My Mother Terrorized My Father – Nelson Wigwe (Son)

“First of all let me say how angry, sad and disappointed I am at the public who have already ridiculed my father H.E Dr Chijoke W Wigwe without hearing all the facts. Without talking to the people who were there, without talking to the people who know him best. Without talking to the people who know H.E Tess Wigwe and know exactly what she is capable of. For days, I have been holding back information because my mother H.E Tess Wigwe is the woman who bore me, the woman who raised me, and she is the woman who has provided for me my whole life.

But with that said I cannot sit back and allow her to ruin my father’s life and disgrace Nigeria like this. Now before I continue I think it’s crucial that you know a couple of facts. I have lived with my mother my whole life. I have never and will never put anyone before her. So if you’re stupid enough to think that I will lie for my father against my mother? You are sadly mistaken.
On May the 11, I was in my bedroom lying down listening to music when I heard a loud commotion coming from my mother and fathers room. I heard my mother shouting telling my father “I cook food for you and you don’t eat” I thought nothing of it because my mother and father argue a lot, so I ignored it at first. But then the commotion got louder. That’s when I left my room to investigate what was going on. When I arrived, I found my mother and father arguing in the hallway. My mother was yelling at me “look at my face, look at what your father did” I looked at my mother’s face and she had some cuts and small amounts of blood on it, her face was nothing like those horrific pictures that we all saw in the star on May the 26 2011. I tried to calm my mother down and I escorted her into her bedroom to clean her face. I took a face towel and soaked it with dettol and tried to clean her face but she refused. “No” my mother shouted “I want to show everyone what your father has done, I want the press and everybody to see”. I mean she was not complaining of any pain, she was not holding any part of her body in pain. She was not dazed or confused apart from the small cuts, she was fine.

My mother told the star that “she was rescued by her 20 year old son and her 23 year old daughter” but that’s a lie because I found them arguing in the hall. My mother also said in the same interview “He grabbed me by the hand and when I tried to pull away, he hurled me against the wall and started punching me” But when I arrived at the scene I saw my mother and father having an argument, like all husbands and wife’s have now and again.


So after my mother refused that I should clean her face. She incredibly asked me to look for her camera. She said and I quote “Nelson look for my camera, I want people to see what your father has done, I want everybody to know what happened even the press” to say I was shocked was an understatement, my mother claims that my father “battered” her but yet here she is, looking around for her camera, instead of telling me to take her to hospital. Could it be that my mother is lying?

She eventually found her camera and phoned her friend to come and pick her up. My mother then went outside of the house to wait for her friend. On the way out my mother took photos of her face. My father locked the front door because at this point my mother was shouting at the top of her voice, saying, “I will finish you this Chijioke Wigwe, and you shall see what will happen”

She also mentioned my father’s term, and mentioned that the possibility of any future opportunity for him, she will destroy. As she waited outside for her friend to arrive, my mother was shouting wild accusations at the top her voice. “Your father sleeps around with woman; your father is an evil man” My father was furious with these accusations and unlocked the door to confront my mother but I held him back. My mother continued to disgrace herself by shouting “ Chijoke Wigwe you are not fit to be Ambassador, you are a coward, your mother is a whore, I will finish you here in Kenya, mark my words”

At this point, me, my sister, the chef and the security man, are all trying to calm her down, but she was continuing to shout and trying to fight. My nephew was also there, who is a small child, but It didn’t seem to bother her that he was witnessing the argument. She continued and my sister begged with her to stop for the sake of her son. It was not long after this point that she went looking for bricks and pot plants that are located around the residence. She picked up a pot plant and tried to throw it. My sister stopped her and the contents were spilled all over her as a result. When that didn’t succeed, she eventually picked up a brick and hurled it at the window. Twice. Eventually shattering it. This is the person who claimed to have suffered injuries including severe back pain. So, how, therefore, did she manage to hurl large objects and break our security windows?

She eventually calmed down, and that was when her friend came. My father then left the house to see who had arrived, and told the person to just leave. They drove away.
Maybe everyone is confused as to why my Mother would do something like this.
Before my mother left London, it was agreed that every month my Father would be using a large portion of his allowance to pay her mortgage. That means that for the past two and a half years, my Mother has been sending that money to London to pay her mortgage for her house. Problems entailed when she realized that the so called trust worthy person was in fact keeping every cent of that money. So, as we speak, she is in serious debt.”