I Am A Huge Fan Of Olamide – M.I





MI-Olamide-300x232M.I is without a doubt one of the greatest Nigerian rappers of all time! The Choc City rapper revealed he loves Olamide’s rap style and also appreciates what the indigenous rapper is doing. In a recent interview with Punch M.I spoke at length of his relationship with the rapper.

“I am a huge fan of Olamide; people do not realise how much I appreciate what he is doing right now. He is not alone because there are other indigenous rap artistes like Reminisce and their music is amazing. What they are doing has never been done before apart from that of the late Da Grin. They should be supported. However, I have no problem with Olamide. We see each other and we are friendly towards each other but I will not say that we are close friends. I am happy about his success. He is even on my album and we do not have any form of beef,” M.I said.