AMAZING: Dutch Carpenter Builds Full-Scale Replica Of Noah’s Ark

A Dutch creationist is putting the finishing touches on a full-size replica of Noah’s Ark, which he has built according to a blueprint set out in the Bible.

Johan Huibers spent three years and more than £1.03million constructing the gigantic wooden boat – and now has his sights set on sailing it up the Thames for the Olympics.


This feat of true biblical proportions was inspired by a dream Mr Huibers had 20 years ago, in which he saw part of his native Netherlands submerged in a flood like the one featured in the Book of Genesis.

He has been obsessed with bringing the story of the ark to life ever since, MSNBC reports, and in 2004 he built a half-scale version and floated it along the country’s canals.

Tourists flocked to see the smaller prototype when Mr Huibers opened it to the public, but the proceeds from admissions went straight back into funding his ambition to build a full-size ship.

The narrative of the ark, in which God commands Noah to prepare for a great flood sent to purge the world of evil, specifies that the boat was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high.

Mr Huibers poses with two of the life-size plastic animals that live on his 450ft ark

Mr Huibers converted this ancient unit of measurement, which is based on the length of the forearm, to determine that his recreation had to be about 450ft long.

This puts the boat, which opens to the public on Monday and is nicknamed ‘Johan’s Ark’, at more than half the length of the Titanic.

And though it may not be able to shelter two of every animal, as the original story dictates, it can hold 1,500 people – not to mention a menagerie of life-size plastic creatures including giraffes, elephants and donkeys, as well as a few live chickens.

As it weighs in at almost 3,000 tons and is made from Swedish pine reinforced with steel, it may be hard to believe that the ark is, in fact, seaworthy.

It is docked in the western city of Dordrecht, where Mr Huibers, the owner of a construction company, pieced it together with the help of some friends and two of his children.

In the 15th century, the city was the site of one of the deadliest floods in history, named St Elizabeth’s flood, which is thought to have claimed as many as 10,000 lives.

-dailymail uk


  1. Fada you called yourself, you better mind what you say from your mouth. Islam is the only religion of peace and tolerance. Why can you carry a research by yourself to know who is actually responsible for the bombing in Nigeria? The more you criticize islam unjustly without reasonable facts the more you help to spreads it thank you.

  2. @fada u spoke d truth! I am tired of being a muslem, hw som1 tell me dat my islam is a religion of peace? Ar we stronger dan GOD? No nd yet we ar fightn 4 him! I NASIRU MOHD is nw begining 2 copy frm christains who neva kill for their GOD but muslems kill for our god. Islam hv failed. No wonder OSAMA BIN LADEN wants to bomb d kabal nd saudi arabia drive him out. De earlier we repent d better we all be

  3. ery good job done by Johan,am sure God wuld be pleased. in response to Mutana Faruk i wuld say u shld reveal who u really believe in and what u represent.while i can not really profess to knw all about Islam i wuld say that frm history and past precedents its not a coincidence that those professing to be muslims have killed in the name of Islamic religion.have they all been misguided cos you say that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance,tell me why ur fellow believers have not practised this? i also noticed you made a comment in another article saying that boko haram is not the problem but niger delta preferential treatment and i must tell u that its such comments like this that brings hatred against our fellow humans and Nigerians.its true that no region should be favoured above the other but thats not the way to resolve matters by inciting hatred amongst ourselves.
    you dont need to worry about that just pray for the country cos the rot is really from the head and when the head is rotten then the rest of the body is already decaying
    in response to Fada and Nosiru Mohd seek the truth and the “Truth shall set you free” pls weigh everything u’ve seen and known then decide or choose the right way.
    God bless you