Angels Really Exists But They Don’t Have Wings, Says Catholic Church’s Expert On Cherubs

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The Catholic Church says angels really do exist but they don’t fly about with feathered wings.

The Vatican’s resident angelologist, Father Renzo Lavatori says God’s helpers are more like shards of light than the depiction that straddles the tops of Christmas trees.


Father Lavatori says there is renewed interest in angels because of new age religions.

Speaking at a conference on angels in Rome’s Palazzo della Cancelleria, he said: “You do not see angels so much as feel their presence – they are a bit like sunlight that refracts on you through a crystal vase.”

The Catholic heavyweight was debating angels with the Italian Art Foundation, since the modern image of angels owes its origins to Renaissance paintings.

Father Lavatori said angels don’t looks like the usual Christmas image of wings, halo and floaty dress.

He said: “There is space for that, but you have to understand that these are not real representations. Angels do not have wings or look like cherubs.”

He is also an expert on demons and said angels are much needed to counter the devil’s imps.

He said: “There is a lot more interference from diabolical forces. That is why you see queues of people outside the exorcists’ offices in churches,” he said.

“Pope Francis talks more about the devil than about angels and I think rightly so. But it’s still early, he will get round to the angels too.”

Art historian professor Valerios Massimo Manfredi pointed out that angels were originally just God’s messengers and that the word “angelos” meaning messenger was used in this context in Greece more than 3,000 years ago.

Giovanni Tonucci, head of the Loreto Marian sanctuary said the image we have of angels allows artists to be creative.

He said: “Following the cultural history of angels is following the history of humanity, or at least of our civilisation.

“Angels have helped drive religious and philosophical thought and have given birth to sublime forms of poetic and artistic expression.”




  1. The Holy Trinity who inspired the Holy scriptures must have lied then, Renzo Lavatori.The Holy Bible depicted the Angels of God as Cherubs with wings. The Ark of Testament visibly, conspicuously and unambiguously displayed two Angels (Cherubs) with their wings covering the Mercy Seat of God even in the Old Testament Sanctuary Services in the wilderness as clearly seen in the Holy Bible. How come your own or is it the Catholic Church’s angels are different?
    It’s obvious that the Catholic Church is out to introduce one of its dummies and anti-Christs to the world again just like it did in the cases of the Fourth Commandment (Sabbath Day), the First and Second Commandments (graven images) and the case of Power to Forgive sin which the Catholic Church vested on the Reverend Fathers contrary to the Biblical teaching that ONLY JESUS CHRIST CAN FORGIVE SINS.

  2. Please let’s be matured in our reasonings as Christians,i believe Lavatori has a point there,because if you read your Bible well,you will notice that through the Bible where Angels are sent to deliver a message or give a warning,you will notice that the Bible never mention even but one Angel who have wings,except God’s Cherubs,read Judges 6,the story of Gideon,there is an Angel there,read the encounter between Mary mother of Jesus with Angel Gabriel,read the encounter between same Gabriel and Zachariah(John the Baptist’s father),the list can go on and on and never a time was it mention that Angels have wings.They can fly,yea but even our Lord Jesus flew back to heaven and guess what,without wings!!!! GOD bless you all!!! #SELAH

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  4. Thank you Brother David for answering Christpher who is not ready to learn or read his bible very well before commenting on God issues.
    On the issue of power to forgive sin. Mr. Christopher be it known to you that Jesus Christ himself Gave the power to the first Twelve apostle and He said to them Any sin that you forgive they are forgiving in heaven and any one that you that you retain they are retained.
    The priest forgive sins in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
    please read your bible and ask Holy spirit to direct you
    Bye God Bless you As you stop arguing the word of God. But believe God