He That Finds A Wife

Many ladies misunderstand the quote “he that finds a wife.” Ladies say it’s the guy that must ‘find’ and so stay docile. But every relationship a guy makes doesn’t always end up in marriage, he comes in contact first with a woman and not a wife. It is the feminine attributes he sees in the woman that over time determines if she becomes a wife.


Two people get to know themselves (as friends) and see their compatibility before getting married. A guy can by no natural means see a lady and say ‘eureka! There’s my wife.’ No he’s only found a friend probably a mate. He can’t eliminate the place of time, for he must allow time to reveal the wifely virtues in her.



Yes the word ‘find’ connotes seeing but not physical sight. A wife is found, when a man ‘finds’ his future in her- his unborn children in her, his life partner, his companion, his #1 cheer leader, his advocate. The complete quote says “he that finds a wife, finds a good thing.” And you’ve indeed found a good thing when you find all these in a woman. It is then you have found a wife, no longer a woman or girlfriend.


A man can’t just find his future, his unborn kids, life partner at a social gathering or by a first time encounter. Women refuse to act, and say it’s the guy’s role to initiate arousal. There’s work to be done on both sides at hitting it off. Guy’s do the chasing and asking, but ladies also do work on their part.

Folu Popoola

Twitter: @lifekulture
