Bad Education Fuelling Boko Haram – Duke

Former Governor of Cross River State, Mr. Donald Duke, has said lack of quality education is at the root of the current Boko Haram menace in the country.

dukeHe said, “67 per cent of school age children in Borno State are currently out of school. This is the root of the Boko Haram problem facing the country.
He, therefore, urged the government to partner those who could raise educational standard in schools.

“Something must be done urgently about the educational system; if not, the future is very bleak for our country.”


A professor of medicine, Oladipo Akinkugbe, shared the same view with the ex-governor.

Akinkugbe said government ownership of secondary schools had worsened the educational system. He said government interference had brought about limitation in the system.

Akinkugbe also decried the low morale of teachers, caused by poor salaries, overcrowded classes and understaffing in schools.”

Immediate past chairman of Committee of Pro-Chancellors and Chairman of GCI, Dr. Wale Babalakin, said policies by various governments had led to the down-grading of GCI.