“You Cannot Islamise Nigeria” Obasanjo Tells Boko Haram

Barely two days after the Borno State Governor sounded a similar warning, former president, Olusegun Obasanjo on Friday, told members of the Boko Haram and their sponsors that they should have a rethink if they believed that they could win their current war against the Nigerian state.

The elder statesman had been responding to questions on “News Day” on the British Broadcasting Corporation [BBC] when he sounded the note of warning. Describing such mission as an unattainable objective, he said they would soon realise that they were engaging in a futile exercise; particularly pointing out that they were naive to think that they could turn the into country to an Islamic state.

In his words, “People, who know the history of Nigeria, will know that you cannot impose any religion on Nigeria as a whole. The people Boko Haram cannot impose Sharia in the North, where most of our people are Muslims, let alone in the entire country… By now, they should know that. So, I see a bit of naivety in that objective that they have given to themselves. It is an unattainable objective and we need to win their heart and mind.”


When reminded that the Boko Haram men had promised to sustain their current hostility against the country until their primary objective was achieved, Obasanjo merely waved that aside saying: “Well, if you are prepared to kill more people, it is like somebody saying we will fight to the last drop of our blood. Now, one doesn’t know whose blood will be the last to drop. How many people will be killed? How many of them will survive at the end of the day? Boko Haram and those who believe in their cause will soon know that yes, it not a war that they can win.”


    • @Idris you are a dummy ooo. Are you not educated ? OBJ has said the right thing. Its people like you that portray a negative perception about Islam. Nowhere was it mentioned that we should pick up arms against our neighbors. Boko haram are a group of idiots who lack adequate knowledge about Islam not to talk of imposing Sharia upon every Nigerian.
      May Allah (SWT) expose and destroy them and their sponsors. We are tired of living in fear and uncertainties. See other countries busy in the business of development & growth while some idiots are there talking about what nobody ask them for aside the greedy politicians.

  1. Shetima….you and your members…..can not islamise Nigeria the earlier u knw it d better..for you…how kan u…a whole you be fool diz way..u’ve been brainwashed mahn…GOD help you as u repent and start having a positive state of mind.

    • shetima, do you think it will be possible? “People, who know the history of Nigeria, will know that you cannot impose any religion on Nigeria as a whole. The people Boko Haram cannot impose Sharia in the North, let alone Nigeria as a country.you better repent and follow Christ to be save.

    • Karl Max said religion is the opium of the people. Most of these fundamentalist believe that the Koran says you must kill the infidels but I beg your pardon what was the situation in the time of Mohammed,we must not loose site of the circumstances of the era and the present and there juxtapose that era that was without rule of law.religion is an emotional thing hence if not looked at from a proper perspective it can destructive Christianity or Islam even among Christians you have zealots.
      One question I will like to ask our Muslim brothers in Nigeria is that I will like to know from them when we had cases of desecration of the Koran and they ran amok how many Muslims in other countries supported them in solidarity killed and or maimed their compatriots and destroyed public property, I doubt if I have ever heard such. Recently our women who went on pilgrimage to Mecca to my mind apart from the issue of the flouting of hajj rules let point out that it is because they are Nigerians so why do we have to more Moslem than the place and the people where Islam originated from. Fellow Nigerians let us stop and think and show love and appreciation to this country.
      Yes Nigeria in all its imperfection and injustice permeating the basic fabrics of our national still I must say I prefer to be a first class citizen in my country than to be eulogized in another clime but still be a second class citizen.