Double Bomb Blast rocks Kaduna, Policeman Killed

Two bomb blasts rocked Kaduna State this morning, killing a policeman.

The first blast, which sent residents scampering for safety, occured at Ungwar Seriki area of Kaduna State, a busy area where fully armed soldiers were mounting survellance.

The first blast went off without any loss of life.


The police bomb squad was called in after reports of a first explosion.

Civil Defence and other security agents at the scene of the first explosion noticed a suspicious black polythene bag hidden beside an electricity pole.

The second blast was devastating as a bomb disposal officer who moved into the area with a bomb detector to inspect the contents of the bag was blown up by the bomb.

A police spokesperson confirmed that a Nigerian bomb disposal officer was killed when an explosive device he was trying to defuse went off.

No one has claimed responsibility for planting the bombs.


  1. This BOKOM HARAM, BH menace is easy to solve. Presido GEJ should hold the ward councillors and LGA chairmen of all 774 local govt areas in Nigeria responsible for monitoring the BH foot soldiers/residents/non residents in their areas. Also hold every Governor and law maker responsible for the BH brains/sponsors in their states, senatorial areas, etc. Banks, Churches, Mosques, Schools, Business premises in unsafe/insecure/risky locations should be closed down/relocated. Overcrowded urban areas/police barracks/police stations should be de-congested. immediately.All homeless Nigerians should be resettled in rural farm settlements for food/economic crop/fish/animal farming.Northern leaders should watch out. The 10yrs/20yrs/30yrs cycle for sahel drought is coming. It occurred in 1972/73, 82/83, 92/93, 2002/2003. The next, 2012/2013 west AFRICAN DROUGHT will be severe and may wipe out NIGER, CHAD,NORTHERN CAMEROON, NORTH WEST and NORTH EAST NIGERIA. Northern leaders should wake up.Southern leaders should get ready for refugees/beggers/destitutes from these SAHARA DESERT. areas.