from us all the things that is disturben us now….so i don think there is a need for surch technology. beside what will be the after effect of this technology, it should be anliyxed before any forther expeliment…..

  118. Selah! Don’t be surprised when demons are becoming visible with the naked eyes through science and technology. Yeah! This is more than the sign of the end time, but the tribulations after rapture. Don’t be surprised that the devil has started his own programme after the rapture: it will be very easy for him to locate those that are not rapturable, and yet don’t receive the mark of the beast. I just pray that me and you will escape this great tribulation in Jesus Name.
    If you are a fortunate reader and you have not know the reason why Jesus was tortured and crucified, you still have a chance before the next counting second.
    Yeah! Surrender and give your life to Jesus now before the scientists (anti-Christ) finish the project.

  119. There is no harm in trying. We are the image of GOD and so we can create things with our scientific wisdom. Knowledge is from GOD and with GOD all things are possible. Eccl 10:19 says money answereth all things. It’s a new development. Let thy will be done of GOD be done. The electricity, roads, phone, hose, car, tv, plane were invented by people too.

  120. Wao… This is awesome! As long as the mind of human still exists, this is just a little of such and more technological intentions. 100% right I tell you! Except God Himself had not said it: Gen. 11:6, this project is 100% possible. Even God knows what this young billionaire needs to achieve this. But, my only concerns are.
    1. Is this project devil-initiated or God-initiated? Hmmm…
    2. Will God give this project the support as to release the secret needed to make it a breakthrough? From the story of nebucadnezer, God was in support with him in his intending project to take God’s people into captivity. God even called him His servant! Hmmm… Who knows, is this billionare another of God’s servant too…?
    MY CONCLUSION is this: I will live my life to please God who has made me for His glory. That will I do for the KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND! As for the billionare, may God save his soul and find his life a place to abide. Amen! Anyone can come up and will come up with bizarre intentions and inventions, that will keep me knowing that THE END IS NEARER… What About You? The only way you can live without fear of what comes next is to give your life to JESUS, THE PRINCE OF PEACE! Tomorrow might be too late. Christ is calling now, don’t harden your heart. God Bless You Real Good. Amen! PEACE!!!

  121. @dammypen, you have given us the best comment so far. you have a very high IQ. sincerely speaking this innovation should have nothing to do with religion. african level of understanding of ICT is too low no wonder they think lowly.this russian is trying to help the world to overcome death and people are shouting and cursing him.why are u ppl doing like? let him start it leave judgment for God to u want to fight for God? this is attitude of some religion members killing others because they are fighting for God. scientists carry go with your plans jare! just remember there is supreme being who superseds all thing. may God help you.

  122. i think is a welcome development in the sense dat d man is tring to solve d problem of dat people will stop crying for lost of their love one. But d challenges that is in it is if ur solve one problem and at the same time create another biger problem. Pls let him Check very well d adavantage n disadvantage before going into it.

  123. if it is the will of God it will be possible. But we should not let religion deter us from using our brain. I’m using this medium to tell all religious fanatics who commented on this should go and throw away all their technological and scientific inventions. Eg phones, cars, TV, plane, ship, internet, etc. If you think science is evil, then you wouldn’t be commenting on this because you won’t have a phone in the first place. By the way, if it is the will of God and it is done with good intentions, so be it.

  124. Dis is a man completely ignorant of is very existence on earth. Thus, i’m not amaze by his immortal 2045 project. However, as a reminder, d laws of Allah(d uncreated creator of all dat exist) is simply dat u live afta which u return back 2 Him (die) d particular time of which is unknown. Jst as u started lowly from a droplet of sperm till d very height u are now, so wil u be reduce 2 nothing but a dead, decomposed and destroyed body. Your current live line (existence) is an opportunity begging for d wisest decision before it is too late as d laws of existence cant be altered. My advice is dat use ur wealth 2 ease d sufferings of pple around d globe starting from ur locality before it vanish.

  125. although d church recognizes & appreciates d role of science in d betterment of mankind, but dat is nt to give dem d rum 2 outplay God. In d 1st place, who can identify d position of d mind? Is d mind somthin tangible? D arrival of dis proposal is nnt tenable a all. D young man is insane.

  126. Why are Nigerians like this? Why curse in the name of God? We make all these noise in public a do worst in secret little wonder we’re corrupt n backwards. We seem contented with our level of development that’s not how religion should be. Implanted babies, genetic modification of babies, phones with air gestures, organ transplantations, Brain-Machine Interface, countless technologies……we indeed are subduing the earth. Don’t hate on the poor man.

  127. No comment just 1 ‘he who strives 2 save his soul will loose it but he who losses it would save it. I say 2 u for a fact that over 80 percent of people who reject this idea now would partake in it if they get to see it working in the future

  128. This is insanity in its full fledge, God decree death over us all, lets just wait nd see d plan of God over hes plan.
    If he succed mayb God sees notin wrong in it.
    Bt i doubt his success
    Allah! uar d most Graceful, d all wise, knower of everytin.

  129. My dear what are u saying that the young man is helping u to reduce death or what ever u mean by robing sholder with GOD his creator? this is real the sign of end time,if he don’t know what to do with his money I think there is less privilegies in his country let him use the money on them I think GOD will take glory than this his scientific errors,b/cos he don’t have any right to question GOD with his scientific errors about dearth,let him not dare GOD,he can learn from Lucifer and nebucadnezer or he will be the next victim,cos no matter how, GOD is GOD don’t debat with him,u don’t know more than GOD so don’t try GOD use ur talent 4 something else ur not GOD he knows why don’t try ur self with that ur scientific madness

    • I dnt gve a 4k if his a trillioniare this anti christs are trying to cover our eyes with science every human on earth has is own amount of years to live after that u return to the farther 4 jurdgement dnt let anybody decieve u they are just making plans to iniciate people into there socalled illuminate it is written dat who ever bears the mark of the devil is doomed for intarnity .i warn u dnt bring ur stupid thing to nigeria or else u will return home with out ur billonaire head eat a big dick.

  130. Mr billionaire ,
    If u don’t fear man pls FEAR GOD… Have u ever thought of sleeping and and not wake up? Pls GOD gave u wealth, channel it into something creative and stop allowing devil to manupulate u. Pls pray to God for directions He knows all. Before u talk to him pls confess ur sin and submit , surrender all u ve to him… Den ask him for direction i m 100% sure my God (i am that i am) wld answer u.. And my fellow brother let’s keep praying for him and those that ve not given their lives shld pls do that now.. U don’t need any prophet to tell u we very very close to the end time.. HIS words wld surely come to pass. No 1 can stop that.

  131. Would stop bascking in ignorance, we have people who actually use their brains for development of science, while the naïve end users give them names of anti Christ, instead Of beIng grateful for innovations

  132. Gsm is man playing God because each time u call anyone it is through the Mother STATION of your network where millions other calls are processed and ur request are answered all at the same time wirelesly.Is that not what God does with prayers.Now this research if it works some great brains that invented great things in Medicine,Technology,Science etc will be in service.Some people who cannot trace their Family history cos the custodian of those important historical facts are dead will be in service again . Infact many will wish this great proposed research had existed 200 years earlier.Imagine many slaves in diaspora will trace their Family root easily. some of u may discover that your so called enemy was only 2 generations away directly.
    Let us support d Russian . D obstacles in the research are many .so bring up your own idea

  133. This fellow should know that he was created, why is he trying to cheat nature? Well, in philosophy, under the topic – METAPHYSICS, we learnt that there is an absolute being and there is a contingent being. And in the bible …to everything there is a season and time, … a time to be born and a time to die. Let’s not bother our heads time shall tell. God is the almighty.

  134. With his intentions and ambitions, it is clearly stated that this project is more of evil intention, than for the good of humans.
    For those chanting for the go ahead and thinking it is for the good of humans, have you asked yourself what it cost to undertake such a project? And if paraventure it proves to be a success do you think you can afford it?
    So clearly it is not for the GENERAL good of humans but it is more of a plan for just the elite ones, and clearly these are those that are holding this world backwards with their wealth.
    Secondly I think this young man is clearly afraid of death, and wants to live on earth forever.. And is this possible?
    The only way this can be beneficial to all is for him to do exactly what one of the writers said earlier, and that is to find a way to enslave death and its sting (accidents, sickness, poverty,etc) then and only then can he immortalize humans, bcos without death, humans will be immortal, its as simple as ABC, if not then I sense falsehood in his ambitions for humans.

  135. This page just shows us the reason why Nigerians cant change and why Nigeria is stuck in this present sorry state. Without science and technology, we wouldn’t be where we are today. What if this plan is going along with the will of god ? What If he wants it to happen ? People shouldn’t assume such things without knowing the full details. You never know what god might have in store for us

  136. God is the only immortal and the heavenlies and not man and the earthlies.This is a scientific immagination and fantasy.Let’s give it a chance whether it’s going to be realistic as part of scientific struggle. But as for me,I won’t be part of those that check God’s work or contrarily cos this is a sign of the end time. SHALOM SHALOM

  137. I got 6 words.. Terminator 3 Rise Of the machines. Machines r gon take over.. The revelation is complete (all the signs) we are at 2nd half of extra time.. Referee (GOD) will soon blow the whistle and Match go finish. Let’s seek GOD’s Face Now B4 its too late.

  138. pls lets be sincere 2 our self here,i mean everyone knows dat
    God is d owner of de universe,he owns us 2,now we are still waitin 4 rapure,y wont every bdy jst rest nd leave it n
    Gods hands nd live a righteous life,bcos 2 b righteous is 2 b concious

  139. U guys ar myopic and too absorb in a religion u didnt undastand…fightin 4God is d worst tin a man can do in his life cos he do nt judge d way we judge…just check what hapen durin d time of d tower of babylon,God didnt approve it and made them scarter in difft directns so i tink d young man should b given adequate support and encouragement,who knws,d project mayb d eternal life dat Jesus promised us…pls oga,if d project can revitalize d death,i pray to u to do more to resurrect my love

    • Life and death are all in the hand of. God,and I don’t think any of us is qualify to fight for God.
      Whatever this young man want to do we should all keep quite and watch him do it, 2045 is still long for us to begin now to quarrel over this project.
      If God keep him a live till then to Him be the Glory,but if he travels to eternity before then, then it maybe that God never approve his plan.
      So please let all stop fighting over it now and let God do His own will!

  140. I believe in science, its like second hand of God working but the fact that God is universal and supreme can never be undermined.
    It would have been better for Science to work on longevity of life like tips on doubling a man’s life span or more. It is inevitable for man to die as long as God is alive and awake.
    Researching on man’s immortality is a trace of rebellion and anti-Christ approach from the pit of hell ~ I believe in science but not at the expense of my faith in God. Join me to shout Christ reigns.

  141. I woudn’t say dat dis idea by Mr itskov is impossible rather i will say dat its d cos of over fellow humans,bear it in mind dat such opportunities dont come so easy,cos only the few wealthy can benefit frm it.Den to u Mr itskov, since u re wealthy enough to invest such amount for dis project,i hope u build it in a way dat both d rich & d poor can afford such luxury or else better use such funds for charity,cos d truth is dey re gonna appreciate ur benevolence.

  142. who is like God, who can be like Him nobody… anyway the man his just trying to unveil the work of God which is impossible. the death of this stupid man is at his door, let wait and see what will happen to him.

  143. O my GOD,dis an end time story,dis d way dey want fufill dia interprise,dnt mind dem dey are evil men,just repent and give ur. Life to christ•hell and heaven iz real my brethren give deft ear to dem•just go to church read ur bible•b ritheous repent•and wait for d sound of d trumpet•i hnt finish•i wil stil post more

  144. This is truly amazing. For all the critics out here, I don’t even know where to start. Ok let me try to vibrate on your frequency so you might understand. If God is against this research and he is really against men understanding the mysteries of the human entity, then he will by all means stop this. Afterall he is GOD. If however you have to stop this in defence of God, then you are indirectly stating something I hope you’re not. Anyways history is replete with the majority antagonizing a progressive minority who eventually prevail against all odds.

  145. 10x 4 al ur contributions. Dis man dmitri 4rm russia is young man & wt a serious age advantage, even wt cash. the good book says that in d last days” that d young men shall dream dreams. pls, allow this man to dream, if his dreams ar from GOD it must come to reality, but if not every of his effort will certainly crumble. lets live it for GOD, lest we see ourselves fighting GOD without knowing it.

  146. 2me with God al thins are possible,
    But hypotheticalyspeaking, some things in this world are better live alone.there is no course 4 alam every things is goin 2 be ok.
    kun fayakun, (be an it is).

  147. 4 dose of us who serve Jesus as lord and savior we already have d assurance of becoming imortal someday not by d hands of men who have not seen or face death bt by him who himself defeated death and ressurrected putin on d flesh of immortality for eternity 1cor 15: 51-54 mind u he also promised 2 destroy everytin and melt it wit d heat of d sun so i wnder where my russian immortal mechano wil b

  148. God is the beginning and the end.. He knows the end of everything even before it starts, He is a perfect God and so for me trying to immortalise man is another way of saying God does not know what he is doing… The Bible says that the Foolishness of God is better than the wisdom of man so let any man not be deceived by the amount of money he has o…….

  149. many people have show how lower their faith in God, because their lack wisdom and understanding of teaching of Jesus christ and why came in the first place, See, u can never fight for God and that is my point here, we all christian’s should know that, because our God is the alpha and omega and God warn us not to judge anyone no matter what, because everything work for the glory of God and don’t be deceive by them. Heaven is real and hell is real too. So be vigilant all the time. Jesus christ is coming and his coming very soon. So Always Believe in the word of God and u will leave forever thank you.

  150. Nigerians are toooo stupid,ignorant and mad,wait a minute u resents technology Abi plzz any of u who doesn’t have a fone,or who doesn’t transport in a car or beta still walk on tha road naked,fools maybe u should all go back to tha garden of Eden and start livin and walkin naked since u hate advancement and evolutions,animals plzz pull of ya cloths and begin to live naked bcuz this scientist invented them too

  151. Curious. This gifted Russian individual (gifted by God by the way) is as usual pushing the frontiers of science which by the way isn’t limited in its scope. God designed the human mind to ask questions and be creative which is precisely what most poor ignorant people simply have refused to do hence they continue to wallow in poverty and ignorance. Curious too and amazed how everyone seems to have a strong opinion about what God thinks as if they had a personal consultation with God before coming here to post and criticize. If you hate this man so much, ask yourself honestly does God hate him too? I am sure you can’t get the correct answer until you ask God but wait. God is not going to answer you (or will He?). Bottomline. If God posts personally on this website and says he is angry with this guy, then I will criticize the Russian. If God (not you) kills this guy in his sleep (maybe I will buy your idea). If God personally tells me that this guy is evil and working against his will. That would absolutely settle it for me. Until then I think its a beautiful ambition and a lot of positives could be derived even if the expected result is not achieved.

  152. The Russian billionaire is trying 2 compare himself wid God.God had planned dat man ws 2 live 4eva but since man flaunted God’s word, God made a reverse of it by preventn man from eatn from d tree of life . And also 2ru Jesus Christ we were saved nd nt 2ru science of a tin -cause it has caused alot of pple 2 believe in science shit which i don’t belive in. Dare4 my beloved in Christ hold fast 2 him nd don’t b deceived by wateva scientist says nd i pray dat d Lord should open d Russian’s eye 2 know dat his God(omnipotent) nd make others who tins of such a futile development 2 deviate nd give their lives 2 Christ .

  153. Do you have any knowledge of the bible. u must be one of the antichrist the bible is talking about.i pray God will give u the grace to know that, what u em-back on may put an end to your own life. it is the right time come back to Christ Jesus.the work of God can not be change. fine another best way to use your money.

  154. All will perish in the sight of Allah and every soul will account for its deeds. We need not to blab about this issue… God is so around, the all seeing alll hearing all knowing. The knowledge on earth compared to that of God is like you deep your hand in the ocean and remove it, what’s on your hand i.e water, is quivalent to the knowledge of this world and what’s left in the ocean is equivalent to that of God. Safe to the mogul. God is the best planner, maker and fashioner.and he can disrupt and disfigure whatever he wants. We are all subjects. Death is the continuity of life, from the womb of our mother we end up in the womb of the earth called the tomb…”from the womb to the tomb” UTH- inspired by sheik khalid yasin

  155. This is the kind of ppl the devil is using to promote his kindom. Its clear dat the 666 soldiers are abt to manifest.
    Isn’t it clear dat the end time has come?
    kaiton ka, kai da aya ta cika a kanka!

  156. Some one comes up with an IDEA, and the first thing we Nigerians do is to mention god in the mix. Look at ( Kbala Hassan · Programmer at Computer Programmer) saying he believes in the Internet and computers because thats what he studied. Somewhat HYPOCRITICAL if you ask me. News Flash: computers, Internet, programming, SCIENCE GENERALLY, came from people who do not reference, nor recognize the IDEA of god as is described by religion. Einstein, Gates, Job, the linux guy are the great minds that have brought us to where we are today.

    So if this Russian Billionaire want to, then let him. Instead of condemning his idea, quiet your voices and let innovation leave you behind.

  157. Pple r more intelligent than each other so therefore.what the young man is trying to do is under probability,and even though if he succed the benefit is 4 view but. That hav notin to do with work of God bcos God created scienstific 4d development of univerce.

  158. I shud ve say,dis initiatve is interesting in jagon but wit God every tins re possible; yet dis is beautiful nonsence cos he was forecastin for 3 decade 2 come not noing he may not see 2morow? if truly such scientist upgrade shal comence, it mins de whole world shal end before then!!!!! cos evn thos who belif there is no GOD, but belif there is dead/death and is stated in the holy QURAN that every creature shal die and rewake for the JUDGEMENT

  159. God almighty! I don’t know what this world is turning into, please God change our brother Russian Billionaire main, for him to stop thinking such thing again. I don’t know y Billionaire wnt to change what God created into his own satisfaction.

  160. Lol…its not just Nigerians dt wud revolt to such audacious invention. My friends supporting dis technology, can u let go of ur humanity for uncertainty of immortality? Technology always has errors…man is imperfect. so wat if while transferring ur ‘mind’ to a cyborg, a virus attacks d system and u are hanging between a metal and human being…lol. Besides, u wil now av a fresh battle, as a metal being ur sickness wil be corrosion…lol …if u don’t corrode, u wil need batteries, lol…anyway, let him try, but lemme state here, if u want to live foreva, contact J-E-S-U-S, dis immortality arrangement is alredi available, dis russian is late. As for me, am alredi an immortal.

  161. I will admonish you to use your wealth and wisdom to preach salvation through christ as the only way out of eternal doom cos not even a sophisticated robot can set aside God’s eternal purpose for humanity.Remenber that the breath of God gave life to man and once he withdraws it ,every other thing is as good as a robot.

  162. The wisdom of man will always come nothing,expecially when it comes against d word of God.this man has too much money and has no knowledge of the bible, what happen to Nebcadneza in d bibble,no problem. He is fulling d scripture d sign of end time,

  163. nigerians?????wen will we also start thinking instead of blaming others?this isn’t about d end tym,its about u thinking and having a goal and purpose in life,we are not and never will be smarter dan God bcos he is d owner of our life and he is d one dat gave us d brain….so it jt depend on how u make use of urs…..mind u,he is making use of his own talent received by God

  164. My dear brother u have spoken well may God bless u.let those that have ears hear, as for u god of the earth(billionaire brother)if u don’t have anyting to do wit ur useless money,dear I can manage it for u well we are in a free world u are free to think,talk and reason anyhow: but my advice is u should not tempt ur God.

  165. Very bad idea… why the need making human being immortal..making humans half machine and half human..this is totally diabolic becuz u’ll be indirectly creating problem…imagine a situation of revolution btw human beings and the so-called human machine..Please re-think.

  166. This is diabolical..making human being half human and half machine just to make them live long is insanity in the name of science…it’s more or less making them vampires..GOD made man out of dust and dust must he return one day..He should chanel his money into something else maybe charity or development of his country and world at large and even possibly wiring some across to me…can u imagine a situation of revolution btw humans and the so-called human machine..Please re-think.

  167. iliteracy or technology phobia is d main problem facing a gud number of people in nigeria.whch goes on to affect how they think. If u are like dat beginin 2 tink dis man is playing wise on God pls drop asyd ur cell phone,laptop computer,tablet pc, ipads wch u are using now to coment rubbish and mek sure u return to pen and paper cos ure d part of d problem nigerian has. Help urself and help d country to move forward!

  168. Hmmmmm, I think its not time to pass judgment yet. If he succeeds, all to the glory of God for knowlodge comes from God. Remember, God told his angels in the book of Genesis “let us send man out from the garden of Eden less he also discover the fruit of life and eat in order to live eternally’. we should be watching.

    • SARAH It’s only a fool dat says in his heart dat der’s no God. God cannot b mocked. God alone kills and makes alive. Eccl 3. Says ‘there’s a tym 2 live and der’s a tym 2 die. It is appointed dat man shld die once and after dat, judgement. If u’r rly set on out-smarting God,d very creator of ur being, y not u create ur own world, make man in d very image u want him 2 be, breathe in2 him and transform him 2 a cyborg, where were u wen God laid d foundations of d earth??declare it if thou has understanding. If God himslf has spoken, who is he dat can alter d word of God?? Death accordin 2 God is a neccesity.. So if any thinks he can equate himslf 2 God by alterin d vry word of God, such entity is of all men most miserable. D tower of babel is now a fairy tale. D beliv dat man evolved 4rm ape is also an old wives fable cuz eva since d postulation by dz very scientists til dz vry day, neva have I seen/heard of any human evolvin 4rm ape. Let me introduce u 2 a God who’l remain God 4eva. A God 2 whom all wisdom lie. A God who’l neva share his glory wv any man. He alone is immortal nd eva shall b. D word of God wil kip prevailin cum wah may. And 2 all whose minds r bein decieved, I’ll advice u take heed nd guard ur hearts n minds wv all deligence 4 d thngs dat ye see 2 be good aint real. All dat is in d world, d lost of d flesh(carnal pleasures), d lost of d eyes(delighted wv treasures/ d thngs of sense n time) and d pride of life(vain thoughts seekin worldly profit n honour) are wat dis dude seeks 2 accomplish and bliv u me, shld he eva get 2 d fulfilmnt of diz, many wil tke 2 worship him as God. Let’s think 2ice b4 pennin down anythng cuz even d bible warns dat we shld b careful of man’s inventions whch wil lead 2 d destruction of many. U can go ahead wv other minial scientific projects buh neva try 2 remake wah God has alrdy made. Let God alone be God!!!!

    • SARAH It’s only a fool dat says in his heart dat der’s no God. God cannot b mocked. God alone kills and makes alive. Eccl 3. Says ‘there’s a tym 2 live and der’s a tym 2 die. It is appointed dat man shld die once and after dat, judgement. If u’r rly set on out-smarting God,d very creator of ur being, y not u create ur own world, make man in d very image u want him 2 be, breathe in2 him and transform him 2 a cyborg, where were u wen God laid d foundations of d earth??declare it if thou has understanding. If God himslf has spoken, who is he dat can alter d word of God?? Death accordin 2 God is a neccesity.. So if any thinks he can equate himslf 2 God by alterin d vry word of God, such entity is of all men most miserable. D tower of babel is now a fairy tale. D beliv dat man evolved 4rm ape is also an old wives fable cuz eva since d postulation by dz very scientists til dz vry day, neva have I seen/heard of any human evolvin 4rm ape. Let me introduce u 2 a God who’l remain God 4eva. A God 2 whom all wisdom lie. A God who’l neva share his glory wv any man. He alone is immortal nd eva shall b. D word of God wil kip prevailin cum wah may. And 2 all whose minds r bein decieved, I’ll advice u take heed nd guard ur hearts n minds wv all deligence 4 d thngs dat ye see 2 be good aint real. All dat is in d world, d lost of d flesh(carnal pleasures), d lost of d eyes(delighted wv treasures/ d thngs of sense n time) and d pride of life(vain thoughts seekin worldly profit n honour) are wat dis dude seeks 2 accomplish and bliv u me, shld he eva get 2 d fulfilmnt of diz, many wil tke 2 worship him as God. Let’s think 2ice b4 pennin down anythng cuz even d bible warns dat we shld b careful of man’s inventions whch wil lead 2 d destruction of many. U can go ahead wv other menial scientific projects buh neva try 2 remake wah God has alrdy made. Let God alone be God!!!!

  169. SARAH It’s only a fool dat says in his heart dat der’s no God. God cannot b mocked. God alone kills and makes alive. Eccl 3. Says ‘there’s a tym 2 live and der’s a tym 2 die. It is appointed dat man shld die once and after dat, judgement. If u’r rly set on out-smarting God,d very creator of ur being, y not u create ur own world, make man in d very image u want him 2 be, breathe in2 him and transform him 2 a cyborg, where were u wen God laid d foundations of d earth??declare it if thou has understanding. If God himslf has spoken, who is he dat can alter d word of God?? Death accordin 2 God is a neccesity.. So if any thinks he can equate himslf 2 God by alterin d vry word of God, such entity is of all men most miserable. D tower of babel is now a fairy tale. D beliv dat man evolved 4rm ape is also an old wives fable cuz eva since d postulation by dz very scientists til dz vry day, neva have I seen/heard of any human evolvin 4rm ape. Let me introduce u 2 a God who’l remain God 4eva. A God 2 whom all wisdom lie. A God who’l neva share his glory wv any man. He alone is immortal nd eva shall b. D word of God wil kip prevailin cum wah may. And 2 all whose minds r bein decieved, I’ll advice u take heed nd guard ur hearts n minds wv all deligence 4 d thngs dat ye see 2 be good aint real. All dat is in d world, d lost of d flesh(carnal pleasures), d lost of d eyes(delighted wv treasures/ d thngs of sense n time) and d pride of life(vain thoughts seekin worldly profit n honour) are wat dis dude seeks 2 accomplish and bliv u me, shld he eva get 2 d fulfilmnt of diz, many wil tke 2 worship him as God. Let’s think 2ice b4 pennin down anythng cuz even d bible warns dat we shld b careful of man’s inventions whch wil lead 2 d destruction of many. Let God alone be God!!!

  170. SARAH It’s only a fool dat says in his heart dat der’s no God. God cannot b mocked. God alone kills and makes alive. Eccl 3. Says ‘there’s a tym 2 live and der’s a tym 2 die. It is appointed dat man shld die once and after dat, judgement. If u’r rly set on out-smarting God,d very creator of ur being, y not u create ur own world, make man in d very image u want him 2 be, breathe in2 him and transform him 2 a cyborg, where were u wen God laid d foundations of d earth??declare it if thou has understanding. If God himslf has spoken, who is he dat can alter d word of God?? Death accordin 2 God is a neccesity.. So if any thinks he can equate himslf 2 God by alterin d vry word of God, such entity is of all men most miserable. D tower of babel is now a fairy tale. D beliv dat man evolved 4rm ape is also an old wives fable cuz eva since d postulation by dz very scientists til dz vry day, neva have I seen/heard of any human evolvin 4rm ape. Let me introduce u 2 a God who’l remain God 4eva. A God 2 whom all wisdom lie. A God who’l neva share his glory wv any man. He alone is immortal nd eva shall b. D word of God wil kip prevailin cum wah may. And 2 all whose minds r bein decieved, I’ll advice u take heed nd guard ur hearts n minds wv all deligence 4 d thngs dat ye see 2 be good aint real. All dat is in d world, d lost of d flesh(carnal pleasures), d lost of d eyes(delighted wv treasures/ d thngs of sense n time) and d pride of life(vain thoughts seekin worldly profit n honour) are wat dis dude seeks 2 accomplish and bliv u me, shld he eva get 2 d fulfilmnt of diz, many wil tke 2 worship him as God. Let’s think 2ice b4 pennin down anythng cuz even d bible warns dat we shld b careful of man’s inventions whch wil lead 2 d destruction of many. Let God alone be God!!!!

    • This is the plan of antichrist, please dont do it o, becos it end to hell, let them be using it by them self, remember they have power and authority to do it becos they are antichrist, GOD is only immortal we have, all others is antichrist, remember again that those antichrist is also immotal and there end is hellfire, they can change humans to immortal too and it result to 666 mark, so immortality cannot supported by GOD in this world accept in the KINGDOM OF GOD, people of GOD please we are in end time o.

  171. SARAH It’s only a fool dat says in his heart dat der’s no God. God cannot b mocked. God alone kills and makes alive. Eccl 3. Says ‘there’s a tym 2 live and der’s a tym 2 die. It is appointed dat man shld die once and after dat, judgement. If u’r rly set on out-smarting God,d very creator of ur being, y not u create ur own world, make man in d very image u want him 2 be, breathe in2 him and transform him 2 a cyborg, where were u wen God laid d foundations of d earth??declare it if thou has understanding. If God himslf has spoken, who is he dat can alter d word of God?? Death accordin 2 God is a neccesity.. So if any thinks he can equate himslf 2 God by alterin d vry word of God, such entity is of all men most miserable. D tower of babel is now a fairy tale. D beliv dat man evolved 4rm ape is also an old wives fable cuz eva since d postulation by dz very scientists til dz vry day, neva have I seen/heard of any human evolvin 4rm ape. Let me introduce u 2 a God who’l remain God 4eva. A God 2 whom all wisdom lie. A God who’l neva share his glory wv any man. He alone is immortal nd eva shall b. D word of God wil kip prevailin cum wah may. And 2 all whose minds r bein decieved, I’ll advice u take heed nd guard ur hearts n minds wv all deligence 4 d thngs dat ye see 2 be good aint real. All dat is in d world, d lost of d flesh(carnal pleasures), d lost of d eyes(delighted wv treasures/ d thngs of sense n time) and d pride of life(vain thoughts seekin worldly profit n honour) are wat dis dude seeks 2 accomplish and bliv u me, shld he eva get 2 d fulfilmnt of diz, many wil tke 2 worship him as God. Let’s think 2ice b4 pennin down anythng cuz even d bible warns dat we shld b careful of man’s inventions whch wil lead 2 d destruction of many. U can go ahead wv other minial scientific projects buh neva try 2 remake wah God has alrdy made. Let God alone be God!!!!

  172. dis madnes is speaking o d end time. 2 u fools dat want it posible u wil just live 2 c it bt wil nt enjoy it, bt u only enjoy d surferness of it. if dis posible dey wil rule over d poor.there wil b war every try 2 notice smtin in dis experiment wen dey change u into robot i bet u there wil nt b life in u anymore is only ur brain dat can function nd dis is like comitin sucide.u av been alredy b4 been a robot..nd i promice u dey will sufer 4 it cus no man can excape death..nd tink of there jugement in after life…i pray God 4give dem of there stupility..cus Jesus said on d cross.father! 4give dem cus dey no not wat dey ar doin..don’t let satan take over plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss…..

  173. God is the only one who can give life. Life is a unique gift 4rm God a gift dat we ar oppurtuned 2 be blessed wit.. Our main purpose here on earth is 2 do his will and after whc is enternal immortality, happiness, and love..instead of wastin ur reasource in fake project dat will do u no good y not help those dat cant affored even a 3 squ meal a day ……..rememba dat in some decands back dis same project was carried out and behold dey did not end u well ……u can have all dey whole wealth in dey world but u can neva be lyk God cos he is dey cos of ur existance the aurthor and dey finisher of ur lyf

  174. Some people are crazy you know. This Russian man, how many people died of AIDS and HIV in your country? How many are still suffering from it? What about cancer, kidney etc. Why not think positive? Please don’t try your creator for you will not live to achieve this, so please rethink.

  175. Whatever he thinks about himself, he should bear it in mind dat only God is immortal . No one should dare God, or else, His anger wil rise upon dis earth. Prayer is de key 2 destroy all their evil plans……

  176. If a man is turned into a cyborg,his mind will be programmed to suit the person that created it. So i belive that they are trying to build machines that will carry out there selfish desires

  177. Hahahahahahahah, hahahahahahah…. Scientist, U̶̲̥̅̊ make me laff, well, i know U̶̲̥̅̊ guys av been trying in all of generations past. But Ȋ̝̊̅§ dis not insane? Ȋ̝̊̅§ a thing of joy to grown old and meet ur creator someday. Human Ȋ̝̊̅§ human, cyborg Ȋ̝̊̅§ cyborg. There are two different persons here! Nothing can replace humanity. i think U̶̲̥̅̊ need to concentrate on how to better d life of ppl with dat money rather than using it to remove their brain, i think U̶̲̥̅̊ will make a mark by doing dat!!! Thanks, GOD Ȋ̝̊̅§. GOD, MAN Ȋ̝̊̅§ MAN, cyborg Ȋ̝̊̅§ cyborg

    • ‘kullu nafsin za i katul muat’ verily evry soul shall test death… pls my pple hw sure r we dat d innovetors r reachin dat year wit life???so lts nr decived pls cox man only proposes and God approves!

  178. the end time is near, please people of God beware! For no man knows the hour or minute or time JESUS will come back……all dat dis man is doing will only bring about his death, for the only immortal God will show him this death he’s trying to run from……..

  179. I don’t tink dey knw wot they’re trying 2 do.d bible says “for what shll it profi a man if he gains d whole world and looses his soul or what can u gv in exchange 4 ur soul. This means dat no matter hw much money u av u can’t buy life and if u’re tryin 2 build an army of cyborgs then u lie . If u culd gv life then y do u nid our precious brain to recycle. U create ur own brains and make them cyborgs then we’ll appreciate u

  180. What nonsense.
    God said to mankind (kulli nafsin za’ikatul maut) every living beings shall taste death.
    So if you think you can overcome age and death then you are fooling your self bro. Coz u were made by God not man my friend.

  181. No man can be like God,the man should go and repent I have a bible portion for him John 3:3 ..if you think this is technology and not other level of recruit 666..the sign of the beast contact me on my blackberry pin .236C8FB8 , I only drop this as a form of evangelism,I am here to put more light into this, when God gave you brain and the rest of your body, why must you choose to reform from human to robot and you thought that is the best instead to have or spend the rest of your life in eternity ,devil has big plan in this end time but I know that God will surely save us and lead us to our destination,remember this (behold, I am going to prepare a place for you,in my fathers house there are many mansion) this is a place of enjoyment not many robot. I shall stop here,may God help us contact me once again pin 236C8FB8.

    • Fucking, crazy Nigerians so Godly ad yet very wickend, senseless, heartless & stupid. Wat has religion got 2 do wot dis. D man has brain & moni y don’t u allow him 2 use it d way it plesase him. Abi una think say e be lky una billionaries wre go carry una moni take go dey buy houses 4 aborad? Y nt comot d wood 4 ur eye so dat u go fit see well 2 comot d dust 4 another person eye. Fucking Nigerians!!!…. So blind dat even their pastors use dem 2 enrich them selfs. U talked abt God yet u don’t understnt d bible u read. Y una nor dey lky better tin???? If every new invention is a sign of 666 or endtym y don’t u do away wit ur blackberry, LED, fridge, wrist watch, labtop & make u nor dey wear cloth dey use leave take cover body, cuz these ar sweats of pple thoughts & ideals. Com…. Make una take una tym oh!!!! Nor be 4 everywhere una go dey fool una self. Wickend &heartless pple.. Pretenders!!!

      • Ignorance seeps out of all you just typed here. It is obvious you do not know the truth therefore you are still in darkness. Go read your bible then you will see what happened to Nimrod who tried God. How dare you compare phones and fridges to humans? The bible says we were created in God’s image meaning we have knowledge to create things. Making phones, mortars and blocks for building houses harms no one. When you start thinking you are God and want to start creating life then that is absolutely wrong. Man is God’s most precious gift and when you start tampering with such stuff, the end is never good. Look @ what happened to the fallen angels who came down to pro create with humans, what happened to them and their spawns? It was never part of God’s master plan, therefore no one should mess with it. You say we Nigerians are ignorant but my dear, YOU are the ignorant and uninformed person in this room. It has a lot to do with religion. You can call us what ever you will but one thing I am proud of is that Nigerians know God-be it Muslims or Christians.

  182. Please, don’t curse this man,he needs prayer to repent. ,he may still be useful for God purpose,money is controlling him,Christian should pray hard for God to open his eyes to see light because he is spiritually blind and can not see why and the reason for the pains of christ on the cross,I pray that he should be. Delivered and got saved, don’t ba so happy when someone is going or plan to go to hell fire ,our prayer as a Christian is for God to deliver this man,as for me,he has no money,is not the richest man ,in my country,we have a lot of people who may be richer than this man but you will not see them campaign For devil and trying to recruit 666 but what I know is that with our prayer,me and u. And entire world,the man will reason and be born again,our God didn’t want anyone to perish,if the whole wide word repent and follow christ,heaven is big enough to contain them,please let us pray for him because he didn’t know what is doing .

  183. It is written” The heart is desperately wicked who can knw it.” Read through history and seen the end of those who challenged God before is also written” I have set before you live and death but choose life that you may live,” the life here is to steer clear of your proposed project because its sucidal. Just channel your wealth and vast knwoledege into something meaningful. Thanks

  184. See Nigeria mentality…is that the far you can thing….upon all your shouting of God, vices andcorruption is your watchward…you good for nothing set of unreasoning people…
    Better tell your government act better and you should also be good in your did…

    See them, science=then no good
    technology=they are next to nothing, all they know is to condemn,,,God the creator can fight for himself not you preaching Godliness when your hearts is more dirtier than the dust-bin rag…

  185. See them, all they know is quote the bible and quran when they themself never act in accordance to either…people deceiving people…better go and sleep, already you have nothing doing…so, leave those that have something to do, God endowed them with the knowledge. If they acheive it good and if not, it’s non of your business, or how many thing have you developed technologically, even the primary school children of china are better off than your degree holder here.
    So, why not condemn your government and the society you lived in rather than blaming those that belong to develop countries.
    You cmplain american are bad, they they are seeking the wrath of God, yet they are 100times better than you are.
    Yours is to condemnation and theirs belong sucess…see them mtchew…

    Ordinary electricity you can perfect, awon ode, oponu, afofun gbe funmu (daft)

    • am oge. look its tru wt u said abt people diverting issues n decieving dm selves. if we r created in God’s ‘image’ n ‘likeness’. wts wrong wt pushing d frontiers of science beyond death ds it mk God less Almighty? even God promised us immotality…dts d ultimate tn of religion n every facet of humanity….”in ds days knoledge will increase”…it means ‘all’ levels of knolegde.why do we believe on tn n doubt d rest. d scripture itself cannot b grasped in part but only when we luk at it as a whole.

  186. @zee…i ll like 2make some clarifictn here as par tower of babel ad space exploit..d plan of God wus 4man 2 inhabit ad subdue d whole d pple then wnt 2 liv 2geda in one plac…thus wntn to build a high tower dt ll inhabit all of them…dr4 conflictn Gods plan of earth occupatn…God didnt scata dm cos of dre cos it conflict His purpose…offcos..dey cnt build any tower evn high 2d sky…evn wt modern tech… Space exploit does nt contradict His plan cos he wnt us to occupy ad subdue d planet… it pleases Him wen we use His gift 4gud purpose…so its 2diff tins.
    So let wait ad c what dis billionaire ll make out of hiz plan….bt one tin is certain…immotality start afta death….QED.

  187. Nw i knw u’re a complete fool! I’m in Nigeria n where i stay there is constant power supply…u think u can jst sit down n classify all Nigerians as 1…i’ll tell u 1 thing Nigerians knw hw to do: they knw hw to survive…i hv d feeling u’re a Nigerian bcos u’re behavin jst lyk d Nigerians u’re condemnin…U’RE ONE OF THE BAD EGGS NIGERIA HAS N I HOPE WE ARE RID OF THIS EGG soon

  188. This russian billionaire don’t know they were vapour that appear for a little time and then vanish away.You that invent this innovation is a fool.Did u ever know what will happen before one second now, Our God will remain Omnipotent and uniqueness.GOD knowledge is unsearchable.

  189. Lameasses lol…..what’s all dis crap about Religion on here?? What has this post got to do with God or the endtime or whatever other bullshit you guys are talking about??

    I’d rather say we keep our fingers crossed and watch. 2020 is not a far time and by then, we’d know how the Avatar A went……then we’d see what follows.

    I’d be following this :)

  190. Lool I think the too much money this guy has is getting to his head…if what he is saying actually works, it is temporal it won’t last, cause the things of this world will eventually pass away…don’t let yourself be carried away by the prospects of immortality. God brought us to the world for a purpose we must fulfil our destinys and go to were we truely belong which is HEAVEN. I urge u all to be strong and not to give in to the devil’s evil plans. Always learn to appreciate the life you have. God bless you all.

  191. Itskov is a right thinking mind of NWO. If most of u that are of the OWO that believe there is a God and a Saviour for u out there in heaven cannot see what Itskov have seen you just shut up than criticize. Wait for ur Savior, maybe he comes tomorrow. U use the Internet today happily. But it was developed by minds like Itskov. I’m presently working on the Ether Machine which when completed u can be anywhere in no time. Use ur mind and stop criticizing.

  192. I read part of the info where you said he intends to turn humans to cyborgs. That’s incorrect. This 2045 project has begun since last year. There’s going to be a transfer of human personality onto an artificial carrier (an avatar). It is going to happen in stages. You will die but a robot that act and think like you will live on. That is the idea.

  193. Science without religion is blind, and religion without science is lame-(Albert Einstien). Great minds begat great ideas! God gave us minds and brains, and he is also d giver of knowledge. I think Dmitry is jst using his mind….u can use urs as well. Jst as in d case of the Tower of Babel, if God is displeased wit wht He’s doing, HE (GOD) has d powers to stop him. Although, i don’t knw wht Dmitry is up to, but as young scientist, i support scientific development. But, wht i don’t like is his caption: “IMMORTALITY”.

  194. My brothers dis are d signs of end Time,dis is d time to seek God d most,if u dey pray once my brother u need to start to dey pray every day nw,as for d so called whatsoever na him death be d next tin we go hear cos no man dares God nd go free,dis is hw d man dat built tatanic said dat even God can not sink it my brother what happened did it nt sink or not till 2day am talking to u d bigest ship in d whole wide world is still deep down in d ocean nd so many of dem my brothers nd sisters God is d answer for d world 2day run into Him nd be ur bible always nd preach to others about christ for our reward is in heaven waiting for us,nd finally let us nt lose hope let’s keep on watching and praying cos we dnt knw d minute,d hour or d day our Lord Jesus christ will come.

  195. Dis guy wants to create a cybog not a “MAN”. He is creating a machine not bones, tissues, tendons, blood or muscles. Cybog is a machine and man is man. A machine is made of complicated metalic parts while a man is made up of a more complicated body parts. What makes up man is d soul dat breaths in oxygen and exhale cardondioxide. Will d cybog have a soul? Will it breath in oxygen and exhale carbondioxide? If d answer is no, den he hasn’t replicate man. If dat cybog has a soul it must taste death. “Every soul shall taste deatH” its a promise nd it shall b fulfilled.

  196. i tink dis is rubish,if he knw he can mak human y did he borrow brain bcos God d almighty did nt seek 4 any favour or solicit 4 cash 4rm UN or bill
    ioneers 2 asist him 2 create human being n dis fools coudnt tell us wat dis his sef created human being goin 2 b use weda is engine oil or blood to operate dis his machine is talkin abt.if he dnt knw wat 2 use his money 4 i tink he hav so many less privilege 1 in his country,let him go n help den instead of dis machine dat he has plan 2 use 4 war.

  197. Well well well… This sound so interesting… Why would a billionaire finish watching terminator Αn̶̲̥̅̊d̶̲̥̅̊ cybol Αn̶̲̥̅̊d̶̲̥̅̊ the next thing he thinks his Ħ☺ τ̅☺ make it real… If he has the money ㆠI̶̲̥̅̊ will advice ɪ̇ƨ for him τ̅☺ contact me let’ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇ see Ħ☺ our plans can work… But I̶̲̥̅̊ will use him for the experiment… I̶̲̥̅̊ think that will help… This guy ɪ̣̝̇ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇ Just a billionaire Αn̶̲̥̅̊d̶̲̥̅̊ does not kn♡w what τ̅☺ do with money!!! Chairman I̶̲̥̅̊ beg come start u̶̲̥̅̊r̶̲̥̅̊. Experiment for Nija with people like OBJ because person like Å̶̷̩̥͡•̸Ϟ nor wan die….

  198. To me I love science nd whatever good or bad the world have become today is as a result of science n I say to people they should leave G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅ out of this,if you know ur bible so well I believe we can’t fight for G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅,again he’s the beginning and the end,so he knows what will happen in the end,for me I’ll say well done for the russian,many just read the story passively n just concluded with ignorance,the russian only talked about how to retain human memory just like we have in our computer,saving and keeping data for future use and not the soul,the soul of which the russian know belong to G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅ almighty. Every luxury we enjoy today is as a result of someone time researching endlessly and thinking many had died in the cause of creating solution to what you and me benefits today ranging from medical to engineering technology etc,I mean we all appreciate computer age not realising some people are paying dearly for those inventory,its so unfortunate that we africans are still irrelic of lost age,I give kudos to the russian trying to volunteer his money for such research,the question is what as africans rich people volunteered to the growth of mankind than criticism, bad image and fraudulent act of embezzlement. why don’t we blame science for not letting us leave in the era of adam n eve where we use leaves to cover ourselves,I beg of you we should all know how to respond to a very critical issue like this if we cannot encourage n pray for people like this we shouldn’t talk ill of them. G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅ bless the day,G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅ bless the russian,G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅ bless you all.

  199. Verry interesting, i mean d passion of our convictions are interesting, am a christain and am also a scientist in the making and many of u are saying both situations are irreconcilable so then tell me, what does d future hold for me and others like me? Do i have to sacrifice one for the other and if yes, which and why? As a christian, i believe if GOD did not give us the breath of life, we would not be alive to be having this conversation and as a scientist, i know that without science, we would not be aware of this news let alone have a forum to interact or share our opinions on this issue so is it not possible that both science and faith both play important roles and can be complementary to each other? To my christian brothers and sisters, instead of going all end time and mark of the beast on the russian alone, why dont you go futher with prayers for his salvation and all our salvation? If what i read is correct, his end goal is to create a positronic or electronic virtual conciousness of a human being and uploading it onto a network like the intenet where if summoned, it will appear in a holographic form to share its knowledge( more correctly memories ) with others thus existing beyond death and thats not immortality in the traditional sense that we know of so why get worked up about it? This end product wont need a biological coporeal or human form or a cybernetic cyborg visage to exist as both will be intermidiaries in the metamorphosis. To be honest, this isn’t exactly the russians idea nor is it new, the first i heard of it was from a science fiction writer who suprisingly is a black african from kenya and that was over 5 years ago and my guess is he is also christian, so if this is wrong spiritually, u have done your job and blown your trumpet of alarm so leave the rest to GOD to undo it like the tower of babel OK. And from the little i have read about the Bible, GOD does not need men to fight for him, as fighting for GOD will make us moslems and our GOD impotent so we must resist that at all costs. Also if the russian were to read our comments, how seriously do u think he will take us seeings as we Nigerians as a nation and people are notoriously verry religous and corrupt at the same time which globally is one of societies biggest contradiction? So while we are entitled to have our own opinions on this and other issues, lets be aware that other people have that right to and we can not force them into our own way of thoinking and seeing things so live and let live chikena! Then to my fellow scientists, while this is a prospect that wetts our appetites and excites our imaginations, let us be verry cautious as what is published on this page is only a best case scenario so what happens if things do not go exactly according to plan? Would we have created a zombie or a frankestein monster? Let that be food for our thoughts.

  200. Mr Russian Billionaire mogul, Dmitry Itskov, It’s only a fool dat says in his heart dat der’s no God. God cannot b mocked. God alone kills and makes alive. Eccl 3. Says ‘there’s a tym 2 live and der’s a tym 2 die. It is appointed dat man shld die once and after dat, judgement. If u’r rly set on out-smarting God,d very creator of ur being, y not u create ur own world, make man in d very image u want him 2 be, breathe in2 him and transform him 2 a cyborg, where were u wen God laid d foundations of d earth??declare it if thou has understanding. If God himslf has spoken, who is he dat can alter d word of God?? Death accordin 2 God is a neccesity.. So if any thinks he can equate himslf 2 God by alterin d vry word of God, such entity is of all men most miserable. D tower of babel is now a fairy tale. D beliv dat man evolved 4rm ape is also an old wives fable cuz eva since d postulation by dz very scientists til dz vry day, neva have I seen/heard of any human evolvin 4rm ape. Let me introduce u 2 a God who’l remain God 4eva. A God 2 whom all wisdom lie. A God who’l neva share his glory wv any man. He alone is immortal nd eva shall b. D word of God wil kip prevailin c*m wah may. And 2 all whose minds r bein decieved, I’ll advice u take heed nd guard ur hearts n minds wv all deligence 4 d thngs dat ye see 2 be good aint real. All dat is in d world, d lost of d flesh(carnal pleasures), d lost of d eyes(delighted wv treasures/ d thngs of sense n time) and d pride of life(vain thoughts seekin worldly profit n honour) are wat dis dude seeks 2 accomplish and bliv u me, shld he eva get 2 d fulfilmnt of diz, many wil tke 2 worship him as God. Let’s think 2ice b4 pennin down anythng cuz even d Bible warns dat we shld b careful of man’s inventions whch wil lead 2 d destruction of many. Let God alone be God!. By all this Russian. Billionaire is doing it is becoming more inevitable tjhe coming of Jesus Christ as the Bible had Foretold ; RAPTURE is imminent please are you sure you are working to please God ? If not or you are not sure then say this small line of Prayers : God I know I am sinner every time I sin in spite I try to run from sin still I am unable , please save my soul with your Holy – Spirit so that I will b ecome worthy of you, help me from today live a life that will speak you, read you , feel you and fear you when my time comes to be with you help me make paradise. Thank you God for listening to my prayers. And helping me become fully your. Amen. Please en devour to join a good Church where your New Christian life can grow not just any Church but a Church that Speak Christ in all forms ; A Church that Obeys what the Bible truth and practice it . Also call me on +2348060121107 so I can send you some Christian Literatures that I believe could help your new life in Christ. God Bless you as you do . Amen . As for me I will continue to pray for him that God will conquer his empty soul and fill him with Holy Spirit to be able to know what is right from wrong. My Friends for PRAYER and Counseling Contact me on this same line beside my Name God still answers prayers. From Pastor Aderemi. +2348060121107

  201. God is God as creatures is concern.We must not blame the Russian man trying to carry out an research,infarct people must get job,eat from it research.
    Dangote is life president and richest person in Nigeria because he is the biggest investor with good salary.But he should not make mistake to contest or join politics.The very day he goes to that direction,his liquidation and downfall start,that is the vision for him.He is going to rain all over the earth as he continuous with is business.

    Government must regulate this so call contract job.Government must start to arrest those refusing to pay sixty percentage,if not our Government is deceiving itself and coursing poverty in public.

    God is spirit and they that worship God worship in spirit and truth which means they are in you.
    People in Government ,high places,M.D.,CONTRACTORS,help God to bless and develop our country.Thanks

  202. people should stop all this panic, let them build the that let them make humans mortal am not surprise is endtime , that shows that the kingdom and rapture is at hand so everybody should repent his or her bad ways and surrender to JESUS and accept HIM as there personal lord and savour because HELL Is real

  203. My frnd, wat d man is trying 2 do might be of help in d near future don’t be suprise dat dis very man knows God exit. He’s nt measuring shoulders wit d Almighty or protraying him self as god. Wat I see here is total lack of understanding becus if sumone where 2 discover d cure of Aids 2day we all wil be happi bt it takes a humble beginning like dis be4 d solution can be ascertain.plz let’s put God out of dis becuz even our posts belittle Him. Besides, we don’t even kw d real story of d matter yet… @tosyn

  204. u dnt put ur God 2 test u dnt do d impossible u dnt try God.this is just d sign of d end time u cant change wot God had made death is inevitable if u think u can make man imortal then try create a man

  205. Fallacy) wetin d man wan transfer? dead man’s brian? Mek he start wit his first son and end wit his last son, death is inevitable,Is mandatory dat man will die,. am wit u my precious sister (sarah ) dnt mind des unscrupulous nd Lackadaisical cogitations of these carnal dudes who called themselves scientists, they cnt tink of making d world a better place 4life or helping d poormacy nd bringin solutions 2mny ppl dieing in bad health, dey only tink of establishing an unrealistic era. Des men r simply d antichrist, dey cnt b advised, all dia wrks nd thoughts will alwys oppose Gods wrd, bt is to bring to fulfillment d coming of d sovereignty God. Jst b conscious of d perilous tym 4 we r already in it, Allow dem to continue in dia folly, jst get prepared 4d lord is @d door.
    bt if he wants to creat another man by science & technology inform of a cybord, den he should continue,beside am a science student, I like being wit creative men like him,am creative and I do cogitate and meditate on d aspect of technologies, beside is path of the d replenishment God said we should go and do in d earth. Bt men and brethren be conscious of the rapture for it is @hand, without holiness no eye shall see God. Remain blessed…

  206. man proposes, God disposes. d wisdom of man is follishness b4 God. What wil make man start tinkin of immortality? is it to b like God or to b lik antichrist? To me diz is anoda sign of endtime i jst need to watch and pray

  207. thats wot too much of action film causes lol! Script writers and directors should pls reduce the rate at which they write and act fiction movies so that ‘kids’ won’t go on fooling around.

  208. Wel this is funny cause thee do not know what exatly thee are doing, because thee believe to go to the space & live there when the end time comes. But Al I want them to know is no body can change what the heavenly father has said. I dont know if u hav 4gotin let me remind u My father in heaven said Heaven & earth will pass away but his word wil STIL remain the SAME. So beer it in mind if u tink that u are flying to go & live in space, you can’t excap the judgment of god. THANK YOU

  209. I strongly v a feelin dt d so called billionare’s last brthday is his last on earth. wen will d feathers of White men b cut off? God v mercy.
    Imagine! A butterfly thinks himself a bird. Can he eva b up2 a supreme 2eva challenge God’s Almightiness? May God v mercy on him & his cohorts.
    Dis proves d end of tym @hand. Pls,my sweet people, let’s liv 2pls only God, our creator & inventor. Let’s b righteous & transparent 4God. AMEN.

  210. A bridesmaid is there to support the bride so they should coordinate in terms of details.
    Now, I’m not suggesting for a minute that you should sacrifice your wedding dress or your honeymoon when the money starts to run out, far from it. Then you need to look at getting her a maternity bridesmaid dress.