Man Develops Gut Growth After Drinking From River-Tainted Beer Can (GRAPHIC PHOTO)

Belly Bug from Beer Can

This is not the beer gut this man thought he would get.

Australian fisherman John Macdonald, 60, developed a mysterious condition that has left a large growth on his stomach in May.


According to a report by the Sunshine Coast Daily, Macdonald was sipping on a beer on the Brisbane River when he dropped the can into the water. He retrieved it and continued drinking.

Only a few short hours later, Macdonald told the paper, he became violently ill. A little over a week later, Macdonald said he couldn’t eat or drink. He was rushed to a hospital where numerous surgeries were performed to eradicate the large mass protruding from his stomach.

When he awoke after his third operation, surgeons deemed it a success. However, he was left with an even larger stomach bulge, The Daily Mail reported Monday.

On May 8, Macdonald underwent another surgery to remove the large lump, only to have it return again a short time later. Doctors told the man that he would not be able to have another surgery for another 12 months.

“Clearly the Brisbane River is far more polluted than people think — it was a split second decision on my part — a stupid one – and I have to live with this for the rest of my life,” he said.

Now, Macdonald is hoping to find a doctor who can cure him of his affliction for good, according to Metro News.

“I’m a good bloke and I want to be around for my kids and my little grandchild so if there’s a bloody good doc out there that can help, then give me a holler.”


  1. what doctors and general public do not realise that we are surrounded by fungi ,people who are on fungal diet like beer drinking bread with yeast sugars or anything that fuels candida could result in growing tumors.unfortunately for mr McDonald it was like enriching uranium an you get explosive fast growing tumor,even antibitics are fungal product which may help growing tumors water is full of decaying matter which is haven for fungal infection and end result is cancer.regardles who says what cancer is fungus.for this unfortunate person only way to fight this fast growing fungus is to turn diet to strict non candidal foods and daily dose of garden wormwood tea for two weeks which kills fungus instantly but does not cure anything if we continue fungal diet wormwood also expels heavy metals from body.i use worm wood on daily basis with small glass of white vine as vine does not extract too much of wormwood coz wormwood is highly toxic if abused symptoms of poisoning are headache vertigo diarrhoea just a warning for those who think if a bit is good more is even better im afraid not so.i even clean my body from toxic chemtrails after having night before wormwood and some merlot nex morning I spit out microscopic aluminium fibres what they call nano particles designed for evil purpose.i hope it is not too late for this poor man,and I wish him best of luck