Boko Haram Claim Responsibility for Attacks on Telecoms Installations, Warn the Media

The dreaded Islamist group, Boko Haram, on Wednesday claimed responsibility for a set of attacks on telecoms masts across the north, at the same time threatening the staff of the Voice of America (VoA) radio network.

According to an email from the group’s spokesman, Abul Qaqa, “We decided to launch attacks on masts of mobile telecom operators as a result of the assistance they offer security agents”. The group believes that the information provided by the telecoms operators assist Nigerian security forces “in arresting [their] brethren.”

So far, about two dozen telecoms installations have been set ablaze in cities across the north, mostly between Tuesday and Wednesday, marking a new type of attack from a group that has become notorious for deadly gun and bomb assaults.


The information from the group continues: “As a result of the harm we understand Voice of America is inflicting on Islam, we hereby inform all reporters and staff of this radio station that whoever wants to live in peace among them should quit working with this media organization.”


  1. There is nothing like violence in the religion of Islam, Islam is the religion of peace. So whoever kills an innocent person, he is not regarded as a Muslim. Prophet Muhammad (Peace & Blessing be upon Him said): Whoever kill a single soul (Muslim, Christian, Pagan, Hindu) etc. is like he kills the whole of humanity and his reward will be hell fire Allah(God) will not forgive him. So these people that are doing all this killings are not Muslims they only disguise and use the name to malign ISLAM.
    May Almighty Allah(God) revealed their secret out and protect all Nigerians from their evils.

  2. The happy development is that the bokoharam are lossing focus. Soon;the almighty God will put an end to their activities. They neither have the supports of our muslim brethren nor the christians. Surely, we shall win them.