Man Asks Internet To Name his Daughter


A father-to-be has taken to the Internet to ask people to help name his baby.

Stephen McLaughlin started, but said while he trusts the Internet to pick a good name, he and his wife will ultimately make the final decision.


“My daughter shall not be named WackyTaco692,” he said.

McLaughlin’s wife is due to give birth April 2.

In an Ask Me Anything post on the website Reddit, some users expressed surprise at how normal the name suggestions were on the list. However, some first name suggestions included Megatron, Not Zelda, Glagathor and Moonpod.

McLaughlin said his wife is supportive of the idea.

“I think at first she didn’t think I was actually going to do it. But once the domain was registered she knew it was real,” he told people on Reddit. “Hell when I saw that was available I just knew that was the sign that I had to do it.”