Dad Allegedly Stabs Daughter With Sword



In the Dark Ages, it may have been perfectly acceptable to punish your child with a sword. In modern-day Florida, it turns out that’s quite illegal.


Juan Javier Lovine was arrested afterallegedly stabbing his adult daughter with a souvenir sword purchased at Medieval Times, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

According to police, Lovine and his daughter became involved in a domestic dispute that escalated into violence after he allegedly pushed her against a wall. Cops say the woman punched her father in the face “in self-defense,” drawing blood.

St. Cloud police Sgt. Denise Roberts told the Orlando Sentinel that Lovine then “stabbed [his daughter] in the right forearm and chest with a 5-foot-long sword.” WESH reported that the blade went through the woman’s arm and “penetrated her chest.”

According to Isabel Rego, Lovine’s mother, the 44-year-old man keeps a collection of swords at home, and only meant to “poke” his daughter in the breast.

“The police put in there [a report] that he tried to kill her,” Rego told the Sentinel. “That is not true. He loves her. They just don’t get along.”

Rego was also arrested after allegedly interfering with police when they arrived on the scene, Local 10 News reported.

Police charged Lovine with attempted felony murder, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and domestic violence. He is being held without bond at Osceola County Jail. His daughter, whose name has not been released, was listed in stable condition at an area hospital, and is expected to recover.