Having Commited the Crime; Suarez have Opted to do the Time.

Luis Suarez will go on and serve his ten- match ban for biting Branislav Ivanovic after deciding not to appeal FA’s sanction.

Do the Crime and Do the Time. Suarez Wouldn't Give the Wrong Impression.
Do the Crime and Do the Time. Suarez Wouldn’t Give the Wrong Impression.

Suarez will miss the last four games of the season and the first six of next season, the English FA critically stated on Friday.
The recent development has been considered an added advantage for Suarez’s national team, Uruguay who are urging the Anfield club to release the striker earlier, for him to work on his fitness level ahead of the Confederations cup.
Suarez posted a statement on his website on Friday that said he chose not to appeal to avoid giving ‘the wrong impression.’
“I would like to explain to everybody that I decided to accept the ban because whilst ten games is clearly greater than those bans given in past cases where players have actually been seriously injured, I acknowledge that my actions were not acceptable on the football pitch so I do not want to give the wrong impression to people by making an appeal,” Suarez said.
Suarez could have lodged an appeal for the extra seven games. But if unsuccessful, he risked the possibility of the FA extending his sanction for making frivolous appeal.
“I hope that all the people who I have offended at Anfield last Sunday will grant me forgiveness and I again repeat my personal apology to Branislav,” Suarez added.
