MADNESS: Teenagers Cut Off Man’s Head And Play Football With It In Russia

There’s an immensely-disturbing story coming out of Moscow, Russia, where it’s being reported that two Russian teenagers beheaded a homeless man.


Where the crime took place


But the story gets even more horrible. The two boys also purportedly played football with his head — a detail so unbelievable that it seems more fiction than fact.

Purportedly the two perpetrators were drunk at the time of the incident and, according to police, they used an ax, saw and knives to kill the man and to subsequently sever his head.

The reason? They just didn’t like the way the man looked.

Victim identification has been problematic, as the head was apparently taken away by a garbage truck after the teens threw it in the trash. His body, though, was reportedly left in the middle of the street, which eventually led police to the perpetrators.

An investigation into the case is still ongoing, but authorities apparently found the teens after following a trail of blood that led from the victim’s body to an apartment, also the weapons were recovered.

If found guilty, the two could spend 15 years in prison. Three other individuals may have been present at the time of the murder, although they are still at large and may have only observed and not taken part in the killing.

An investigative spokesperson has denied that the head was used as a football ball, as that detail is still being disputed.