6 Compliments that Will Make Your Man Blush

article-2013719810490238942000Say these words to your man and let him blush on

1. You are hilarious

Your man thinks he is an entertainer and would love it if you unarm him with “you have got a great sense of humour” or “you make me laugh like no one can!” Make sure you mean it when you say this because this would make him feel that he is the most humorous person you have ever met. After all, they all know that women prefer men who have a good sense of humour, so this compliment would really boost his confidence.


2. “You are good at….”

Like women, men too need verbal “high-fives” to get their adrenaline rush. Acknowledge mini accomplishments because men love to hear words of praise when they have done a really good job. You can praise him for anything from his professional or cooking skills to the way he drives. For instance, if he plays an instrument, admire him for that or if he is good at some sport then praise him for it!

3. “You look hot”
Men, like you beautiful women, spend a considerable amount of time trying to look their best (and then denying it too!). Despite this, they don’t usually get compliments. So, the best way to acknowledge their efforts is by praising them for their appearance. For instance, compliment him for the new shirt he has bought, or his physique, or probably even his best feature. A vague, half-hearted compliment may seem like a comment, so be extra careful

4. ” I feel….. with you

Let him know how he makes you feel- safe, loved or sexy. Guys love it when their ladies acknowledge how they feel with them around. If you feel cared and loved when you are with him, let him know. And, if he truly gets your right buttons ringing (we are sure, you know what we mean!), then tell him that too!

5. “You are big”

This is specific to married couples because sex is worth waiting for. Your compliments can take a naughty undercurrent, if you like! A lot of guys have an overriding sense of fear related to their manhood; these include performance anxieties and size issues. Let the kitty out of the bag, by complimenting him and showing him some love, and saying ‘how well-endowed’ he is. You will see him flush with happiness within a couple of seconds!

6. “You are the best adviser”

From time to time you must make your man feel that he is an important part of your life. Ask him for advice on matters of significance to you and thank him for it. A simple line as ‘I count on you with my life’ will certainly make him swell with pride.

So, use these secret weapons to boost your man’s confidence. This would definitely make him go ‘red’ with your love and attention!

Source: Bollywoodshaadis.com