How a desperate girl held ”my thing” in Port Harcourt – Tinsel’s Soji Bankole


Popular actor, Ajibade Gbenro also known as Soji Bankole on the MNET TV soap opera,  Tinsel granted an interview to Sunday Sun Newspapers.

The handsome actor/model spoke on how he copes with opposite sex and how he handles sexual advances from them.


Read excerpts from the interview below:

How do you cope with ladies ?

It’s not easy but I try as much as possible to cope. I believe I have more female fans than  male.


You know ladies, they always patronize a guy that is in their own way a gentleman which I try to be. Let me not blow my trumpet.

What do you mean… is it because of your acting prowess?

I don’t know, but I  remember about 10 different instances when guys walked up to me and said, “good job, it’s not that we really like you but because my girlfriend is always disturbing me that she fell in love and all that”. You know it comes from there.

Girls are wonderful people. I love hanging-out  around them. I actually believe  women are spiritual. Every woman is spiritual. I try my best to be with them, although there are boundaries. You know some kind of girls do things crazy, honestly, I wouldn’t let them…

Like what?

The last one that happened was during my recent fashion show trip in Port Harcourt. We finished the show and  I think I was trying to change back stage.I had taken off my clothes, so this girl ran to me and within a twinkle of an eye,  she held my thing, my thing( pointing to his trouser).  I told her don’t touch it .  She said “ok, kiss me, if you don’t kiss me,  I wont leave it. Kiss me, kiss me”, she screamed adding  “if you don’t kiss me I won’t leave it.” I felt like I was chickening- out but that was the only thing I could do. I begged and begged.

 In the presence of others?

Yes, people  were there looking at me. I started begging . You know me, if it’s too much for me I will beg you. I told her I was sorry.  I begged and begged her. People were starring at us.

In fact, the way she did it, the other models were wondering the kind of guts she’s got. But this girl wants  to play. I begged and begged  and told her,  you know what, I will come back for you after the  party, so that she can leave my ‘thing’ so that I can feel free.  And it worked.