Man Executed For Molestation And Murder Of 10-Year-Old Girl

A convicted child molester condemned for the 1990 rape and murder of a 10-year-old girl has been executed at the Florida State Prison.

rape-258x300Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s office said 56-year-old inmate Elmer Carroll was pronounced dead at 6:12 p.m. Wednesday at the prison in Starke.

Carroll had been convicted of first-degree murder and sexual battery in the rape and strangling death of Christine McGowan. The girl lived with her family next door to a halfway house for homeless men where Carroll was staying in Apopka.


During Carroll’s two decades on death row, his lawyers argued he was too mentally ill to stand trial or be subjected to the death penalty. The U.S. Supreme Court denied that petition.

Carroll previously had been imprisoned twice for indecent assault on a child.