Brilliant Anti-smoking Advertisement Portrays Kids as Smokers (Video)

A new anti-smoking ad which uses children to educate adults about the dangers of smoking was recently launched in Thailand. The video, which was part of an anti-smoking campaign launched by the country in 2011 recently went online and has been having positive results.

The video shows cigarette-carrying children walk up to adult who are smoking, asking them for a light! Surprisingly, all the adults in the video tell the kids that smoking is not good for them. The children then leave, giving the adult a small piece of paper on which the following words are inscribed: ““You worry about me. But why not about yourself?


The ad was a joint project between the Thai Health Promotion Foundation and an advertising agency, and though the commercial has only been released online, it seems to have had an immediate impact. Most of the smokers threw out their cigarettes as the children walked away. No one threw away the slip. According to reports, phone calls to the hotline from smokers increased by 40 per cent following the street campaign.

If only relevant agencies in Nigeria can come up with brilliant ideas such as this. Instead, cigarette making factories – which are illegal in other countries – are waxing stronger in the country.

To view video, click here: watch?v=-u-rhnV4l08&feature=player_embedded