Pakistani Islamic Cleric Arrested For Framing Christian Girl For Blasphemy

Pakistani police say a Muslim cleric planted evidence to link a Christian girl to blasphemy — a new twist in a case that has fanned flames of religious tension in the country and attracted worldwide interest.
The imam, Khalid Jadoon Chishti, will himself face blasphemy charges for tearing pages out of a Quran to use as evidence against the girl, Islambad police chief Bin Yamin said.
The latest development may make it easier for the girl, 14-year-old Rimsha, to be released on bail at her next court hearing.
Police arrested Rimsha last month after a neighbor accused her of burning pages containing texts from the Muslim holy book, the Quran.

Rimsha had two shopping bags with her: one containing ashes and the other, the partially burned pages, police said. She had gathered the paper as fuel for cooking, authorities said.
Even though Rimsha’s lawyer said no one actually saw the girl burning the papers, the neighbor went to Chishti — the neighborhood cleric — with the bags for safekeeping as evidence.
Chishti wasn’t certain that simply burning pages with texts from the Quran would be enough to convict Rimsha on blasphemy charges, said Munir Jaffery, the investigating officer in the case.
So, the imam added two pages from the holy book itself to the bag to bolster the case, Jaffery said.

Source: CNN



  1. All the time Some wicked humans will be plotting evil against their neighbour, Muslims ,Christians, Sinners etc love your neighbour as your self. But a times some muslims are heartless and wicked. Now he will face the judgement and had it been the girl did not get fair judgment they will just shout ALLAH AKUBAR and behead the girl. But God was pleased to give the little girl good justice and judgment.

  2. At least this ll among so many other cases show that God does not like oppressorss & the wicked! this was very wicked & unislamic. as the Imam was the one that was supposed to have calmed the situation. May Allah put to shame others who cause negative image to islam

  3. Almighty Allah in the holy quran has warned us to be fair and just in our doing to our fellow human beings. If truly the cleric did it, then he has to face the punishments of plasphemy the lady. That shld serve as lesson to those who use Islam to portray bad attitude.
    As for Cynthy, Islam still remains a great religion but animals in human skins with satanists making it look bad. Thank God, there are English qurans out there, pick one and read to understand. Then I leave u with ur unbiased judgement.
    One luv

  4. @Abd which Allah’s wrath? Is it the one who relies on muslims to fight for & defend him at d slightest provocation? or the one that sends d likes of Boko Haram to bomb & kill innocent pple in places of worship? Mm??