Present generation lacks discipline, hard work and dignity —Gov. Imoke

The governor of Cross River State, Liyel Imoke, during a breakfast meeting of 25 mentors expressed dismay that the present generation of young people lacks the core values of discipline, hard work and dignity in labour.

The meeting organized by the Bridge Leadership Foundation had in attendance 25 mentors comprising captains of industry from the various sectors of the economy.


Governor Imoke who is the founder of the foundation urged the participants as mentors to bring back all those core values that had been lost in the youth, stressing that one of the cardinal objectives of setting up the foundation was to restore hope and confidence in the leadership quality in the young generation.

The breakfast which was the first phase of the mentoring programme of TBLF came to a close with a declaration of commitment by mentors to dedicate their time to raising a generation of transformational leaders in the state through the TBLF Mentoring Programme.

Before the breakfast, there was training for mentees, which sought to prepare the mentees through different workshops on self-discovery, communication skills development, understanding mentoring and leveraging on a mentor relationship for the six month mentoring period during which they would be matched to a mentor.

Speaking at the Training for Mentees, Bidemi Mark – Mordi of Verbatim Communications said, “Mentoring is when two people, who otherwise may not have a relationship, intentionally come together with the goal of the more experienced one helping the less experienced grow and achieve greatness in a particular field.”



  1. Parents should first of all discipline their children at home cos charity begins at home, before their teachers will discipline them in school. D govt should bring well trained teachers who are willing to teach & who are dedicated to work.

  2. Let forget people like him,leader are to lead by example this man is part of generation that his talking about. many of them with their corrupt life style we can’t follow their foot step.. They destroyed the future of this generation with selfish interest to get to the power sit. Youth must wake up to take to their stand and tell those corrupt leader not to used them durring the election.