Drama In Court As Defendant Jumps Over Dock To Attack Witness For Talking About His Mistress

There was drama in the courtroom on Sunday(today) when the father of Wudeema, an eight-year-old girl who was tortured to death, got irritated by a Dubai Police officer’s testimony and jumped over the dock, wanting to attack the witness before a two-man security team in the room restrained him.

The 29-year-old Emirati father, Hamad S., grumbled and jumped over the dock wanting to attack the lieutenant when he was testifying before the Dubai Court of First Instance.


“Allah is sufficient for me against you!” shouted Hamad when he jumped over in his prison dress, wanting to assault the lieutenant.

Policeman Saleh Ali was quicker than Hamad and restrained him immediately. Hamad continued trying to make his way towards the lieutenant who stood between two lawyers in front of the judges’ bench.

Other policemen present in courtroom seven immobilised the Emirati who is standing trial along with his 27-year-old Emirati girlfriend [who claims to be his wife], Al Onoud A. for illegally confining his two daughters in a flat, torturing Wudeema to death and injuring seven-year-old Meera. Meera sustained 10 per cent permanent disability.

“Put him back inside,” presiding judge Maher Salama Al Mahdi told the policemen who restrained Hamad and later took him to the detention centre.

“I did it. I did everything. I am responsible for all what happened. I want you to give me a capital punishment…,” Al Onoud cursed and shouted inside the courtroom.

What triggered the dramatic scene was the lieutenant’s response to the court’s question. “Why did the suspects lock up the victims inside the washroom?” Presiding Judge Al Mahdi asked the lieutenant.

“The father [Hamad] locked them up in the washroom so he could sleep with his mistress,” replied the witness. This irked the defendant.

During Sunday’s trial, the court heard two prosecution witnesses. Presiding judge Al Mahdi adjourned the case to December 12 to hear more prosecution witnesses.

Towards the beginning of Sunday’s hearing, Hamad told the court as he walked in: “I told you sir that I don’t want the press to be present in the courtroom. Otherwise, I won’t stay here.” However, the bench of judges disregarded his request.

In a previous hearing, a policeman testified: “The girl and her younger sister were left unfed in the flat. On the night the girl died, she vomited a lot because she ate her own faeces. She and her sister used to eat leftover food and sometimes their own faeces.”

Prosecutors are seeking capital punishment for the defendants. [GN]