Invisible Girlfriend App will Convince Friends and Family you’ve Finally Found Miss Right



If you’re unlucky in love there is nothing worse than family and friends constantly asking whether you have found Mr or Miss Right yet.


Sound familiar? Then maybe the ‘Invisible Girlfriend’ app is for you.

The app is designed to get those prying eyes out of your business by providing “believable virtual and real world proof” to fool your friends into thinking you actually do have a partner – even though you don’t.

It provides text messages, phone calls, voicemails and even spur of the moment gifts, to make those around you believe you have another half, and take away those awkward questions.

Interested? Well it can all be yours from $9.99 per month for the ‘early days, just talking’ package all the way up to $49.99 for the full-on ‘love of your life, about to get engaged’ version.

“This is the business of helping [clients] tell a lie — we’re thinking of it more as a shield — to have the excuse ready in hand and not have to be uncomfortable,” creator Matt Homann told the Riverfront Times. “It’s lightweight but credible social proof.”

They are working on a new Invisible Boyfriend version and have confirmed that both will be LGBT friendly.