CGC Nigeria Limited – Real Estate Marketers

CGC NIGERIA LTD, A Chinese Construction company. We are looking for REAL ESTATE marketing talents.

Job Description:

Required skills/Qualifications:


University degree/HND or above, with Estate, Marketing, Management and other related background.
Ability to work proactively, take initiative, and possession of continued enthusiasm for work.
Enterprising, ready to face challenges and persevere.
Can adapt to high-pressure work environment.
Good team player.
Job Responsibilities:

Real estate market research and information collection to provide the basis for the development of marketing programs.
Promote implementation of real estate projects, and carry out promotional activities.
Receiving customers, visitors and prospective clients in the most appropriate way and with keen and shared excitement.
Conducting customer surveys.
Sign purchase, service, contract and other agreements and deal with after-sales service on behalf of the company.
Additional Conditions

Nice looking, healthy young women under the age of 25.
If experienced in Real estate marketing, no age restriction.
Expected Start Date

Mid – November 2010


The salary will include a basic salary, allowance plus bonus / commission.
Very attractive salary above the general standard in the field will be paid.
Allowance and bonus/commission will be given according to hard work and ability to meet marketing and sales targets.
Probation period will be for first two months of employment, of which only the basic salary will be payable. After the probation period, if found qualified, formal employment relation will be established.

Work Location

Abuja, Nigeria.

If you are qualified and interested in this position please send your CV to [email protected]


  1. i only want to commend you on the good job and timely concern on your jobs througout the country,
    i hav the reference on your various contract exsecuted in Nigeria including the ongoing kubwa express way Abuja and zobe Dam irrigation project katsina.
    keep on and God bless