7 Real Reasons Why Men Actually Get Married


1. Life is just infinitely better when you can share all those special moments with someone else.

2. Guys want to be taken care of. Yes, men love to put on a tough, macho exterior but in reality, we all become huge babies when we get sick or hurt ourselves. Having a little Florence Nightingale around to kiss our boo-boos is pretty reassuring.


3. We hate cooking dinner and doing the laundry. While there is nothing I can write now that won’t attract a few hundred nasty comments to this post, I will add that I’m not saying women should do this or be forced to do it. But there are gender stereotypes for a reason. My wife and I split up household chores. She’s infinitely better at cooking and the laundry so she handles that, while I do my share of handyman type things around the house, not that I’m very good at them, mind you. Plus, I know if a spider rears its ugly head anywhere in our house, I’m the one that’s going to send it packing.

4. We need to protect someone. Just as some women love having a “knight in shining armor” to protect them from all the badness in this world, men just like doing the protecting. It’s the caveman gene in us.

5. Doesn’t matter if it’s at first site, in an elevator, or blind. Once a guy’s been bitten by the “love bug,” he can’t stop thinking about that special woman in his life. Suddenly he wants to spend every waking moment with her. Once it gets to the point that he literally aches inside when she’s gone, that’s when he knows the only way to stop that feeling is to dump her or get married.

6. It’s tough to beat a “sure thing.” Yep, there may be lots of jokes about long-married couples never having sex, but regardless, guys see marriage as finally scoring the perfect, er, “score” card. No need to go out on the prowl, not when you’ve got a willing sexual partner lying right beside you every night.

7. Marriage is the first step towards a family. It’s in all of our genes to procreate, which probably explains the drive many of us have to get married and have kids. Sadly, it doesn’t always work out that way in the end, but at the start, that picture-perfect future of a house, picket fence, two kids, and a dog can be very appealing to lots of guys.