[Advice Needed] I Am In Love With Her but She Is Richer Than I Am. What Should I Do?

Honestly, she has the best of everything…. She is my colleague and I am in love with her. She has a good car to herself, but I don’t have any. I still depend on my parents for money and all that. My friends said she is a “no-go-area”, but I am tormented each day by her love, what do I do?

D – One

Dear D – One,
I understand you are somehow intimidated by her riches, its only normal as a man…. However, if your feeling towards her is genuine, nothing stops you from telling her how you feel. A relationship isn’t about the money you can offer to a lady, as most men think….. A woman believes in a man with visions and a future….. So, get up and go tell her how you feel about her.
All the best,


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  1. Dude, I advise you to step up your game. How will you go and confess your love to a woman when u are still depending on your parents for money!! I know money isn’t all that matters in a relationship but at least be fully independent b4. U go and start taking care of someone else..finally sha! Life is too short!! If the lady is a nice babe there is no harm in telling her how you feel cos no one knows how she would react but you really need to step up your cash levels!!

  2. Wat up dear u’ave make a wright decision a song was sang this way dat,if u love a girl walk up to her and tell her hw much u love her.bt if for her money remember dat d love of money is d root of all evil.shalon Dear.