Boko Haram Splinter Group Claims It Has Killed Seven Foreign Expatriates To Forestall Their Rescue


A splinter group of Boko Haram Islamist sect, Jama’atu Ansarul Muslimina fi Biladis Sudan, otherwise known as JAMBS, on Saturday announced the murder of seven foreign expatriates it had abducted in Bauchi State, on February 16, 2013.The leader of JAMBS, Abu Usamatal Ansary, in a message posted in an Islamic website stated that the decision to execute the expatriates followed reported attempts by British and Nigerian Forces to storm the location where the hostages were being kept and release them, contrary to earlier warnings issued by the sect.

The sect quoted media reports to buttress their claim that an imminent rescue operation was in the offing – the group specifically stated that it executed the expatriates because President Goodluck Jonathan contravened the sect’s warning by issuing a directive to security agents to rescue the abducted expatriates

The expartriates who were kidnapped from a Lebanese Construction Firm, Setraco, at Jama’are, in  Bauchi, were three Lebanese, and a citizen each from Britain, Greece, Italy and the Philippines.


See the sect’s message below:





  1. This group of terrorist & cold blooded
    murderers are happy 2 announce 2 d world that they’ve
    killed all 7 of their innocent hostages. This group which is
    referred 2 as ‘ansaru’ for short claims it’s goal is
    to protect muslims in black africa. I ask, how
    they intend 2 do dis by killing some innocent
    expatriate who left d comfort of their well devt
    land 2 execute a legitimate job in northern
    nigeria? How is Islam a religion of ‘Peace’, wen
    all acts of terrorism & violence all over d world is
    associated wit Islam? They go by all sorts of
    names ‘Alquaida’ Taliban’ Boko Haram’ Ansaru’
    etc… all these Islamic organisations have a clear
    objective, they’re oppose to growth &
    development, peace & progress, they are
    vampires and blood suckers. How can anybody
    convince a sane and reasonable person that
    Islam stands 4 peace wen it’s footprints &
    trademarks of violence & terror continue to stare
    us daily on d face? how can u say that Islam
    means well for me wen all it does is 2 seek 2
    terminate my life & those of my kind? Islam is no
    religion, It is a Cult, a cult that survives on
    human blood & only thrives wen non members
    suffer from its rain of terror. Alas! ‘He that kills
    by d sword shall surely die by d sword’.