ex-Nigerian Senator Albashir Usman Dies In Ghastly Auto Accident

Albashir usman

Usman Albashir, a former Senator who represented Yobe North Senatorial district died today in ghastly car crash which occurred along the Kano-Zaria road.

Sources say Albashir was traveling on between Kano and Zaria when he was involved in a car accident that claimed his life.

Reports have it that the late Senator’s driver as well as his police orderly are currently in critical condition.

After his senatorial election in 1999, Albishir was appointed to committees on Selection, Banking & Currency, Defence, Transport and Privatisation. After his re-election in 2003, he was appointed Senate Minority Leader but resigned this position under pressure in December 2004.

Albishir ran for the All Nigeria Peoples Party ticket for Yobe State in 2007 but failed to clinch it due to legal challenges to his bid. He then moved to the Peoples Democratic Party, where he ran for the governorship ticket in 2011 and won. He could not, however, defeat incumbent Governor Ibrahim Geidam, who was re-elected at the polls

May his soul rest in peace.



  1. This is a great admonition to the serving public officers. This life is nothing than a short second of time. Elites should try and help others by legislating laws that have direct, progressive and positive impacts on the lives of helpless Nigerians. May his soul rest in peace.

  2. Alhaji was a real father to so many , always there to help . I’m really going to miss him , may God grant his soul eternal rest and also strengthen the amazing and caring family he left behind at this very difficult moment .