5000 Policemen Deployed To Ensure Johathan’s Security in Kwara State

It would appear that President Goodluck Johathan learnt quite a lesson from the incident in Uganda where it was reported that the President’s car was stoned by the mob in the capital Kampala where he had gone to attend the swearing-in ceremony of the country’s president, Yoweri Museveni.

The Punch reported that “The Kwara State Police Command has said that it has deployed 5,000 police personnel to maintain law and order during Tuesday’s official visit of President Goodluck Jonathan to the state.Jonathan is expected to inaugurate various projects which include the Ilorin International Cargo Terminal Building; the Mass Train Transit Scheme; the Ilorin Expanded Water Works Project at Asa-dam; the Kwara College of Aviation, and the Kwara State University. He is also scheduled to pay a courtesy call on the Emir of Ilorin, Alhaji Sulu Gambari.”


Ezekiel, the police state command said “The police is fully prepared for the President’s visit. We are presently beginning to deploy our men in various places the President is coming to visit and the routes he is going to take.”

From all indications, it would seem that neither the President nor his aides are eager to experience the same sort of reception that they received at Uganda, but 5,000 policemen? That’s like twice or thrice the number of people required to cause a significant unrest. Once bitten twice shy….

Obanor C. Riomachi



  1. In a troubled society where federal republic and a somewhat dictatorship exist surrounded by frauds, scams which over powers the common lamen not, able to reassure and assess openly makes, it hard to believe bullshit as this still exist in the 21st century. Time surpasses all things good and evil question is, when will this end? What necessary changes are needed to prevent religious beliefs to be better from one side over the other? If both Muslim and Christians believe in the same God then, what makes one belief is any different over the other? Should God condemn one religious group over the other, and his son Jesus Christ accepts and enlightens everyone then, wouldn’t Mohammed feel the same? Whats the difference of belief here other than, Jesus Christ is different than Mohammed? or Is he? What is the real truth of these Religious Wars? Whats the difference in Who God is from one religious group over the other? Why can’t you people respect each other for the way you worship God and stop this bickering, arguing, crap suggestions, you are better than they and get along with each other. You may not like the way they worship God but, you can still respect each other and, who cares its the same God, there is truly NONE other than ONE God! Time to WAKE UP people. Muslim & Christians alike … you are both No different in many ways. One God, One World, One life in the physical sense, One life in the spiritual sense, as God says there’s infidels on both sides you had better wake up for, that day may come when there’s no world to wake up to. Whats the difference from the Koran vs the Bible? Nothing … So you morons on both sides better wake the hell up or, smell the end of the world which, we build for a better way of life for everyone while you fools and, the other terrorist idiots try to end it out of spite and all for what, cause we don’t agree with you … then ask the other fools who’ll listen! Bottom line is … Wake Up or you’ll die and No One will remember you for, the world will go on without you and thats nothing to martyr about. Usama Bin Laden killed more muslims than Christians and you now hate us … Pleeease! he’s nothing to martyr about. So much for morons thinking he’s a God … if so, he died like bitch that he was!