PHOTOS: Japanese Company 3D Prints Real People’s Faces On Toys



When a 3D printed avatar won’t satisfy, and a 3D printed self-portrait feels a little too morbid, to where does the tech-savvy ego-fetishist with cash to burn turn?


Clone Factory, a Japanese start-up that specializes in 3D printing human faces, will meet you halfway. That’s right, for a mere $1,300, the factory will print your face and put it on a doll’s body, or it will capture the likeness of a cherished pet.

How does it work? As Culture Japan’s Danny Choo discovered, the “cloning” process is fairly straightforward. Basically, the subject sits in a chair surrounded by digital SLR cameras and has his or her picture taken in a sequence. A digital map of the subject’s head is rendered together by a technician, then printed into plaster.

“The clones are printed using layers of ink which harden in the plaster,” Choo notes.

According to TechHandle, the cloning service is popular among “Japanese women looking to preserve that special moment in their lives, such as their wedding day bycloning hair and makeup and even the dress they wore.”

Fashion blog Messy Nessy Chic approached the trend with less enthusiasm, warning, “Whatever you do, don’t make eye contact.”

Creepy or not, the only thing these “clones” pose a threat to is the owner’s reputation — something that can’t be said for other 3D printed items in the news.