A weak Milan pre-season…Gervinho, Arsenal’s champion in the making

The Audi cup has come and gone,leaving Milanista’s worldwide with mixed reactions but for me,I see a lot of positives and some negatives for the up-coming season.
Allow me to bless you  with my thought so you could bless me with yours. I’ll start with the negatives.
This Audi cup friendly tournament reminds me of Leonardo’s first and only season at the helm of affairs (2009/2010) where we played in the Emirates cup against Arsenal and celtic- I believe- and ended up loosing both.
The lesson I took from that was the shallowness,age,and decay of our midfield. Our players were so slow- any player with a quarter of usain bolt’s speed could outrun the entire mid-field- the midfield could not string 4 complete passes and they had no clue to the tactics leonardo was employing. Although things improved as the season went by thanks to Ronaldinho, humiliation was  always lurking  nearby such as those received in the hands of Man utd and Inter.
Then came in Allegri,with much courage he sent Ronaldinho packing,benched a couple of Oldies and tried to rejuvenate the team as best as he could,this now leads me to the positives.
First and foremost, Allegri isn’t afraid of any body as we saw with the Dinho’s side-lining,making me believe he is ready to bench any “Elders” for the younglings e.g El sharrawy.
Secondly Galliani watched the games and abruptly pin-pointed the weakness-our lack of creative youthful leaders- in the mid-field,prompting him to declare Milan still in the market for a “STAR” mid-fielder with the blessings of Berlusconi,so we can expect either Ganso,Hamsik or pastore.
The second positive is the form and drive of our attackers, Pato, Robinho and even Ibra are all showing the right hunger and drive,gearing up to go. Expect a feast of goals from our attackers. At the back, key elements where missing in the Audi cup but Taiwo stood his ground against Robben which I dare say is not an easy task,if he produces similar performances week in week out, then our defensive problems are so.
The last factor is the wining mentality,which we have lacked since 2007. The belief is back amongst our camp, trust me big things are around the corner.
All factors been considered Milan is ready to challenge for the Scudetto and at least have an impact in Europe this season. With luck and two more astute buys,we may even challenge the great Barcelona.*winks*.

Now,having watched Arsenals last game in which Gervinho came of the bench to score twice plus all the strong statements he has been making to the press about being ready to catapult arsenal to their first Silverware in 7yrs,I have new found respect for the attacker, for he has -for now at least- backed his words with actions and with continuous strong performances from him,who knows? This might just be “The year of the underdog” as Uruguay proved it to be.
Forza Milan!!

This guest post was written by Jeroh Tejiri of  acmilanwatch.blogspot.com
