Berlusconi To Be Tried For Bribing Senator

It’s one trouble after another for former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi who has now been indicted on a political corruption charge linked to the 2008 collapse of Romano Prodi’s government, a defence lawyer in the case has said.

Naples prosecutors accused Berlusconi on Wednesday of bribing a former senator to change sides as part of an attempt to bring down the government of former Prime Minister Prodi in 2006.


The senator, Sergio De Gregorio, admitted he received three million euros from Berlusconi. He was sentenced to 20 months in jail after plea bargaining.

In a telephone interview with local TV station, Sky, De Gregorio said he had told prosecutors what he knew about the alleged payment and added that he later expressed his regrets to Prodi.

In collaborating with prosecutors, in “telling the truth, I lifted a weight” off my conscience, De Gregorio said.

Berlusconi has denied any wrongdoing and his lawyer Michele Cerabona said he was confident of the outcome of a preliminary hearing expected on February 11 next year.

The case adds to a long list of legal headaches facing the billionaire media tycoon. Earlier this month, an appeals court in Milan handed Berlusconi a two-year political ban as part of his punishment for a tax fraud conviction.

He also risks a seven-year prison sentence if appeals’ courts uphold a conviction for having paid a minor for s*x and forcing officials to cover it up.

Usually claiming innocence, Berlusconi has blamed his many judicial woes on magistrates he contends side with the political left.


  1. No matter how far lie has gone,the truth will always caught up with it one the mighties are falling and the weapons of war are perishing.wheneva we are in position of authority,we should use it wisely knowing fully welll that one day we shall give account of it.hmmmmm! accused remains innocent until he is tried and convicted by a competent court of law.pls,think of tommorrow.