Pastor Claims Famous Blogger Linda Ikeji Plans To Blackmail Him

Nigerian blogger extraordinaire, Linda Ikeji, is currently the subject of a scandal.

Pastor Chris Kwakpovwe, who is the author of famous spiritual prayer book – Our Daily Manna devotional and a senior pastor of Our Daily Manna Mountain Prayer Ministry, is accusing the retired model of trying to blackmail him.


If you are a follower of his daily devotional, you should remember that on page 56 of the 22nd-July edition of the Daily Manna devotional, the pastor wrote that one Linda, a blogger and Facebook activist has been sending him several text messages, asking for an undisclosed amount of money or else she would do things to bring down his ministry.

At first, certain individuals thought the Pastor most have been referring to a different Linda as at the name ‘Ikeji’ was printed; however, recent development on her blog a day after her name was printed in the devotional clearly indicates that she’s the one been referred to.

At the footnote of the page of thede votional in question, which usually contains prayer points, Pastor Chris
wrote “… I received lots of text messages from one Linda a blogger/Facebook specialist, asking me to drop a certain amount of money otherwise they [sic] will work with different journalists around the world against this vision.”

The prayer point continues and still states thus: “scatter any plan to publish any lie against this ministry! Three people have dropped dead because of this in their camp.”

In Linda’s recent blog post she titled Dear LIB readers; A letter from me, Linda, to you, she took out time to
explain how she practically went from having nothing to becoming a millionaire all on her own accord, and then goes on to clarify some of the “rumours” peddled against her in recent times.

– “Now to the point of my letter. Just to clarify some things you probably have read about me: I’m not a blackmailer, never blackmailed anyone in my life, never will! I don’t have the liver to do such, plus I was raised better than that. Don’t know how anyone can stoop that low……”

Why did Linda feel the need to address this issue, considering that this is not the first time someone has made accusations against her? Could it be fear, respect for the man of God, or just a way of
garnering more following on her blog — that post has received over 1,300 comments — more comments than she has received in a while.

With a prayer point like that, however, who can blame Linda for coming out to publicly declare her innocence even if no full name was mentioned.

Source: Kemi Filani’s Blog


  1. She is guilty of the charges if not she would have made a caricature of the whole issue instead of writing a letter on her blog and running home from overseas possibly to arrange a meeting with the pastor and beg for forgiveness. All I can say is soon the real drama will unfold. Let he who has ears hear.