5 People Accidentally Shot At Gun Shows In One Day

picture taken at a gun show
picture taken at a gun show

As the debate on stricter guns laws continue in America following the devastating Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting last December, Saturday’s incident might prove a setback for pro-gun enthusiasts as five people were injured at three separate gun shows.

36-year-old Gary Lynn Wilson was trying to get himself and his 12-gauge shotgun into the Dixie Gun and Knife Show in Raleigh, N.C. when it discharged. The gun accidentally went off as he was taking it out of his case for routine inspection.

A 50-year-old man, a 54-year-old woman, as well as a 54-year-old retired sheriff’s deputy were injured by birdshot from the misfired gun. Luckily, the injuries were non-life-threatening and the two-day Raleigh gun show will go on, but no one will be allowed to sell or bring their own guns inside on the final day.


The second gun show shooting happened in Indianapolis. Emory L. Cozee, 54, shot himself while loading his .45 caliber semi-automatic as he was leaving the Indy 1500 Gun and Knife show, where loaded personal weapons aren’t allowed inside. The man was hospitalized and will not be charged.

In Ohio, a gun dealer shot his friend accidentally when showing off his new semi-automatic handgun at a gun show. According to an ABC report, the gun’s magazine had been removed from the firearm, but one round remained in the chamber. The bullet bounced off the floor and hit the pal in the arm and leg.

These incidents ironically happened on a day where thousands of people across the U.S. rallied in front of state capitals against stricter gun laws. [VN]