Letter From An Atheist To Nigerian Muslims Over El-Rufai’s Jesus/Mary Tweet

jihadDear muslims,

We are all Nigerians, whether muslim or christian or pagan. We are all one irrespective of tribe or religion. However, I write this letter with anger and disappointment. I am disappointed and angry at the ease at which extremists have found a stronghold within the religion of islam and have used it to cause terror and mayhem to people in the north. This issue of islamic extremism is really dividing Nigeria into different parts faster than tribalism or the greed for oil have ever done to Nigeria. Concurrently, I am going to use the christian response to El Rufai’s tweet concerning Jesus to highlight a possible solution to this case of religious extremism. I believe that muslims can learn from our christian brethren’s reactions to the tweet.

First of all, we have to establish three facts. The first fact is that I am not a christian or a believer in God, and so, I am not trying to preach a religion or promote christianity in this letter. The second fact is that christianity and many other religions are not totally innocent when it comes to extremism as well. The third fact, which is the most important, is that islamic extremism does not top at Boko Haram; there are islamic youths and clerics who engage in dangerous activities that are destructive to the fabric of our society.


Now, that we have established these facts, we can now dive into the issue at hand; what muslims can learn from the christian handling of the El Rufai tweet. El Rufai made an expensive joke on twitter that had the punchline of Jesus sleeping with Mary Madgalene even though the point of the joke was to ridicule the staunch defenders of the current Nigerian president. There was a christian backlash on twitter and on the internet because of the perceived blasphemy emanating from the tweet. I want to clearly stress it out that there were no violent riots on the streets of Lagos or Port Harcourt in reaction the perceived blasphemy towards the revered figure of Jesus Christ. This is in direct contrast to reactions to anti-islamic messages where riots claimed the lives of innocent people(for example; the riots against the 2002 Miss World beauty pageant in Nigeri and against the Danish cartoons in 2006 that claimed the livesof innocent Nigerians). I will advance the argument that Muslims can learn from this difference in reaction which stems from a reformed view in christianity and other modern religions towards a more humanistic approach in faith.

Muslims should have meetings with their youths and clerics to preach a more peaceful and humanistic version of islam. It should be reiterated 5 times a day from clerics and imams that killing for a religion is wrong and that one should reply words with words not violence. You wouldn’t find a christian preacher or pastor in Nigeria condoning the killing of a blasphemer or an unbeliever or calling for violence. Infact, Christian leaders have reacted and called for an apology from El Rufai without threats or violence. The reason for this different approach from Nigerian christian goes beyond the roots of christianity in Nigeria. The reason is a simple reformation in religion towards a more enlightened and less barbaric way of spreading and experiencing faith.

Before christianity was properly spread in Nigeria by the British in the 19th century, there were numerous wars which almost destroyed Europe in the preceding centuries and christianity almost “out-crusaded” itself. There was also a growing age of enlightenment from the 17th century. The experience of the wars and enlightenment forced christianity to take religion a little less fantaically as more humanistic ideals were followed. Principles of personal liberty and fredom of expression were gaining popularity in the 18th century. With time, some progressive ideals became associated with christianity in the 19th century.

The point of the historical trip back to some centuries ago is to advice muslims to understand that faith can only succeed if it becomes progressive. I am not saying that the fundamentals of islam should be changed. I am saying that Nigerian muslims should practice their religion in a more peaceful way with the times . I have mentioned that more work has to be done with youths and cleric to keep promoting non-violent approaches to those who insult islam- either simple worded replies/complaints to the blasphemer/heretic or mediation between both parties. The simple way to do this is for the most popular imams or clerics to be given directives by the leaders in the society or government to preach tolerance to non-muslims and different sects of muslims 5 times a day.

There are other solutions which I want to offer;
-Making and sharing pamphlets to the youth on how to relate to non-muslims peacefully and how to peacefully react to anti-islamic issues.
-Creating activities and jobs at mosques for the youth so that idle ones wont have a chance to be recruited by terrorist/extremist groups
-Spreading the message that non-muslims in the north are still you Nigerian brethren and should be treated with respect.
-Creating television/radio programs to address the issues above in order to reach millions.

I hope my words have given some muslims a reason to think about how their religion is practiced in Nigeria. I choose to believe that there are good muslims who want a change. However, work has to be done to make that change happen. I will end this letter with a quote from Muhammad

“A perfect Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands mankind is safe.”



  1. As far as logic is concerned your knowledge is worthless since knowing God is civilisation and then you don’t.It clearly stated how evry facet of life should be handled in islam.Dose opportunistic criminals who use such opportunities r as saiid criminals.simple

  2. El – rufai is an idiot, stupid man, foolish man that has shot himself. His political ambition is finished. Any christian that talks good of him is a bastard. We are waiting to remind him of this statement.

    • Thank you Dominic. But some xtian don’t watch news , read papers etc But I can’t give my political support to someone who blasphemes d name of d lord. But pls mind ur words , irrespective of what he did or said , he is an elder. Remember we can’t afford to speak and act like “slaves of d kingdom”. We are children of d kingdom. We are not “eru olorun” we are omo olorun. God bless you dear

  3. U athiest logic or wat eva u cal name keep shot in this case cause u don’t believ in ur origin talkless of understanding the word religion know the meaning of this 8 letters word RELIGION Before any interferance back rufa’is case he lacks no respect for prophets and we muslim detest such an act

    • El Rufai has seen hell and thre he shall end with his religion of violence and hypocracy he sleep around with his fellow Muslim children and call it Islam.is better Muslims should have thre country so that we can grow.husseni

  4. please let us not to blame e rufai too much, you know, e rufai is half educated man by nature when it come to human religon doctrine. the same e rufai belong to unlettered religion syndicate in northern nigeria. you will perish because lack of philosophy if!

  5. Wat we still dont want to accept is d fact dat el rufai retweet wat a devoted christian tweeted, why wont we castigate d person dat made dtweet? Is it bcos he is a christian? Is it bcos we want to hav something to insult d muslims? Is it bcos we want to paint black islam in d eyes of d world? Is it bcos of our hatred for muslims? Lets face d reality abeg, lets turn to ogunyemi bukola who drafted d tweet initialy if we are truthful to ourselvs or castigate dem together…

    • I agree wit SAMUEL dat we refused to accept d fact dat el rufai retweet wat a devoted christian tweeted, and nobody is evn talking about de originator of dat text. . Even de muslims condemnd dis act totally de name of any prophet of God is nt for joke, if he cnt correct wat de person tweeted he should hv kept silenc.

    • God bless u Samuel. Most people $ even the writer is ignorant. It was not El-rufai that wrote the tweet, it was a devout xtian, he only retweet. I’m sure most of those that have posted here $ cursed El-rufai have not read or even seen the tweet. Meanwhile he even apologised stating that as a muslim its a sin for him to insult Jesus who is a prophet of islam. Hypocrisy and bigotry has really eaten up this country, why didn’t any of the posters here see the initial tweet but the retweet. We should please practise TOLERANCE dat we preach!

    • How do u people reason? two wrongs don’t make a right, somebody has done something wrong and blasphemy and El-Rufai re-echoe it. I am sure if such comment has been made against Allah the whole muslim world would have been in flame and riot. Muslim religion of peace, practice what you preach

  6. No man can ever fight for Jesus Christ,as He is to powerful & will deal with anyone who uses His Holy name blaphemously. Watch out what will happen to El-Rufai in the nearest future,cos the wrath of God will consume him more than he ever think

  7. I also don’t believe in or follow any religion, I believe every religion just like humanity passes through different stages of development, I believe Christianity has grown beyond fighting/Violence to protect its name. I’ll advice Muslims to preach more of peace to outgrow the Violence many resort to at the slightest criticism, inability to take criticism is a sign of inferiority or Persecution Complex.

  8. It is on jewish record dat jesus maried mary magdalene nd had children with her as it is an abormination in dia culture for a young man not to get maried so i dont knw why we shuld be fighting over wot we never witnesd afterall, since every body started trooping to church there is no holines again other dan jesus is comin soon jingle which our pastors used to defraud pple by tyte nd oferin which they use to buy private jet nd maintain dia girl friend while pretendin to b holy …..idiots

  9. Bottomline is dat this whole issue has been confused,@zeebok was d initiator of d tweet and is a christian, el-rufai only retweeted and added “LWKMD”. But because if u want to kill a dog,u give it a bad name!!now tongues r wagging sayin its el-rufai that tweeted!I will suggest u get more facts by going thru d timeline of @zeebok on twitter mayb then u will know how it all happened.

  10. God bless u Samuel. Most people $ even the writer is ignorant. It was not El-rufai that wrote the tweet, it was a devout xtian, he only retweet. I’m sure most of those that have posted here $ cursed El-rufai have not read or even seen the tweet. Meanwhile he even apologised stating that as a muslim its a sin for him to insult Jesus who is a prophet of islam. We should please practise TOLERANCE dat we preach!

  11. Pagans fight wen u insult their idols cos they know their idols are powerless likewise Muslims but xtians laugh at u wen u insult d prince of peace cos he is a consuming fire n needs no mortal to fight for him. I challenge Muslims to let Mohammed fight for himself if he is not an idol

  12. This is d tweet by Bukola. I don’t know if its a male or female. The tweet is actually an analogy to describe lies and deceit of ppl in govt

    @elrufai: “@zebbook: If Jesus criticizes Jonathan’s govt, Maku/Abati/Okupe will say he slept with Mary Madgalene.”….LWKMD…..

    Elrufai only replied LWKMD. Am sure none of two d thought of d blasphemy and its consequencies. Many ppl tweet and retweet nonsense on twitter without thinking twice. Dats their offence. But one fact reemains , if @zebbook had used d name of Mohammed , wld Elrufai have retweeted it ? That’s food for our thought and to all muslims and Islamic extremists reading , search your conscience

  13. @Zuby
    I don’t think the Prince of Peace will do anything either. Someone promised me I’d be burnt for pointing out d bible has error, yet here I am. This was over 2 years ago.
    The point is that ppl “Defend” their religion coz its their way of life, and an attack on ur way of life is an attack on u. Basic Social Existence.
    The Pope and the Princes of Europe waged a Crusade on Muslims because a growing people from outside their control would question their power, God forbid their people started to follow this new religion. Similar issues happened with the Romans and the Greeks. We’re also seeing it with the US and China.
    In relation to the issue of northern Nigeria, its a tribal thing, as many of them see non Northerners as the opposing force. They also are under the delusion that southerners are all xtians, hence, channeling their aggression towards xtians/Southerners is a result of what seem to them as protecting what’s theirs.
    There’s also the political reason which is even deeper.
    My point is, people make their decision based on what they want o protect or get, and they will do it with or w/o a religious belief

  14. It doesn‘t matter what they say about Jesus. We know who he is & if he were to speak HE will tell u 2 hold ur peace. Let the peace of Christ guide ur hearts not anger & hatred,no more insults to el‘ rufai or islam pls!. I lost people in muslem christian crisis in kaduna yet i saved one of them during the last kaduna shalom church bombing. I blame no one. I still have muslem friends & i dont hate them only satan!. WHAT WOULD JESUS SAY IF HE HEARD ALL UR DOING/SAYING 2 PROTECT HIS NAME? Emulate Him. The trumpet will sound one day soon i hope! Then all will be revealed. 2 any muslem who was offended by a christians reply i appologise on there behalf. GOD BLESS NIGERIA.

  15. Funny! What is all these nonsense? There are lots of things not written in the bible about Jesus the Christ. Grey areas. Religion is just evil, all organised religion whatever the name, all of them are manipulations of wise wicked men. They are just glamourising the name of people they nearly know. Who actually knows the true nature of the relationship between Mary Magdaline and Jesus the Christ? Who? Jesus was a grown up man anyone could speculate anything. She could well have been his girlfriend . So what? Does these prevents him from being what he is or what he is supposed to be? Religion ! Religion! Criminal enterprise! Just take a look at Abraham, Isacc and Jacob. Look at the life of David and. Solomon. They had multiple women in their lives. But God still showed his presence through them. This intended religious manipulation of the nature of Jesus the Christ has led many in the Western world to conclude he was maybe a homosexual. I prefer a Jaeus who had Mary Nagdaline as a girlfriend , whose life was cut short by crucifixion than a homosexual Jesus! Make your own choice. Religion is fake and a fraud but God. Is real

  16. I am really not interested in who twitted n retweeted but one thing I must say here is the two people involved have offended God n should seek for his forgiveness.may God in His infinite mercy forgive us our sins and help us control our tongue…

  17. out of the numerous religions in the world it is so great a coincedence that the once we were born into is the only true religion… Y defend religious founder who never defended themselves. Y fight for people who tru ur action u might never meet in eternity?

  18. wat. I see. to the response all has given so far is that. most of all dat comments are themselves not faithful to their heart and religion likewise their person. urgent do they won’t go ahead and be lambasting El rufai because our God we serve is a God of vengeance and He knows how to take it himself so don’t judge or try to captivate El rufai again let it be him ,d Almighty God n whoever is d originator of the tweet as claimed by some.


    Concerning the Tweet/retweet…..

    Yes bukola tweeted, the question is if it was Prophet Mohammed (.S.A.W) will El Rufai retweeted?

    A yoruba proverb says, “eni to jale ko da bi eni to gba lẹ” mean he “who steal his not as guilty as he who helped him to keep it.”

    if El Rufai had neglected d tweet he wouldn’t had caused rampage on tweeter.
    Thats my question… God bless.

  20. This is a deliberate attempt to get violence out of this matter. Sorry, I believe it is a blasphemy to denigrate the person of Mary, but the writer never told us the original author. Retweeting a blasphemy is blasphemous therefore E Rufai made one. Please eschew religious intolerance and embrace peaceful coexistence.

  21. I pray Almighty God forgive all that comment . Who are we to judge them. For our holiness is like filth in the presence of God. We commite more fatal heresies than this it will not be funny if we will be commiting more by our comments.

  22. Can u giv what u don’t ave? U can’t giv what u don’t ave, hw can u giv Jesus peace wen u don’t ave peace or is it by mere saying peace b unto u? Even dat word: was spoken by Jesus Christ: peace b unto 2, my peace I leave wit u & u know dat christainity has been dia (people of d book) Our Lord Jesus Christ is d giver of peace, He alone gives peace not as d world gives bt His peace is given n aboundance dats wat d christains ave & live wit. Follow ur leader bcos by dia fruit ye shall know dem.

  23. CAN is a political association not religious. For this reason the association has been elevated by GEJ who came into power via the campaigns in churches and groupings organized by CAN. The association has got a Jet from GEJ and many of its meetings have been taken care by Government and have been held in ASO Rock. The issue of Mary Madagaline has been brought by Christians themselves,therefore I wonder how and why it is now the story of Mary Madagalene would gather storm