The First Traditional African Gay Wedding Ceremony.

The gay couple who tied the knot in a traditional Zulu and Tswana wedding while dressed in traditional attire say they will not be fazed by the criticism being aimed at them by social network users and Zulu culture experts.


Thoba Sithole, a Zulu from KwaDukuza, and Tshepo Modisane, a Tswana from Johannesburg, tied the knot on Saturday in KwaDukuza with about 200 people, including family, friends, onlookers and the media in attendance.


Sithole and Modisane, both 27, defended their wedding and said there was nothing evil or untraditional about it.

The Gay Couple Took a Kiss Professor Velaphi Mkhize, a Zulu traditional culture analyst and writer, said Zulu culture did not recognise homosexuality, therefore, traditionally, Modisane and Sithole’s marriage was void.

“In the olden days there were homosexuals, but when a gay child was born the family used to slaughter an animal to plead with the ancestors to intervene and take the evil spirit away from the child.”

“However, now the constitution recognises homosexuality and gay marriages and the biggest challenge we are facing is how do we continue to call something a taboo if it is recognised by the constitution.”

He said the marriage was an insult to Zulu forefathers because marriage was traditionally a way to expand the family. Wives were expected to give birth to children who would carry their families’ names forward. Homosexuality made this impossible, said Mkhize.

However, Sithole, an IT specialist based in Johannesburg, said:

“If being gay is evil, why did God create gay people? Gays are born gay and according to a Bible scripture we were all created by God, so I don’t see anything evil about being born gay because it means that God wanted you to be gay.”

Modisane said they did not need to justify their wedding to the public because it was only between them, and to make them happy.

“We decided to have a traditional wedding because we firstly wanted to show people that being homosexual can be part of an African culture.

“Secondly, we wanted to celebrate the love we have for each other and show people that we don’t feel ashamed for the choices we have made in our lives,” said Modisane, who works as a chartered accountant in Johannesburg.

The couple said the support they had received from their families made it easier for them to tie the knot.

“My family has always been there for me and had always been there for me even in my previous homosexual relationships,” said Modisane.

Sithole said his mother had always told him how she was looking forward to seeing him getting married to his partner.

They started dating in 2011 after they had been friends for some time.

Modisane said he was attracted to Sithole because he was a well-grounded man who loved God and was someone who could bring stability in his life.

Sithole said their next step after the wedding was buying a home and starting their own family. “We are fully committed to each other and we believe children form an important foundation in bringing stability in one’s life,” he said. “We will be adopting two kids – a boy and a girl – to be part of our family.”

Source: naijaurban


  1. Cursed be that country that will bind a man and another man as husband and man. Because they can never become one flesh, destruction and seperation shall they experience. The country will be turned against itself and all who witnessed and approved of it shall suffer thesame fate of the wrath of being subjects to their enemies till the end of time. IJN amen!

  2. there,s no paint you use to colour evil,gay is evil in all generations .please wise people don’t think that these allien marriage is ordinary human ,these are the ambassadors of Devil to africa to advocate and lure africans to sin against GOD and provoke GOD to destroy us .those that are given children to gay in name of adoption for money should desist from the act .let see the product their evil gay.africans say no to gay …..say no to the wrath of God .read Genesis 18 &19 stay alert .

  3. I wrote an article on this subject matter 9 yrs ago and posed questions as to how such the copying and adoption of practices from the western culture without thinking about the repercussions on families and societies as a whole. Read Now we’re reading about the first African country to adopt this insane and unnatural practice. It is amusing and ironical that those who do not believe in natural sex/copulation are eager to state their desire to adopt children born from such relationship. If heterosexuals did not copulate naturally to bear children, where do they think the children they desire to adopt will come from? Enough of the we were born this way excuse, we can be born with effeminate or masculine tendencies (such as in Tomboys and Cissies), but we ultimately make our choices from how we carve our behaviour and how tolerant and receptive our societies/environment are.