Uganda Parliament Speaker Keen On “Kill The Gays” Bill

Uganda’s Speaker of the Parliament not only supports the country’s controversial “Kill the Gays” bill, but she wants to force a vote on the issue.

The Advocate reports that Rebecca Kadaga says she will not “be intimidated” into dropping the bill, which would make “aggravated homosexuality” a crime punishable by death in the East African nation. Countries worldwide have pledged to stop financial aid if Uganda passes the legislation.


“If the price of aid is going to be the promotion of homosexuality in this country, I think we don’t want that aid,” Kadaga said.

Homosexuality is already illegal in the country, and those convicted of being gay are subject to 14 years in prison.


  1. its easy to say,kill them,because you don’t have a brother or sister into it,but lets think for a moment,why are we not considering some other means of reform and rehabilitation,rather than death,are they worst than our leaders who steal from us and leave us a poor continent.I am not gay and i dont encourage it,but i am against death,Mrs speaker you might have a child in your house who is gay.

  2. what the hell are u guys talkin about? Yes am GAY and so? Who will kill those that has brought africa backward in all ramifications? Who will kill those that has enriched them selfsame with our common wealth? Who will kill the subsidy thieves in our dear country? Who will kill those that has make our youth jobless thereby causing insecurity in the country? And who classified homosexuality to be the greatest sin in the land? I pity you bigots

  3. I am in support of the Uganda speaker. The act of Homosexuality itself is an act against nature, if everyone was to become a Homo the human race would become extinct bcos pro creation is not possible through such an act and all Godly religions have condemned it. I hope more countries would emulate Uganda.