Why My Wife Divorced Me – Oyakhilome Finally Speaks On Divorce Drama

Founder of Believers Love World Ministry aka Christ Embassy, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, has finally spoken on the divorce suit filed against him by his wife after days of silence on the issue.


According to the Daily Post, Oyakhilome described the allegations levelled against him as “crazy” and “stupid” and urged his church members to pray for his estranged wife while speaking on Sunday evening during the monthly global communion service of the church.


Oyakhilome, who appeared visibly disturbed during his first few minutes on stage, acknowledged that divorce is un-Biblical but suggested he could consider the option should his wife insist on it.

“I heard that some media houses– especially in Nigeria, are writing some things against me. All sorts of frivolous charges, that’s crazy.

“You have to understand something about a man of God. A man of God is not just someone who worships God or preaches God. A man of God is handpicked by God, set on course by God. If you study the scriptures, you will not find one man of God go against God, sinning against God.

“The only thing you might find will be a man of God, maybe in two different kinds of ways. Moses, for example, when he struck the rock twice, he was provoked by the anger of the people. It was not because he wanted to do something against the Lord. No man of God does something against the Lord.

“Are you hearing me? A man of God is set on a course; there is a type of life that he is given. Then you have a young man, a young prophet; he wasn’t named; he was deceived by another man of God and so he went in a direction that God said ‘don’t go’.

“That is the only kind of thing you find about a man of God when he misses the message of God or he acts beyond what God said. But a man of God settles himself in the fight against the world… like those writing those stupid things about me, that I did this and I did that.

“You don’t know who a man of God is. I don’t go in that direction. I wasn’t accused of the things you said, nor did I commit those stupid things that you said and I don’t need to go into that level in such discussions”.

He recalled that Jesus passed through similar travails and eventually overcame.

He said that although so many people were making mockery of him, he would remain steadfast and not lose focus.

“Jesus Christ was accused by many– a lot of frivolous charges. There will always be those who would like for it to be true. But you know, in spite of the accusations against Jesus, It didn’t change who he was. It didn’t change him.

“There are preachers and there are men of God. I am not a preacher; I am a man of God and I go in the way I’m asked to go. It may cause some troubles with individuals but that’s not because I have done something wrong and when it comes to Reverend Anita, what I will say to you is ‘pray for her’.

“Don’t act like those people. If you are married to a man of God, it doesn’t make you automatically mature. You can make mistakes; you can do something that is wrong. But some people expect the wife of a minister to definitely be at the level of that minister and so they may be looked upon and the expectation may be like that, but it’s a positional thing.

“If a man of God is married, it doesn’t automatically mean that the wife of a man of God is therefore a woman of God. That’s not the way it is in the Bible. That’s why you don’t really find the wives of men of God mentioned in the Bible. How many of them? Who was Peter’s wife, did you ever know her name? You never find that out. Who was John’s wife? Did you ever read the name? What about all the other Apostles? How many of their names are written in the Bible? You never find their names”, he added.

At this point, one of the female pastors sought to know why the names of wives of the men of God were not found in the Bible.

Oyakhilome’s response was that she should ask God whenever she finds him.

‘“Why? You ask God when you find him. Ask God when you find him”, he exclaimed.

“So, they are little things; don’t try to make something big out of them. So when journeying, doing the things that God called us to do, Christians should not have a divorce; it shouldn’t be, but you see, that doesn’t mean a Christian may not take the step.

“They may do it but they have to make things right and we shouldn’t take one another to court. But when it happens, not that we don’t just want to go, it means someone is taking us there.

“That’s a problem, but be wise and stay focused in the word of God and don’t let those who want to feast on things like this, including Christians…

“There are Christians who like things like this; they want to make something big out of this: ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, we said it’. You said what? Judge nothing before the time. Be wise. Glory to God.

“So we are not working in sin and living in sin and hoping that we can mix sin and righteousness together. We are the manifestation of his righteousness. We walk in that light only, and that’s the way it’s gonna be”.

In April 2014, Anita Oyakhilome filed for divorce at Central Family Court, High Holborn, London, UK, citing her husband’s “unreasonable behaviour” and inappropriate relationships with members of staff, a euphemism for “adultery”.

The couple have meanwhile decided to share custody of their children. Sharon, the eldest, prefers Pastor Chris, while Charlene is presently with Anita.


  1. a parable said that any rumor their must be atom of truth if pastor christ is committing such adultery let him repent but if the accusation is false let him pray hard GOD of impossibility will arrest his wife and she must shally come and make piece with her husband.moreover no one is righteousness before GOD we all live by GOD grace

  2. This is the devil’s strategy to disrupt the work of God, dont give up daffy de Lord who called u is able to handle the situation all u need to do is remain focused and hear from God the next instruction.

  3. This I believe is the Devils plan of spoiling the ministry; Anita should not listen to rumours;it’s time her faith is tested and should pray for her husband the most divorce won’t solve the problem either
    The ministry requires both of you;forgiveness it’s paramount. GOD IS A MIRACLE WORKING GOD AND CAN CHANG EAST SITUATIONS.TRUST IN HIM.

  4. In as much, we think over it and say about it. The end will tell. On that day we will stand before our God and answers those questions.
    For as much as the names of the wives of the prophet of God were not need in the Bible, does not mean they mean nothing before our maker. The Bible call them our helper and as much ask us to love and care for them and also to make ourselves see to their needs physical or otherwise. It’s does not mean men of God don’t have time for themselves. The little time u have make them feel comfortable and both of u will live happily every blessed day.
    The good Lord will speak to both parties involved and His peace shall reign in ur lives and homes.

  5. Is a serious battle between good and bad.. the world watch with keen interest what will happen next.
    Only the almight know the truth and shall deal with it in his own way for thd sake of his children to free them from the deciever .But how can one admit to what his not guilty of? Now If the man of God wish to deffend him self ,am sorry he cannot do it on his own but rather commit it to God in prayer to fight his battle

  6. Undoubtedly, Pastor Chris is a man of God, but unfortunately he and some other egg heads with their phds in theology and other disciplines do not or may know that there is nothing like God or Jesus. These are fake names introduced in the bible by scholars- human beings not by the author of the holy words-YAHWEH. They removed the real names of the creator and his son and substituted them with fakes for fear and their safety, first by the Jews- Adonai, followed by deux- Greek editions and lord or god in subsequent publications. So they can do anything with these fake names and get away with it. They can merchandise, prophesy, do miracles and prosper with fake names but one thing is sure -the end-the mother of all fake religions will fall. And it is falling very fast indeed.Their lifestyles, ungodly celebrations, unnecessary duplication of their businesses- (churches), improvisation of their members for their own comfort, using of fake names 4 the creator and membership in secret societies etc. It will soon be over. So, doc don’t feel 2 bad. It is the system u are in. Falsifications. Sandy foundation. With ur phd, u and others even the Pope should know better than me. But It is not too late for u 2 repent even with ur phd. Run for ur dear life b/c u are still worshiping idol- king James capital LORD or GOD =small or big devil.

  7. Pastor Chris sir, with all due respect please visit or contact any of the church of Christ congregations around you where the bible is taught without sentiment and where the bible things are called the bible way, speak where the bible speaks and silent where the bible is silent.
    Women in the old testament according to the Jewish culture are not taken into number even when census is being carried out. Also 1 Corinth 14:33-37 & 1Timothy 2:11-15, do not permit woman to lead or teach in churches, how come your wife is a pastor? Are you beyond the word of God?

    • woman in the old testament were like that because that’s the arrangement of God. And what He wants in the new testament is what is in those bible verses concerning the stand of woman in the church. Women can’t lead the church

  8. God’s with you sir. The devil has always been a liar. He has failed. And as for a woman being a pastor, God has used women greatly and is still using them. God can use anyone regardless of the gender or age

  9. with all due respect Sir,is like your beginning to contradict yourself, i feel you stand to be corrected at this point.let me itemize my points 1– because you are having issues with your wife Anita,,you now know that the wives of great prophets in bible are not known or mentioned__Questions?? who ordained Anita a pastor,, who gave her a church to manager ,what about Rhapsody that she partners with you?? 2—Before God and before man,all that Anita accused you of are they all lies,if Yes..Questions?? why didn’t challenge her in Court to prove that your innocent and as well stop the divorce process.Pastor,be mindful the way you handle this issue,remember your approach will go a long way to either build or destroy marriages,especially those couples that fellowships with you through Rhapsody.

  10. I remember all that happened some years back when Rev Chris Okotie had problem with his wife what Pastor Chris Oyaks said. I think it was when Okotie was cautioning Oyaks on his association with some man of God not quite approved of by the the Pentecostal group that he Oyaks supposedly belonged to and there was some kind of disagreement between the duo. Oyaks told Okotie to first go and settle his dispute with his wife before putting mouth in such matters. Well this recap is just to let us know that trouble does not start and end in one man’s house but that what we never imagened can actually come our way. But on the whole what I like is that Oyaks admits that God does not approve of divorce and is willing to accept his wife back knowing that no man is perfect. So Anita please swallow your pride and make up with your husy for the sake of God, the church, the gospel that you have preached and of course your lovely children that might be confused as a result of your separation. I guess he would learnt his lessons by now.

  11. While I am not absolving Pastor Chris of any wrongdoing I make bold to say Madam Anita has not demonstrated Christianity nor the faith required of the wife of a man of God. Let us even assume Pastor Chris was engaged in lusting after other women, a Christian Lady would go on her knees,talj to God, bring the man back to her and strengthened the body of Christ. But she prefer her hussy ministry be crumbled, her husband brought to the floor and the Church of God ridiculed. Hillary Clinton went through this Lane and her conduct remain a testimony in the life of top leaders. God will uphold his Church and this phase shall pass away. Glory be to God.

  12. See, sin has no two names or meanings. Sin is sin. Was that not y Moses did not make it to the promise land, was that not why that man of God that disobeyed did not get back to his destination(house)??? It was because they both committed SIN. Who is fooling who? Why did Jesus not succomb when tempted by the devil, at least, he was being pushed to the wall by the devil? Why are we still this shallow in understanding the scriptures, (foolish ppl too are cheering him up & on- YE SHALL ALL LIKEWISE PERISH, EXCEPT YE REPENT). Pastor Chris, u better go and ask the type of Apostle Ayo Babalola in his days.

  13. Compromising the word of God is very dangerous.be careful for God is not a respecter of men.acknowledging and repenting in cases like this is the way out.Gods word has a standard that every member of the body of christ must follow.it’s either u obey it and be saved or u disobey it and face the Lord on the last day.God give them grace to really serve u in spirit and in truth Amen.

  14. I think the both parties are wrong but pastor Chris oyakhilome has more portion to be blamed as far this divorce saga is concerned. Pastor Chris said he is a man of God so what then is the wife, how old is ministry and their marriage and am pretty sure the marriage is over 21yrs of age. So is she still a baby Christian the Bible says faith comes by hearing and continual hearing the word of God. If she was still a little baby will pastor Chris ordained her has pastor and will he have allowed to partner with him. I candid is that pastor Chris go and beg her after which show her respect, love and care and if it’s true that you are always surrounding yourself with women staff please stop it. May God reunite u both back in Jesus name Amen God bless you all

  15. Ro 14:3 Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him. (KJV)
    Let εξουθενεω not μη him that eateth εσθιω despise εξουθενεω him that eateth εσθιω not μη; and και let εσθιω not μη him which eateth εσθιω not μη judge κρινω him that eateth εσθιω: for γαρ God θεος hath received προσλαμβανω him αυτος. (KJVSL)
    Ro 14:10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. (KJV)
    But δε why τις dost κρινω thou συ judge κρινω thy σου brother αδελφος? or η και why τις dost εξουθενεω thou συ set at nought εξουθενεω thy σου brother αδελφος? for γαρ we shall παριστημι all πας stand before παριστημι the judgment seat βημα of Christ Χριστος. (KJVSL)
    Ro 14:13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way. (KJV