‘TB Joshua Treated Me Like An Outcast Because I Was In A Wheelchair’ – Open Letter to TB Joshua

Below is an open letter to Prophet TB Joshua going around on the internet. The writer claims to be paralyzed and hasn’t received a fair treatment from TB Joshua and SCOAN of which he is member of the Emmanuel TV Partners.



My name is Ryan. I am from South Africa and am 38 years old. I am scared to write this post but as I drove to church this morning I realized I don’t know what to do anymore and it is better I find out the truth.

I am scared because I am exposing myself on the internet but I have tried all other means available to get my story across. Let me make it very clear, I DO NOT support TBJoshuaWatch or WatchTBJoshua blogs as they are not endorsed or supported by SCOAN. I have been an Emmanuel TV Partner for almost 7 years and an avid supporter of TB Joshua’s ministry for over 14 years.

My story is a sad one as I shot myself in the neck 14 years ago after going through months of depression. I was so tired the morning I broke open my moms cupboard to take her gun that I did not even think of my spinal cord when I contemplated shooting myself to escape out of a mental prison because of fear in my work situation.

As you can imagine the results were devastating after I pulled the trigger. I shot myself at point blank range with a .32 calibre revolver and was immediately paralyzed.

I could not remember anything for a month after that. I was in ICU for 6 weeks and in rehab for another 8 months as an in and out patient.

Life was hell as I was quadriplegic injured at C6 level paralyzed from the chest down with limited use of my arms. Since then I have made a study about healing and forgiveness and realized just as God heals and forgives people with aids He can heal and forgive me.

For 14 years I have written to SCOAN to visit the prayer line but have been declined. Approximately 7 years ago I joined as an Emmanuel TV partner and wrote to the man of God Prophet TB Joshua. In June 2007 he phoned me and said he would like to see me when he comes to South Africa again. In December 2007 there was an Emmanuel tv partner dinner at the St. Georges hotel in Pretoria, South Africa and I was treated like an outcast and not a partner as I was in a wheelchair.

I wrote to the man of God and a few days later he phoned me and said not to worry as he would personally invite me to his place of stay the next week through the junior prophets as he was coming to South Africa again.

It did not transpire and I don’t know why and my parents were very upset as they answered my mobile phone each time in the early hours of the morning and were witness to the conversation.

I received anointed water a long time after this but after countless emails no direct response as to why the commitment was not honoured. Only a few automated prayer request responses. I believe TB Joshua is a true man of God but there is a true lack of transparency with the junior disciples as the message or my message is not getting through. I understand it is a massive Church and I am a nobody, so my message might disappear as there are lots of desperate people.

It is another 6 years later and I am disillusioned as 3 years ago I sent a personal letter with another Pastor to the man of God which he received but for which I am still awaiting a reply.

I have been contemplating writing this letter for many years and I have been scared, but I realized as long as I am telling the truth there is nothing to be scared of as my parents are my witness and God heard the conversation.

What do I want? I want answers from SCOAN why I am being ignored? Why was the commitment not honoured? Why do I not qualify for the prayer line if murderers and rapists do?

I feel terrible in writing this but I realized I might end up dying without ever knowing just because I was too scared too ask.

I am open to correction and will publicly apologize where I have made wrong assumptions but I feel I have a right to be heard and answered. My story, history and medical records can be verified by doctors, specialists, family and friends.


Please comment.

God bless

South Africa


Source: Spy Ghana


Source: Spy Ghana


  1. Ur really a fool 4 believing dat u can’t receive healing directly 4rm God. Personally, I believe TB joshua is a scam bt I guess mst of u ‘r blinded. Go personally to christ and receive ur healing and nt wait 4 a man dat may neva ansa u. God’s calling u to return to him. 4get TB my man. God bless

  2. sorry for ur misfortune, i want to advice u to go to God in prayer, it is Only God that heals, TB Joshue dont heal, its God that is passing through him to heal people, the same God can heal u at home if u sincerely seek him. Mind u, u are not the only person dat needed his attention, an he is only a human who can only be at a place at a time. But God is every where and will heal you if u delingently seek him.

  3. Hi ryan the bible made us to understand in 1peter2:24,He bore our sins in His own body on the tree that we been dead to sin should live unto righteousness by whose stripe( JESUS) we were healed,truly if you forsake ur sin and call on Him in faith He will surely touch you and you shall be made WHOLE

  4. SCOAN specializes in handling the cases of those who did not solicit their help while ignoring those who desperately need their help. A case in point is Jim Iyke’s purported deliverance. He escorted a friend whose mother was sick but they ignored the sick woman but attended to Jim.
    Could it be because he is a celeb?
    Would this then be classified as a means of scoring cheap popularity?

    Guy go and become a popular face in the media. May be, just may be, you will get their attention.

  5. TBJ is a true servant of God. you have demonstrated your faith through mail like a woman with the issue of blood and the blind Batimius Tbj I know will invite you aand God will use him to do it again don’t be discourage by the previous writer everybody is entitle to his or her opinion

  6. Am very sorry for you I know you must have been passing through hell, buy I want to tell you something that, what you are looking for is in you but you never know. Even if you meet Tb joshua he can not heal you by his own power but the great healer jesus christ, what am saying, go. To your closet cry to your creator the you will see the resort God that answer by fire will answer you

  7. You may not understand God’s ways, maybe God does not want you to see the so called ‘man of God’ because your healing will not be total. Just believe in God you’ll be healed, satan has not free gift.

  8. From the begining of the story to the end. It just reveals clearly that it’s a “cock & bull” story,the earlier site owners like this stop posting nonsense like this the better for them bcos ur posting it 2 get popularity 2 ur site and on the oda hand destroyin d image of som1 hu has’nt done anytin wrng 2 you only shws ur level of wickedness,lyk prophet t.b joshua wil say,look @ the life. Of those condemning and compare wit his,you will only see God’s glory

  9. Brother, it’s sad to hear your Story….
    . But our God is still Alive. but one thing i would like u to do is that give ur life to Jesus Christ and Confess ur Sin and he will forgive you and i will Complete Heal you because our God Is God of Healer n he will Heal you in Jesus Name. pls dont expect healing frm any Man of God because when u a Child of God u have d Power that d man of God hv. Remain Bless and you are HEAL IN JESUS NAME.

  10. Lady Ryan, All this so called pastors are fraudster and actors. You should stop wasting your energy because nothing good will come out of it… But i assure you if you can convert to islam then consider your problem solve.

  11. Don’t give up n don’t be discouraged .I ve seen worst cases solved in dat church including my father who was permanently cured of Prostrate cancer just by d mention of Jesus christ right there in scoan.don’t b deceived my dear ur own day is coming just like thousands who come every week to scoan seeking d face of God.I beg u in d name of God of Tb joshua Don’t give up as we never gave up until God gave us a permanent smile on our faces.

  12. God bless all who have given objective, Christian comments. Surely the courts of the Pagans will not rule in our favour. some of these platforms are a do-him-down but let me hasten to say TBJ is a prophet of our generation like it or not.

  13. GIVE YOUR LIFE TO JESUS,pray to Jesus and believe him and he will heal you. this is the most important in life. if God will ot heal you through your prayer, he will lead you to any man of God who will be used as instrument of healing for you.