Nigeria’s first family may not be the most appreciated right now in Nigeria, but there seems to be some similarities between the families of Ebele Goodluck Jonathan and the much more appreciated and adored Barack Obama. Watch these photos closely and share your thoughts about the similarities you notice.
Speaking of ambition, Obama is obviously running for second term in office, Jonathan has not been allowed time to think and talk of his future due to the unpalatable state of the country. Maybe Mr. President is even not thinking of running for second term as people envisage. Whatever he’s thinking, we are talking family now, not politics. What can you say about the two families?
there is a clear difference btween the two, obama was with all members of her nuclear family while jonathan and wife just pose with a guest cople. Ambitions are different; while jonathan does not even know what next let say has not understood self, obama from day one working and asking for another not in deceptive style or in a way of being afraid pple’s recentment.