Blogger Claims Using Rubber Thread On Your Hair Is Demonic and May Lead You To Hell

An anonymous reader shared an article below on the evil perils of using rubber to make your hair:


I want you all to know that, you can deceive human but you cannot deceive God. The Lord never makes a mistake when warning us to be contended with whatsoever he has given to us. Then why can’t you leave your natural hair, you have being hearing different warning from different testimonies concerning the use of rubber thread, then why can’t you sit on your own and ask yourself these question;


What if what they are saying concerning rubber tread leading people to hell were true?

What if I appear in the great white judgment throne and the lord said I cannot enter through the gate because the natural hair he gave to me has been defiled with satanic devices? And anything defiled cannot enter (Rev21:27)

What if satan appears and tell you that thread you add to your hair belong to him, (Ezk7:19) so you belong to me?

Many will try to enter through the gate but will not be able to (Luke 13:24) .

There is nothing like low quality attachment or High quality attachment which some born-again Christians believe. The both were made with the same rubber. The same condemnation awaits the users of both. Normal attachment was made from ordinary rubber, and was attached to your hair, so also the rubber thread was also made from rubber and attached to your hair, the same judgment awaits you.

It was only made with rubber, but the demonic covenant attached to its user is, whosoever make use of it, her appearance before God will be like the appearance of Medusa, a woman with snake hair.

Many born-again will end up in hell because of ordinary thread. Be careful, satan still hunt you, he never rests.

(Funmilayo a former Satanist)
(Ubani Kingsley Testimony)
(Linda Testimony)
( The Bible)


Do you agree with the above? Share your views?


  1. These days we shall surely hear so much nonsense. What has your hair got to do with your heart. Rahab was a harlot with all d vices yet God saved her and her household in Jericho cos of her faith and kindness. We turn our culture and tradition to visions from God cos of our over zealous faith. Taboo in a place is tradition in another so how will that be judged. Purify your heart and then your body will be holy. Unholy hypocrites twisting the words of God.

  2. Waoo..ds days we hear alot of stories from d so-called born again. Some will tell U̶̲̥̅̊ D̳̿α̲̅Ŧ they v gone †̥☹ heaven & come back #i laff# coming back †̥☹ do wat on ds sinful world again? Now it’s rubber thread. May God save us from a̶̲̥̅̊ℓℓ ds stories.

  3. many of us take scriptures out of context and misinterprete its meaning. Most of these things are nt scriptural. No mata hu u r if ur so called revelation cant b backed by scriptures I wont accept it. we are in d last dys! b wise. Even d devil potrays as an agent of light. These things r tools of d devil to discourage pple frm d major thin: which is the salvation of a soul. these thins: no earring. no weavon or thread or trousers. they r d minor. lets pls leave d minor n focus on d major!

  4. You better believe and repent from this demonic practice else it will be too late for you in Hell on the last day.
    This was how they mocked and laughed at Noah when he told them and warned them about God’s impending danger of destroying the whole earth with water. They failed to repent and came out with all sorts of human philosophies i.e “how will God be so wicked, God is merciful, He cannot destroy his own hand made etc”
    Have you ever asked yourself? what if on the last day, you discovered all these testimonies are true and are from God, what will you do? beg God to give you a second chance? my friend you will be a joker.

    What will you lose by been your natural self? absolutely nothing…….. so, why are you not contended with the way God made you? or are you telling Him he made a mistake? Stop this evil and demonic practice, remove the strange gods and images in your bodies and God will have mercy on you.

    Act why it is day, today is the day of salvation, tomorrow may be too late.
    To be forewarned is to be forearmed!

  5. Load of primitive lies from hell. What guarantees ur entry to heaven has got nothing to do with what u wear or don’t. While the Bible admonishes on modesty, it doesn’t in anyway prescribe a particular pattern of appearance as a pre-condition for making heaven. And God doesn’t have to send someone frm the dead to for pple to stop sinning. All dis end time so-called holiness blackmailers trying to blackmail d rest of us xtians plus non-xtians into their mode of worship or personal conviction has nothing to do with true christianity & is certainly not from the God I serve.

  6. Woe, woe and woe to u false teachers!!!! Dis rubish is never, never in tandem with what d Bible teaches. We know dat God Almighty cannever contradict Himself! He had already given us a clear and perfect direction on how to get to heaven or hell fire. Even if an Angel from heaven will come and preach another gospel, let him be accursed!!!!!! Linda or any satanic agent trying to bring confusions in d lives of d precious people dat Jesus paid so much to redeemed; are already on their way to hell fire…..stupid pharisees woe to you!!!!!

  7. where would u be when the trumpet shal sound.ple brethen live sentiment out of these attachment,earrings, trousers,make up all these things are truly against the will of God.put repent for thy Kingdom of God is at hand.likewise myself

  8. I wonder where we are going to thisday well how many of these people died and see any of their family in hell, none did rather they man and women of God on hell how many saw tupac or BIG even our own fela in hell no one plsz what has rubber had to do with kingdom of God or even they said people who made mention of medusa, is medusa in the bible even dragon that is mention in the bible we are made to understand that it is ancient beast. My people whose report will you believe, i shall every report of God . Finally using rubber is our culture and you cannot remove culture becz of one religion.thanks

  9. I believe there is more to making heaven than we think. What about those things that are facing us day to day that needs our utmost attention but due our ignorance $ selfishness we fail to notice them. When was the last time u gave a cup of garri or rice to that ur neighbour or the woman on the street who doesn’t have enough to feed on? How honest are we in our places of work $ business? Let’s do our part, the little we can and leave judgement for God who sees all hearts. The Bible makes us to understand that the most righteous man on earth sins 75 times every day. We are all sinners $ none deserves the kingdom of God. But I strongly believe that God in His infinite mercy will not overlook the little good deeds or kindness we show to people around us.

  10. As born again Christians or children of God, we ve been sanctified by the blood of Jesus christ, anything we touch is also santified. All these writers does not know their right in Christ, they re still afraid of the devil and wot he can do and the devil is tormenting them with fear making it as if he owns d world. As a child of God u own d world. The bible says that the earth Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ of the lord and d fulness thereof…
    Fear not all things are urs. Even if the devil like let him come down and manufactured it once it get to u, it becomes pure.there re alot of things including food stuff that I heard Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ been manufacture in another world and bring to us here For consumptions nobody made
    mention of all these.I can use anything I want to use because I knw it belong to me, he dat Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ in me Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ greater than he dat Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ in d world. The devil Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ afraid of me either because am a burning fire. Call these no for more clarification 07038098593. Hold on to d word of God and be not afraid F̅or fear is one of the devil’s greatest weapon.God bless u

  11. Na wa O, when has it become DON’T USE RUBBER AND ENTER HEAVEN think of dis and don’t be deceived dis is devilish, trying to divert you from what u ought to do to be save. Well all those lies are for baby christian. So be wise and read ur bible not d lies

  12. It doesn't matter what u believe,what matter is what God says. U as a child of God must be diff from the world and proverb says buy this truth and sale it not. If u get there and is a sin what will u do?????????? Nancy It doesn't matter what u believe,what matter is what God says. U as a child of God must be diff from the world and proverb says buy this truth and sale it not. If u get there and is a sin what will u do?????????? Nancy

    It doesn’t matter what u belive ,what matter is what God says.the foundation of God standeth sure. On that day if u find out that is what will u do.u better run for ur life cos the time is too short. Give ur life to Christ b4 debating on what to wear for holyspirit will teach u all things

  13. I’m so sick of religion especially in this part of the world. I wonder why doctrines have been placed higher than the word of God! Medusa in the bible my foot! I know in no distant time many other rubbish will also be said like ‘don’t comb your hair leave it tangled’; ‘don’t shave, God gave u the hairs for a purpose’ ‘don’t use perfumed soap’ and all other rubbish! Can we just leave the symptoms and address the ailment -REAL ISSUES? Christians giving and receiving bribes? Pre-marital sex? Malice? Coveteousness? Lust? Hypocrisy? Gossips? Little lies called tactics, diplomacy or smartness? Selfishness? Disobedience? And the likes as in Rev 21:8 ” But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death”. ENOUGH OF HERESIES Please!!!

  14. My concern is that whether it is true of false, the write it was just full of cacophonous warnings without much convincing proofs. The writer ought to improve on his skills in persuasive writing because he is not likly going to win anyone to his side with those fuss!

  15. My concern is that whether it is true or false, it was just full of cacophonous warnings without convincing proofs. The writer ought to improve on his skills in persuasive writing because he is not going to win anyone to his side with this fuss!

  16. The world may change, but the WORD remains the same. The same judgement the men of old received, the same we are all going to receive. God’s standard remains unchanged, or you think God will bend the law because the world has changed now? I searched the Bible, and i could not find the word “modern” in it.

    Let he that have ears…

  17. Upside down Christians! They truly read the bible upside down. Since we are expected as Christians to go about in the true nature that God created us, then why do we still wear cloths? why can’t we go about our live naked? Or do you also want to tell me that God created man with cloths?

  18. Follow Posts and you will see that it’s like some people are no longer scared to go to HELL.
    I know “God’s standard remains the same”, whether 2000 years ago or now, it’s still the same.
    I searched the Bible and i could not find the word “MODERN”. The word of God is as OLD as NEW.
    I won’t be surprised, when people start debating “Is Jesus Christ Really Coming Back Again?”
    why do we have to argue with the word of God? Do we expect God to come down by Himself and tell us, this is not good or this is what is good? Lailai, God won’t do that, He has his Ministers all around us to warn us and bring us back to Him.
    Remember in the day of Noah, the people looked at Noah as a foolish, stupid and probably illiterate. They said “ohh, God can’t be that cruel na, how can he destroyed all what he created; ohh, rain falling from the sky? That has never happened before na, it’s not possible! We all know what happens.
    People of God, when the WORD is coming to you, do not harden your heart, receive it and do the RIGHT THING before it’s too late. God Bless.

  19. Wat r they talkin abt,its it nt same bible that says women shld cover their hair,must u use cotton to mak cloth,cnt rubber b use for cloth. So if u use cloth dats is made with rubber to cover ur hair den u will go to hell. My friends anyfin dat is on a womans head is a cover of d natural fin. 1day they will tell use nt to enta car cos is nt made by God n its nt natural dat we shld use animal or our leg. There shld say wat will benefit our spirit man joor

  20. Am yet to understand why some xtians ascribe so much glory to d devil and kingdom of darkness. Dressing natural is good but hw natural? Whn God created man and woman and put dm in Eden it was in a natural form. When u put on clothes or shoes dn u r no longer natural, are some of d food u eat natural? yet u eat dm to sustain ur life.
    Maybe using rubber condom by married couple is also a sin. My bible tell me dt all power in heaven nd on earth belong to him and everything he created was good. Whn dn did part of his creation become d devil’s property? Serve God out of love not out of fear of devil and his supposed creation, The fearful shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. (Rev. 21:8)

  21. 1 day God will also tell sum1 dat 4 a woman 2 make heaven, she shud not wear cloths!! My questions remains y is it dat dis so cald revelations r only meant 4 women doz it mean dat all men wil make it 2 heaven? Y can’t sit & study d word of God & stop concentratin on So cald visions? D devil can giv visions, familiar spirits can also do d same so lets stop dcivin ourslvs & move closer 2 God. Christ did not die on d cross 4 all dis nonsence stories all ovr d world but 4 redemtion & mercy!!

  22. The writer should pls tell us what to do.we can nt barb our hair as a woman bec, it is d glory of our husband.pls tell us what to do to our hair.But let me tell u this,if nt puting rubber thread is d caterian to heaven,ok,every body should nt put on rubber and lets go to heaven.If u remove rubber thread and u are a funicator,or a theif,u are going no where.

  23. when you hear the voice of the Lord, my brethren do not harden your heart. except your faith superceed that of the pharases, you will not see the kingdom of God.if you truly love Christ, you will listens to His voice. for scriptural backup, read 1 Peter 3:3. if you for Him, you will understand when Wisdom speaks.

  24. God has shown us the perfect way (Jesus) but we dont know Him without the Bible (the word of God). Any one who wants to make it to the kingdom of God must search the scripture, believe the scripture and reject all superstitions and personal revelations that contradicts the word of God. Because most christians are lazy, they accept every thing that garbs in form of prophecy or revelation. This is end time every one seems to have visited hell or heaven so they want us to believe them instead of the Bible. When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead how many messages and revelatio did he (Lazarus) bring from heaven or hell? Becareful lest they draw you out of the true faith. This people major on the minor and minor on the major. The Bible never said you should plait or not plait your hair with or without any tread that is not important.

  25. God’s standard as rightly said by some can never be lowered to suit our standards. The bible urges us not to be ignorant of the wiles(tricks) of the devil. The devil has made so many things look normal and non-effective and the truth is those things are the ones that easily send people to hell. If we are warned about something relating to heaven, instead of disregarding it, I would advice we go through the bible thoroughly and also look for a way of applying it to our lives so that if what we are warned of ends up to be the truth, we would be saved. Ignorance is no defense, and we have all heard. How you apply it is left to you and you can pray for wisdom in how you apply the word of God so you don’t end up in hell. Deut. 22:5; Gen. 35:4; Hosea 2:13. There are many other bible passages, because God’s word will be the standard by which we will all be judged and I pray that we will not be found wanting on the day of judgement in Jesus name. So help us God.

  26. IF it was from wat sis Linda said the person cook up diz write up then I will confess that he or she is deceiving herself…..she does not know where her bible is coz that same bible says that d pride and beauty of every woman is her hair…… church condemns attach and not rubber or wool……….Xo I don’t think it is a sin to use rubber on ur hair

  27. Hahahaha! I cnt laff enuf o! So wat shud we nw do 2 our hair? If ordinary rubber is nw a sin, shud we jst carry our hair lyk dat or b makin all back nd base?! Mtcheeeew! Rubber dat is obviously 4rm one of our natural resources now belongs 2 devil ehn? U myt as wel say hair cream nd comb is 4rm d devil, nonsense!

  28. Salvation ɪs personal, God ɪƨ a spirit aηd dos dt serve him should serve him iη spirit ɑηd in truth.if one dies his spirit leaves d body.our spirit doesn’t wear clothes,earings,weavon, attachement, scafs,shoes,jeans wrist-watch e.t.c.Lets focus on d things dat will cause growth tO our spirit. d way We nuture ɑηd feed our body let us focus on au t̲̣̣̥O̶̲̥̅̊ do dat tO our spirit man God created ɑηd make dis body as a jacket t̲̣̣̥O̶̲̥̅̊ it.Satan ɪƨ trying tO make d xtains focus more on d body rada dan d spirit man.βε̲ careful ladies, don’t allow anyone tO manipulate u.

  29. All of you arguing we don’t believe this testimony will be saying a different thing if you were to be ask this same question on your death bed. I read a lot of, ” I don’t believe”, in these responses but one day you will believe, but too late. God is taking one final step to get humanity back to it’s senses before it’s too late and yet people keep arguing. Did Father Abraham not say that even if one where to rise from the death to warn people, they will not believe?. This terminal generation has just proof Abraham right. some of you will believe too late and that will be in hell. you have a choice not to believe, but the eternal consequences, you have no part in deciding that.

  30. pls. friends read Isaiah 3:16-23, it is better to be foolish in obeying Gods instruction than to be wise in argument and at last you discover it (revelations) has been from God, then you cry fowl. In dis generation you hardly differentiate a believer and a unbeliever thus: an unbeliever wears trousers, a Christian wears same, an unbeliever wears weav-on, attachment, earrings, rings, bids etc., Christians also wear. so how do you differentiate the two?

  31. Here in Nigeria, our hair is very thick. Normally for me when i make my hair with rubber thread and loose it, it becomes soft and easy to comb(i’m talking about virgin hair). On the other hand, weaving makes my hair so tough, because my hair becomes free to the hair. Now, we were asked not to relax our hair, not to cut our hair(it’s the glory…), not to use rubber thread, and I can’t just leave my hair in the open or plait weaving al the time because my hair gets so hard. So, what do we do? Just a question.

  32. When you see a Muslim, definitely you know because of how they appear. Now tell me how will you differentiate a believer from an unbeliever when you see one. Our consecration matters to God the Bible says be ye holy as your heavenly father is holy