Wonders As Nigeria’s Oldest Twin Sisters Celebrate Their 100th Birthday Together

1029048_twinsisters100thbirthdaynaijagists_jpgf5275852539e007e5284b236bdf6a84cThis feat is nothing short of a milestone as there are very few, if any, twin sisters in the world who are up to 100 years old.

However, this is the fate of Nigeria’s oldest twin sisters; Mrs Esther Taiwo Olukoya and Emily Kehinde Ogunde who celebrated their 100th birthday together in Ijebu Ode, Ogun State on Wednesday the 13th of March.

The twin sisters who are reported to have hailed from a wealthy family in Ijebu Ode, were born on the 13th of March 1913.


Here is wishing them a very happy birthday!

Culled From http://www.deelinkage.com/2013/03/exclusive-nigerias-oldest-twin-sisters.html?m=1


  1. Great indeed! I could remember that way back 1977 these twin were featured in our local news over what I can’t remember exactly because I was still in primary school in Bendel State now Edo state. But I still remember their special appearance in our local news because it was said then that they hailed from Ogun State!
    I congratulate them and their entire family!
    No doubt they must have some disappointment over what this Nation has become now! Nigeria is horribly bedeviled with kidnapping, oil pipe line vandalism, rituals of higher degree, devaluation of Naira, Boko haraming in the north, religious war and intolerance among Nigerians, mass looting of people we entrusted with power to lead us, fallen standard of our educational system, bad leadership and bad governance!
    They will remember the old good days how sharply contrasted it is with the current Nigeria and I bet, that they can’t be too excited with our generation!
    I wish them peace and happiness and I pray our country will give them at least one reason to believe that Nigeria will be great again before God call them home.
    O Nigeria we use to hail thee! But now the compatriots are yet to arise in our present national anthem!